Where to complain about the neighbors

Where to complain about the neighbors

Did you have loud neighbors who do not live quietly? If at night they include music or very noisy - you should not put up with it. Moreover, the legislation of the Russian Federation on your side. Let's consider in more detail where to compare the neighbors in various situations.

Perhaps the most common problem for many is noise at night. According to Law of the Russian Federation "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", Observe silence you need from 23.00 to 7.00. Noise level at this time should not exceed 30 decibels. And in the festive and weekends - it is generally strictly prohibited. To begin with, it is recommended to speak peacefully with the neighbors to eliminate the conflict situation. If this does not bring any result - consult a police to testify the fact of violation. In addition, you can independently fix the loud sounds using a voice recorder or other recording device and come to the internal deeds separation. There, the police officer must compile an act of identified violations on the basis of your application. As a rule, its processing is 2-3 days. In the case of confirming the fact of the violation of the "loud" residents, a fine is appointed, and with refusal to pay for sanctions - detention for 15 days. If for some reason your complaint has not been considered, boldly contact the higher authorities (ATS, Court). Contact details of the authorities of your district can be found here.

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The following example of a common conflict with neighbors is smoking on the staircase or in the entrance. This moment is also governed by the above regulatory document, so in systematic violations should be addressed to the police, as it makes harm to your health. Surprisingly, but the maintenance of pets often causes a conflict with neighbors. This is especially true of those moments when proper measures are not fulfilled on their content leading to antisanitarian in the house. In this case, you need to contact the Housing and Operation Commission (HSEK) to consider the complaint. Be persistent - legislation on your side. The main rules and rules for maintaining domestic animals are determined. Housing Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to keep them in attics, balconies, entrances - for such a violation you are entitled to the neighbors, writing a collective application.

Another option of a conflict situation is an unauthorized installation of the door, which blocks the output to the staircase. In this case, it is necessary to apply in several instances in several instances - the fire inspection, the ZHEK or the management company. Insist on your own, because it contradicts repair Standards. To speed up the consideration of the complaint, you can contact the internal affairs bodies.


The most "problem" situation with neighbors - flooding of an apartment. In this case, as a rule, such actions are performed:

  1. Urgently, call the Dispatch service emergency brigade to eliminate floods.
  2. At the end of the work, an act is drawn up in which all damage and loss of flooding are indicated. One copy of such a document should be.
  3. Try to solve the conflict with the neighbors in a peaceful way - invite them to your home, show the effects of flooding and provide an act. If they are ready to pay material damage - conflict resolved. For convenience, such an agreement can be fixed in the notary.
  4. In case of refusal of the neighbors, pay for repair work must be referred to as an independent expert. After the assessment, you are issued a formal document with a list of all damage. The ideal option will be if you have any checks on the property, which suffered from the flooding of the apartment.
  5. And the last step - with all the collected documentation should be addressed to the court. In addition, it will not hurt to acquire an experienced lawyer to accelerate the result of the conflict. All expenses on the proceedings, including legal costs, can be appealed and attributed to material damage.

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"War" with neighbors is a very unpleasant and long process. And in order to defend their rights, it will take great patience and knowledge of laws. Following the rules of the described instruction, the procedure for registration of such a complaint will not be much difficult.

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