How to write a claim - sample

How to write a claim - sample

Unfortunately, with the need to write a claim facing quite often. The number of diverse types of claims is more than two dozen. The most characteristic conflict situations are poorly provided service, product. A complaint is drawn up in writing in arbitrary form. Call and make a claim at least meaningless. To make the claim reached, goals must be written and make it right.

The claim filed in writing is the requirement of a consumer describing on paper the facts of violation of its rights by the service manager (by the employer, seller, performer). You must have documents confirming the fact of purchasing a product or provided services: a contract, checks, receipts, certificates, testimony, photo, price list, some other evidence.

Claim can be prepared on a computer or from hand. On the A4 sheet in the upper corner, write to whom you appeal to the claim. As a rule, this is not one specific person, but an organization (organization, on behalf of which has a poor-quality service, supplier, manufacturer). Be sure to specify the name of the guilty organization, the name of its leader occupied by him. Below write from whom the claim: your personal (surname, initials) and contact details for communication.

Send and write the word "complaint" in the center of the line. In the next paragraph, briefly, clearly state the essence of the problem - what are your rights violated. By whom, under what circumstances it happened, what problems arose as a result of this. Indicate what your requirements are confirmed, what documents are. Make an assessment of damage incurred, attach the calculation (calculation). If you already have an oral appeal on your part, then specify when and to whom you treated.

Next, write how the addressee, in your opinion, is obliged to meet your requirements. For example, write "Based on the foregoing, in full compliance with the article (specify the name of the law, a violated article), I ask ...". Now describe your requirements. As an option: Replacing goods, reducing the cost of the service, troubleshooting, termination of the contract, returning the amount spent, etc. It will not be superfluous to attribute "I ask for a month to give me an answer about the measures taken by you."

After that, list which documents are attached to the claim to confirm the fact of violation of your rights. Write the word "Applications" and make a list of accompanying copies of documents. All original documents should be held for the trial. In conclusion, put the date and signature. Unsigned - anonymous claims do not understand. The claim is compiled in 2 copies. Print both instances or make a photocopy. The copy remains you, the original pass the addressee personally or by mail.

On your copy, the addressee must put: your name, position, signature, incoming registration number. It happens that the guilty refuses to accept your claim. Fuely to two witnesses and when refusing, make an act of refusal to accept your claim. In hand, the document is better to first person - the director or its clerk. By mail, send a claim to a valuable or registered letter. Using the service FSUE Post of Russia It will not be difficult for you to track the delivery time of the letter to the addressee.


The following three options are possible on the complaint: you will be refused to satisfy your requirements, will satisfy completely or partially. If you refuse to refuse a resolution should stand on your claim or set out in a separate document. You will receive an answer within 30 days, starting from the date of receipt of the claim by the addressee. If there is no answer, then write a complaint to the district prosecutor's office, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor or the statement of claim in court.

On our site you can download samples of writing claims:

Remember that it is important to know and defend your consumer rights. Increase your legal literacy, do not be defenseless before lawlessness. Do not let everything in samonek, it will never be resolved by itself. Get justice in solving your problems.

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