Sample Complaints in Labor Inspection

Sample Complaints in Labor Inspection

All employers know what labor legislation is. That's just not all the owners of companies clearly perform the prescribed items Kzota. In this case, it is not lucky to employees of the company. The director understands that few workers will begin to defend their rights due to ignorance of the law. Therefore, the violation of the Labor Code becomes regular. The farther, the greater the salary delay, the working day regimes established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are not met, no payment for extracurricular work hours, etc. Subordinates must respond to violations. This requires send a complaint to the employment inspection. How to write a complaint, read below.

The correct formulation of the complaint (statements) is all that is required to solve your conflict with the employer. To do this, learn those points labor legislationthat breaks off the offender. Make the necessary statements. This action will allow without emotions, unnecessary words to make a complaint. In it, everything should be in essence.

Law of the Russian Federation

The head of the complaint is filled in the upper corner on the right. Write to what labor institution You make an application, specify its address. Below fill out information about yourself: FULL NAME (FULL), READY Address, place of work, position, phone number. Consider: Without phone number, the claim does not accept. Right on our portal download Addresses of labor inspections.

Addresses TR INSP

From the new line, write off the big letter - the complaint. Bully below, specify the text of the claim itself in free form. When writing an application, use the Rules for Business Correspondence:

  • Remember the Russian language, do not make mistakes. Do not worry, the complaint will be considered, will be considered with the errors. Still, it is better to try to write a competent presentation of your problem.
  • The second rule is accuracy, the presentation. Significantly describe the information. Facts should not be unfounded. Do not describe the position of things on the basis of the subjective attitude of a particular person. Do not stretch the text with useless descriptions. Set out the essence in order to be based on it, it was possible to make an adequate assessment of what was happening.
  • Even if you wish to make an appeal anonymously, contacts still have to specify. Only on them specialists will be able to contact you to address the issue with the head.


In the main part of the application, be sure to specify the name of the enterprise where you work or worked. The legal address of it, the passport details of the employer (surname, name, patronymic), if required - an accountant. Write accurate dates for the workplace, dismissal if this fact is present. Below on items, describe your requirements. Put the date of writing complaints, signature. Make a photocopy. If no competent appeal is obtained, contact online instance.

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Send a complaint by mail as a registered letter, save the check. In the presence of free time, go to the nearby Labor Dispute Inspectorate. A specialist who will make a claim is obliged to put a signature. Upon the expiration of the month you will be helped to solve the problem.

Now you can defend the right in case of violation by their company head. If you do not achieve the result, then decide the case in the judicial institution.

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