How to fix an employment record

How to fix an employment record

Even enough experienced employees of the organization working in the personnel department are not insured against possible errors. The incorrect entries in the labor record of the personnel of the present or previous work should be corrected. There are situations when the changes are executed as additions to the previous correct records. Inaccuracies should be fixed before the Pension Fund refuses to recognize your experience.

You found a mistake or inaccuracy in the records of the book, while the employee of the personnel department is obliged to correct it, according to paragraphs 24 and 28 "rules for conducting and storing labor books." Correction is made on the basis of a document obtained from the organization, whose employee made a mistake. This may be, for example: an order for enrollment to work, dismissal or translating, extracting from an official document that mentions these orders.

Pay special attention to the following position: All changes and corrections are performed in accordance with some rules, you can not cross the record in the record book and shock the proofreader, the changes are made up by the following order:

  • Paragraph 1 - Put the sequence number.
  • Paragraph 2 - Make the record date.
  • Item 3 - Write the following: "Record number (Specify the erroneous record number) is invalid." Next, recording without errors.
  • Paragraph 4 - Re-enter the order number with an erroneous record. If the record in the book is correct, and erroneous details of the order are specified, then you duplicate the order record without changing, and write the correct data in 4 item. If an error is assumed in the order number, then fixed, then specify the number here and the date of the order of cancellation.

In the same way, put in the book of fixing all inaccurate or incorrect entries: about awarding, reception, translation, dismissal.

If even from the moment of an inaccurate or erroneous entry into the employment record, a lot of time has passed, it can be corrected. Put the next serial number under the last record in the book, then specify the record number containing incorrect information, make an invalidity record and a new correct record containing a reference to a confirmation of the official document.

If you need to correct the personal data of the employee on the title page of the form (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth) in accordance with the instructions:

  • Crouch previously recorded data by one feature.
  • Record new data here.
  • Specify the appropriate documents confirming the need to change the data on the back of the title page. The record is assigned to print and signature an authorized person. Sometimes a message is added approximately: "Fixed Chernyshov on Chernyshev to believe."

If the error is detected at the initial filling of the title sheet of the book, the damaged blank document is destroyed immediately. Make an act of his write-off, fill out the right new form. At the same time, the owner of the book does not pay him. Later, after the work of records in the employment record in this and subsequent organizations, a detected inaccuracy cannot be corrected in this way.

Remember, in order to avoid different misunderstandings due to errors in the records of the books, the personnel department worker must carefully check each record when receiving an employee or dismissal. Despite the fact that every employee of the organization in the case of his dismissal from work when receiving an employment book puts a signature with an indication of the date under the record of his agreement with the correctness of the records performed in it, all responsibility for filling the book lies on you as an employee of the personnel service.


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