How to dismiss the part-book

How to dismiss the part-book

In Russia, it is legally allowed to work on several vacancies (part-time). People who occupy several posts are called part-books. In the main service person are busy all day, and in secondary - partially. Additional part-time consumers can be somewhat, the main thing is to keep the schedule of labor and recreation (the specialist did not work around the clock). It will be further about how to dismiss the employee who performs several duties.

The head of such employees are beneficial, since the fee of the part-time work is lower than that basic working. But circumstances arise, because of which it is necessary to calculate the subordinate - this is an increase in the amount of work, a reduction, etc.

The owner of the enterprise may have problems if such an employee is calculated until the end of the period labor agreementMore precisely to dismiss before the prescribed date can not be. Therefore, to think over the items of the contract to the head needed in advance: it is still when the subordinate is arranged for production. Do not make an employment act, where it is indicated: to what point the person has the right to be listed in part-time service.

Labor Code - Labor Treaty

Workers who are working on several vacancies are external, internal. External - these are subordinates, the main position of which is located in another company, and internal - in the same company, and the main, and secondary service. Procedure deductions to them from activities Nothing varies.

Termination of employment contract

Based on the Labor Code, partbooks can be fired:

  • By mutual agreement;
  • At wishes;
  • At the initiative of the Guiding Organization.

If an employee leaves the company on two first points, then you will need applications for the name of the director. Then the manager prints the order, makes the mark in the workbook.

Here on the portal you can download:

Dismissal by proposition of the head (Art. 288) It happens in the following order: the employer informs the worker in writing for 14 days before the cessation of its work activity in the company, then the employee signs the act, the manager issues an order.

Right here you will see:

Article 288 RF Labor Code

Distribute labor consent with pregnant and women with a child, age up to 3 years old, children with disabilities, etc. (Art. 261) No leader has the right. Be careful to your employees, do not break the Labor Code.

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