State Reduction Order - Sample

State Reduction Order - Sample

With the reduction of the state to dismiss the employee is not so easy. Personnel has to prepare a whole package of documents, because This is a comprehensive event. The omission of some important stage in it will entail the recognition of the illegal dismissal. The order to reduce the state is the main document in this package.

Reducing the number and reduction of the state - almost different events. When reducing the state, the profession is excluded, the position in the enterprise, and with the reduction of the number of the profession (position) remains, and the number of fulfilling staff becomes less. Maybe the third option - the state and at the same time the number is reduced. The form of an arbitrary or pattern. In it, the manager reports on holding staff events or changes in the staffing schedule. The word "order" is written in the center of the line with capital letters, he is assigned a number. The next line indicates the place and date of the publication of the order. Next, you should write about the reason for the publication of the order.

Order 1.

In the next main part of the order, it is recommended to list the reduced state units, indicating the number, the structural unit to which they relate, and the dates of the order entry into force.

Order 2.

Next is the description of the entire set of measures about personnel, which are supposed to be held at the enterprise. Be sure to specify who is responsible for making a decision - who exactly (name) will be dismissed. Limit Responsible Persons by temporary framework. It is very important how legislation requires, to prepare the following documents: notification of employees about the upcoming dismissal, familiarize them with a painted; If there is a job in organizing a vacancy - to offer a dismissal position; prepare orders for termination of employment contracts; Notify employment services about future dismissal.

Order 3.

The final point of the order is the appointment of the responsible, performing the control of the order (he puts his signature, confirming his awareness). At the end of the order - the signature of the organization's head.

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The entire package of reduction documents is preparing when the scheduled time for the dismissal of regular units has remained at least two months. At the same time, all the released employees need to be informed. Dates of termination of the employment contract and staff reduction coincide. If a regular unit is reduced, an employee cannot fulfill official duties.

After the whole complex of full-time events, the order is written to the execution of the employee. Its basis is the form of the T-8 - an order to terminate the employment contract (the decision of the State Committee for the Russian Federation of January 05.01.04 No. 1). The order form and the rules of its design can be found in reference and legal systems or on our website in the article " Dismissal at your own request - order».

All major details of the T-8 form are filtering: the number and date of the publication of the order, the name of the unit and the post of dismissed, its name, the details of the terminated employment contract. In paragraph "Foundation", indicate that the reason for the dismissal is "reducing the staff of the organization's employees." Enter all the details of documents relating to dismissal in a special column: an order to reduce the state, notification of an employee of an enterprise about him, a written offer to him of the available vacancy (a message about his refusal is attached).

Useful documents:

If the dismissed employee is a member of the trade union, it is necessary to notify its reducing union organization and get its special opinion about it. On the order, a note is made about accounting the opinions of the trade union.

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