Sample state reduction notification

Sample state reduction notification

As an employee of any enterprise or organization located in Russia, you should know your rights in terms of dismissal from work. Dismissal is for many reasons, one of them is to reduce the number of employees (state reducing).

Dismissal on the "State Reduction" provided article 18. Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1). About such an unexpected dismissal of the employee must notify in two months. If this happens later, then the employer can be submitted to the court and win it. On the reduction of states (positions) on which a person works, he must report in writing. The notification is written in two copies, on one of which the employee is painted, and it is stored in the enterprise.

The same article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that it is possible to reduce the employee if an enterprise or organization has no opportunity to provide him with another job on its qualifications. Also, the employee may offer to go to the position below. Such a disadvantageous translation is provided for in Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 3). If the possibility of new work exists, then the vacancies should also be reported in this notice of the reduction of states.

Swing with us - Sample state reduction notification.

Check out the sample - Sample filled state reduction notification.

The employer may not offer an employee a new position if he does not have such a possibility.

An employee who was informed about the dismissal may quit earlier than this provided for him by the notice. In this case, he must write a corresponding statement, and the employer must satisfy it.

In case of early dismissal, the employer pays working additional monetary compensation provided for by Russian legislation.

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