How to close up

How to close up

Complete times have come, and you realized that the business became unprofitable? In this case, it is worth closing your enterprise. This process is long. But if you carefully understand and explore the legal nuances, it will be not difficult. You will need patience, perfection and perseverance ...

So, you have a limited liability company (LLC), and you have adopted an independent decision on its liquidation. Before the start of this procedure, it is necessary to prepare, namely, to process reporting, eliminate all errors and shortcomings, pay off all debt to creditors and tax inspections.

The second important step is to study the legislative base regulating this process. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 61-64) Determines the unified procedure for termination of enterprises. According to GK, liquidation occurs on the basis of the decision of the Special Commission, which includes all the founders of society. It also stipulates her deadlines. Within 3 days, the decision has been submitted by participants to the registration authority.


Before you go to the Tax Inspectorate, deal with the necessary documentation. Collect such a package of documents:

  1. Charter LLC;
  2. Receipt of payment of duty;
  3. Application request to liquidate LLC;
  4. Certificate-notification of the closure of LLC;
  5. Liquidation balance of the enterprise.

With all documents, go to the Inspectorate for writing an application for the liquidation of the enterprise. If the documentation is collected correctly, an employee of the above inspection makes records to the state register of enterprises. From this point on, the closing process of your LLC begins.

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Now you need to work with creditors and counterparties - declare that the company is closed. On portal of Bulletin State Registration A statement about the termination of LLC LLC, as regulated by Art. 63 of the Civil Code. For "Bulletin" such documents are submitted:

  • Application for publishing (2 copies);
  • A document confirming the payment of state duty;
  • Accompanying letter (2 copies);
  • Act decision on the beginning of elimination.

The company is obliged in writing to warn all its creditors about the start of the closure process so that they receive their money before liquidation. The deadline for claims from creditors is 3 months.

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The next step is to design an intermediate liquidation balance (PLB). The decision to compose it is made by the protocol of the meeting of all founders of LLC. PRS includes all the information about the assets of the enterprise, its property, the claims of creditors and the results of their consideration. For its approval in the tax inspection necessary:

  • Approval of the liquidation balance (form 15003);
  • Decision on the statement of PLS;
  • Confirmation of publication in the "Herald";
  • Liquidation balance of the enterprise.

After approval of the PLB, the company fully considers all the requirements of creditors, satisfying them. The process of creating a liquidation balance (LB) begins. He is approved by the minutes of the meeting of all the founders of societies and is issued a decision on the creation of LB.

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The last stage is the closure of all settlement accounts of Ltd. and the destruction of the press (according to the act). All documents are subject to the archive.

So, the main items are fulfilled, and your documents are processed by the tax inspection staff. Now go there for a certificate of termination of a legal entity.

Closing LLC is a laborious process. Many companies use the services of private individuals for the closing of the business. But if you explore the entire legislative framework and follow the prompt instructions, you can do it yourself without any extra spending.

Comments leave a comment
Dmitriy 01.09.2015 at 10:04

If self-closing company, it may come out even longer than its opening.

To answer
Susanna 02/09/2015 at 9:24 am

That's for sure. Well, outsourcing companies as to the registration and liquidation can help.

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