How to change the directors of LLC

How to change the directors of LLC

Such a procedure as a change of director is relevant for many firms. In order to avoid trouble in the form of numerous vessels, it is necessary to do everything according to the rules.

Chef's change either by his independent decision, or when he does not want to leave at all, is obliged to pass in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Charter of the Company. The first thing is announced by the general meeting of founders, where on the agenda 2 topics: the dismissal of the existing leader and the appointment of the receiver. Everything that happens at the same time is made in the protocol on which there are signatures present and printing. If the manager is disagreened with his disposition from office, the protocol will become the main document that confirms the legality of what happened.

The replacement of power is required to be carried out officially, i.e. Register. In order to fulfill the tax authority to register, it is necessary to justify in the form of the following documents: a protocol or decisions, executive documents, statements f. 14001, noted at the notary. In order not to pay fines, the introduction of changes to the incorporate should take no more than 3 days. The constituent documents are not made.

After issuing a tax certificate and excerpt from the State Register of the same date, an order is published on the dismissal of the former and appointment of a new leader. The debt of the old manager is to transfer its powers to a new one with the execution of an act of acceptance and transmission. Documentation and printing is transmitted. The procedure for appointing a new commander to the conclusion of an employment contract and the publication of the appropriate circumstances of the order is ends. The former Bosu is issued a document certifying his work activity - a labor book.

The next step is to inform about the change of the person who heads the company, the bank with whom the company works. For this, 4 documents are presented: an order to join the position of new leader, the decision to change the head and 2 of the document confirming that all innovations are registered in the tax - the certificate itself, as well as extracting from the Unified State Register. After that, the old card in the bank changes to the new one, and the newly appointed leader will have all the authority.

If there is no confidence that the procedure for changing the chef will pass without violations, then you can entrust its registration by a law firm.

As you can see, changing the Directors of LLC is easy, but in violation of existing rules, you can purchase a lot of trouble.


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