How to fill out the form p14001

How to fill out the form p14001

In any company, changes in the person of the new leadership are soon or later. As a rule, for the workforce - it is hope for the best future of the enterprise, and for accounting, a whole problem arises related to the design of the necessary reporting. One of the main documents requiring changes to the above reason is the form in the form of P14001. In the article, let us know in detail how it is filled.

All information on legal entities and private entrepreneurs are kept in the Unified State Register (EGRULLE or JRIP). And any change occurring in the enterprise is mandatory fixed in it for the tax service. To date, the procedure for issuing reporting in the event of a change of the director is significantly simplified. To do this, the tax inspection requires only to provide the completed form of the document P14001. It is easy to arrange it, the main thing is not to miss certain nuances.

As a rule, such a statement is drawn up in the case of:

  • purchase and sale or donation of the company's share;
  • shifts of the head or founder of the firm;
  • exit one of the participants of the enterprise and the distribution of its shares (shares);
  • the emergence of errors in the registry;
  • shift OKVED (all-Russian classification of types of economic activity).

The change procedure is determined chapter 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the State Registration of Legal Entities and Private Entrepreneurs".

6 Chapter

When making a statement in the form of P14001, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The title page is strict according to approved requirements. The first page of the document should contain detailed information about the company. In this part of the form, do not forget to register the Inn and OGRN of a legal entity. Indicate the initials of the new manager and the full name of the company. The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is written completely, without abbreviations.
  2. The second section of the page must contain a mandatory phrase "due to a change in data". In paragraph 2.8, mark the "checkmark" line "Data on persons operating without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity."
  3. The next sheet of document contains the cause of the changes made. If it is caused by changing the leadership, mark the check mark "Laying Powers" opposite the name of the new director. And the string with the data of the previous manager can be marked as "termination of powers".
  4. Fields indicating the place of residence should be spelled out according to the passport data of the new director of the enterprise. Also, do not forget to indicate the contact phone number of the company.
  5. Pages "T" and "T2" contain data on the applicant, which, as a rule, is the newly profit director. The sheet "T3" is not necessary.

The application form P14001 should be written with printed capital letters. When transferring the word to another string, it is necessary to leave one empty cell at the end of the sentence. The document is executed manually or using a computer.

Download right now:

  • Sample application form P14001;
  • P14001 filled application sample;
  • Requirements for the design of the document P14001.


Now you can only print the filled form. Before submitting to the tax service, the application form P14001 must be assured by the notary. At the same time, the personal presence of both managers is mandatory. You can send a document to the tax inspection remotely. To do this, register for the website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation and familiarize yourself with the data transfer conditions. All documentation should be scanned taking into account the requirements of the resource and is certified using an electronic digital signature or notarized. You can enter the necessary changes in the site section. "Applying electronic documents for state registration."

Submission remotely documents

As a rule, the application is considered by the competent service within 5-6 business days. The answer can be obtained by e-mail or personally from the tax inspectorate. It must contain data on the recording of changes made to the state register of legal entities.

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