Personnel Management
  • Career and work
    The productive work of any team is almost impossible without coordinated and conscientious work of all employees.
    16.03.2018 399 0
  • Education
    What is hiding behind the word Charisma? Is this character trait, acquired ability, art studied or genetic predisposition?
    15.02.2018 378 0
  • Career and work
    The number of employees is an important indicator that annually expects an enterprise. In the process of determining the average amount of workers, duplication and re-calculation of the person should be avoided.
    16.04.2017 469 0
  • Accounting
    If an organization or private person is a subject of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to keep records of the time spent.
    04.03.2017 395 0
  • Business
    A regular schedule allows us to issue a structure, a standard composition, a staff number of an organization. It contains a list of all structural units, specialties, posts, professions, qualifications are also indicated, the number of full-time units, the amount of remuneration.
    13.11.2014 2698 0
  • Contracts, blanks
    Simple - this is a forced stop of work caused by the lack of coordination or technical circumstances required to perform work, irresistible force or other reasons.
    08.11.2014 1682 0
