How to change a regular schedule

How to change a regular schedule

A regular schedule allows us to issue a structure, a standard composition, a staff number of an organization. It contains a list of all structural units, specialties, posts, professions, qualifications are also indicated, the number of full-time units, the amount of remuneration. Sometimes there is a need to make certain changes to the schedule.

At the enterprise, there may be regular changes from time to time: a new position is introduced (department), the staff is reduced, the tariff rates, salaries, are renamed posts. Any changes are reflected in a regular schedule. This can be done in such ways:

  • make changes by making an appropriate order (applied if there are minor changes);
  • approve a new schedule with another registration number (next in order).

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If it is necessary to change the current staff schedule, the head of the structural unit writes a service note to the head of the enterprise, which indicates the need to implement changes with their economic rationale. The head of the company publishes an order to make changes to the schedule (it is drawn up on the enterprise form). In one document, all changes are listed. The order of the order is conditionally divided into two parts: a statement, administrative. In the first one, it is advisable to specify the relevant grounds (for example, the improvement of the structure of the enterprise, the reorganization of the company, etc.). The new staffing schedule is activated on the basis of the order of the head.

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If the enterprise has a complex structure of the organization (in different departments there are the same in the title of positions), it is recommended to indicate a position in order to indicate the position, a structural division. All changes are brought to workers, they are also entered into labor books.


Reducing the number of organization is the elimination of individual regular units from the schedule; State reduction is the exclusion of posts. In any case, the reduced employees should be prevented about dismissal in two months, i.e. A new staffing schedule will be able to enter into force on this time. If significant terms are changed (labor payment, name), the notice of employees is also occurring in 2 months. If an employee does not want to work on the specified conditions, the employment contract is terminated.


Here you can download:

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The number of statutory schedule changes is not limited and must be performed as needed. The previous regular schedule after the new introduction should be stored for 3 years in the archive.

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