How to make an order

How to make an order

With the order begins any managerial effect. The order is a kind of administrative document, which is similar to the shooting from the starting gun. It is published in order to solve the management, administrative tasks of the organization or its division. The order is a standard document, therefore it has a clearly regulated structure, the rules for registration according to GOST R 6.30-2003.

Orders may concern the activities of the organization, relationships in the labor team, the procedure for working with documentation, imposition of recovery, promotions. Conditionally, all orders can be divided into two groups: according to business work processes (main activities), personal composition (personnel issues). Depending on the purpose of the order, the responsibility for its publication on different performers is liable.

To compile an order, a special form of establishing an established form is needed. On the form can be used: the emblem of the Russian Federation (federal institution), trademark, emblem. Mandatory details of the order: the organizational and legal form of the Organization, its full name, registration number - the sequence number under which the order is registered in the registration journal, the date of the publication is the Date of Signature by the head.

Order blank - sample You can download.


According to the rules of business correspondence on the sheet of the form, there are fields on the right - 10 mm, top and bottom of 20 mm. If the text of the order takes several sheets, they numesed them. The numbering from the second sheet begins. Rooms put in the center of the top line. The name of the document - "Order" is written in completely capital letters. The text of the order is preceded by a header, he briefly answers the question "What is the order?", Written without quotes.

Order 1.

The next part of the order is the presentation of its foundation. Here the preamble is recorded, that is, the reason that caused the edition of the order, the events, the preceding him. Most often the beginning sounds like this: "In accordance with ...", "for purposes ...", "pursuant ...", "in connection with ...". In this part it is possible to refer to the official document who served as the basis of the order. For example, "In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of 5.05.2014 No. 711" ... The name of the document ". Ends the preamble in the word "order:".


Regulatory part. This part is important concrete - a description of the prescribed actions and the imposition of control on the contractor. If a number of actions are described in the administrative part, then they can be numbered, but it is not necessary. As performers, specific people or enterprise divisions may appear. If execution timing is assigned, then they must be specified. If the order is regular in nature - the deadlines are not defined. You can call responsible for execution of the order in the last paragraph. In conclusion, the signature of the head: the name of the post, signature, the decoding of the signature.

We can download:

The order does not write the words "bring to the attention ...". The order accompanies the mailing list, in it in arbitrary form sets out the essence of the order and lists the persons to be familiar with it. The order is not a secret document for storing in a safe. There are people in the office work of the organization, the responsibility of which is further work with the order after its signing. The mailing list is not prepared if the staff does not object to the need to sign without formalities in the fact that they were familiar with the order.

Mailing list - Download here.


Sometimes applications are made to the orders. Do it in the case when there is a large array of information accompanying the order. It can be: regular schedules, schemes, graphs, positions, instructions. Each application is numbered. The application number is recorded in the upper right corner of the sheet. For example, "Appendix No. 2".


Originals of orders are stored for five years. Orders for employment and dismissal - 75 years. If the organization is liquidated, and the shelf life of documents has not expired, they are transferred to the city archive.

Comments leave a comment
Vladimir Prokofievich 09/25/2018 at 20:17

GOST, which you refer to raise power from July 1, 2018 goal in connection with the publication of the order of Rosstandard from 08.12.2016 No. 2004 (ed. From 25.05.2017), approved by GOST R 7.0.97-2016 "System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "

Elena 03/16/2019 at 15:37

Orders on the main activity relate to documents of a permanent storage period, what five years?! What are you carrying?!


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