With the order begins any managerial effect. The order is a kind of administrative document, which is similar to the shooting from the starting gun. It is published in order to solve the management, administrative tasks of the organization or its division. The order is a standard document, therefore it has a clearly regulated structure, the rules for registration according to GOST R 6.30-2003.
Orders may concern the activities of the organization, relationships in the labor team, the procedure for working with documentation, imposition of recovery, promotions. Conditionally, all orders can be divided into two groups: according to business work processes (main activities), personal composition (personnel issues). Depending on the purpose of the order, the responsibility for its publication on different performers is liable. To compile an order, a special form of establishing an established form is needed. On the form can be used: the emblem of the Russian Federation (federal institution), trademark, emblem. Mandatory details of the order: the organizational and legal form of the Organization, its full name, registration number - the sequence number under which the order is registered in the registration journal, the date of the publication is the Date of Signature by the head.Order blank - sample You can download.
We can download:
- Sample order of the temporary performance of the director
- Sample order about changing the order of approval of any document
- Sample order of cancellation of the order
- An example of an order of inventory
- Order of the Investigation of the Accident
Mailing list - Download here.
Sometimes applications are made to the orders. Do it in the case when there is a large array of information accompanying the order. It can be: regular schedules, schemes, graphs, positions, instructions. Each application is numbered. The application number is recorded in the upper right corner of the sheet. For example, "Appendix No. 2".Originals of orders are stored for five years. Orders for employment and dismissal - 75 years. If the organization is liquidated, and the shelf life of documents has not expired, they are transferred to the city archive.
GOST, which you refer to raise power from July 1, 2018 goal in connection with the publication of the order of Rosstandard from 08.12.2016 No. 2004 (ed. From 25.05.2017), approved by GOST R 7.0.97-2016 "System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "
Orders on the main activity relate to documents of a permanent storage period, what five years?! What are you carrying?!