How to dismiss on probation

How to dismiss on probation

Before starting to work constantly on the post office, the employee must pass a trial period. The duration of the prescribed time is different: from two weeks to six months (depending on the vacancy that the person will occupy). All this is spelled out in Labor Code. Sometimes the need arises to dismiss colleague, without waiting for the end of the test period. What to do under these circumstances - we learn further.

First of all, spend an interview with a person, find out why the employee does not fulfill the work properly. If the subordinate does not give an intelligible explanation, offer the calculation by the consent of the parties or at its own request with the payment of reimbursement for the premature termination of the Agreement.

Codes Article 70.

It did not come out, then continue to give written instructions with limiting the time of execution. After the expiration, let the employee give a report in writing. When the work is not fulfilled, fix the errors of the subordinate.

Examples of such acts see here:

  • Report on the failure of their duties,
  • Report on the passage,
  • Sample report on violation of labor discipline,
  • An order of disciplinary recovery.

Having collected information on labor consent violations, write a notice of non-compliance with the contract. Give the act of a non-executive person three days before the cessation of its activities on your company. The employee must sign a notification.

Sample employee notification for ran away

There are cases when the worker does not want to do this. You need to publish an act of disagreement of person, put a signature. All this action should occur in the presence of several employees, because they are then sampled in the papers. Remember: it is possible to dismiss the subordinate only for prescribed reasons in Labor Code.

Download here:

Article 81 of Labor Code 1

In a personal card and labor, write down, on what basis the employee ceased operations (the employer initiative). To pay money in this case, the company is not required.

The decision of the owner of the company The former test may appeal legally. If the head is not provided with written confirmations on retreats from labor legislation, then the person can be returned to work. The head of the company will pay all the penalties and s / n for the entire period of proceedings with subordinates.

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