How to restore the policy of OSAGO

How to restore the policy of OSAGO

Policy Osago is an important document for the safety of which you need to follow. But, like all important documents, it can be lost, be stolen or spoiled. In such a situation, you should not be upset, you need to take operational measures.

If you need to restore the policy of Osago, travel as soon as possible to the office of the insurance company. Take a passport and certificate of registration of the vehicle. In the office you will be asked to write a statement about the restoration of the policy.

The insurance company for your passport data will find in the database information and give a duplicate policy. The first duplicate is free. All subsequent duplicates will need to pay. Insurance company will take you only the cost of making the policy.


The restoration of the OSAGO policy occurs not only when losing, but also when changing the name. If you changed the surname, for example, when marriage, it is necessary to replace the policy of the CCAMA. It will be necessary with you, in addition to the main documents, seize the certificate of registration of marriage.

Replacing the OSAGO policy is a necessary procedure if you needed another driver to insurance. At the same time, you will be asked to make an additional fee for such a service.

There may be many reasons for which you need a duplicate OSAGO policy. But be attentive to not be included in the price any additional insurance service.

When selling a car, you can safely forget your OSAGO policy in the glove compartment. When you come to terminate the car insurance contract in the insurance company, you will be asked to present the policy of OSAGO. In this case, you will first have to write an application for the loss of the policy, and then only stop its action.

All information on the restoration policy of the OSAGO can be found in the 24 point of the Rules of OSAGO. After examining it in advance, you can quickly begin the procedure for recovering the policy.

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