How to register in public services

How to register in public services

Until recently, in various state institutions there were huge crowds from eager to get or change the passport or rights, record a child in kindergarten or just pay the receipt. Now such a phenomenon can also be found, but in a much smaller scale. The government is trying to bring public services to the level above, creating Internet services and multifunctional centers. This greatly facilitates the entire procedure for their preparation. What is needed in order to register on the public services website?

After you go to the site state services, It is necessary in the upper right corner to press the active button with the inscription "Registration".

Here you will be asked to go through a short preliminary registration by filling out several fields: the name, surname and personal number of the phone, enter all the data only reliably, otherwise you will not use the service in the future.

After you enter the number of your mobile phone, a confirming code will come to it within a few seconds, this is a kind of protection against fraudsters. You must also come up with a password for authorization in the system. You can at this stage and stop, using the minimal set of services, the receipt of which does not require careful verification and confirmation of the person. But in order to feel the maximum benefit and benefit of the service, it is better to complete full registration.

It will be necessary to log in using your phone number and the password you have invented. After that, you will be invited to go through a more complete registration with the filling of data about yourself. Do not worry, all saved information is confidential.

Carefully fill in all the proposed fields, thoroughly checking all the information entered. At this stage of registration, you will need to specify the SNILS number (insurance certificate of the Pension Fund) and all passport details. After that, the site will start automatically checking values, referring to the base of the pension fund, as well as the federal migration service.

Checking can take from a few minutes and up to five days, you can close this window, checking anyway will continue. A message with the scan results will come to the phone you specified. At this stage, the list of services is significantly expanding, but not all services are available. In order to get the maximum service package, you need to confirm your identity.

After successful testing, you can proceed to the final step - a confirmation of the personality. Click on the "Confirm Person" button and select one of three options for how it can be done: getting a code by mail, receiving with a personal circulation or using an electronic signature if you have it. To get the code by mail, specify the address where the letter comes with your personal code. Personally contact the office of the Rostelecom of your city, where you need to go with your passport and SNILS.

After receiving the code, enter it to the site - and all the possibilities of the state service over the Internet will be available to you.

Now you do not have to defend the long queues in the cabinets and spend your nerves on "Caring for flour." In an effort to get some kind of service, for example, get a new passport, you make all the documents online by applying copies of documents, copies and receipts, as well as the photo and signature, and then visit the passport table once already for the finished passport.

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