How to find out the debt on the Inn

How to find out the debt on the Inn

Even a minor duty before the state can "shoot" at any time, not to mention a serious debt, because when it is presented with a departure to rest abroad, certain difficulties will arise. In this instruction, we will look at how to find out the Inn Debt without a personal visit to the FNS - via the Internet.

Right from our resource, go to the official website of the e-government And register. How to register in public services - Article to help.

Check out the services provided by a single portal of public services of the Russian Federation. "Tax debts of individuals" is in the Popular Services section - find and click on an active link-name.

You will be transferred to the information page, where the beta version of the State Service portal will be offered. Click on the Line of the message highlighted by green - the site opens beta.gosuslugi..

If you have successfully entered your personal account, you will be available a small list of updated services, including tax debts - select this item.

Activate item 1 or click the "Get Service" button.

A window will appear to fill the details where the INN number will be prompted to the empty field. If necessary, learn it through the form of filling in personal data of the passport. Push the 12-digit number, activate the "Find Debt" button and wait a bit.

All debt information before the FTS appears on the next page, but not to spend time on its search in the future, use the new functionality of the site - turn on the informer flag.

Tax debt will be highlighted next to the relevant section at the entrance to the Unified Portal of Public Services of the Russian Federation.

Another way to find out the Inn Debt - through the service "Payment of public services"where you will need to activate the Tax Debt Relief tab. Next, in the Tax Search window, enter the evidence number and click "Find".

The information will appear immediately. Please note that the two ways described above helped to find the same debt.

We strongly recommend using only official services in order not to get on the fishing rod of fraudsters who are asked to send an SMS message to obtain information and offer to pay non-existent amounts of debt. Remember it!

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