How to Check Tax Debt

How to Check Tax Debt

Tax burden for individuals is what I want to get rid of it. Fortunately, today you can learn your tax debt over the Internet without visiting the tax. How to do this - this instruction will tell.

First, you can do it through sites state services and FNS.. How to do it - described in detail in this article.

There is another good way - this is the service " Payment of public services" We go to the site and choose "tax debt".


In the window that appears, we enter the number of your INN, you can find it here. Then click the "Find" button.


The system will find all taxes of individuals who are listed for you, including transport tax, personal income tax, property tax.


Next will appear with an arrears list. Each debt is an active button by clicking on it, you can learn the details: what exactly is this debt, by what tax and in which region, also shows the amount of accrued penny for the delay in paying taxes.



After that, at the bottom of the page, click "Pay". Next, the system will offer you to print the receipt and pay it to the bank or choose a payment online.


If you pay online, it is better to save the paid e-receipt on the computer or print it and attach it to your accounts. If you have chosen the payment offline, print the receipt and pay it in any bank.

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