How to find out the arrears of the personal account

How to find out the arrears of the personal account

Lawless citizens try to pay housing housing and communal services on time. But there are unforeseen situations when it could not be done, and now a person wants to urgently find out the amount of debt to pay off the debt. You can find debt on the personal account in several simple ways.

You can personally visit the settlement center and ask to give the receipt in which the amount of debt will be indicated.

All payments for utilities pass through a certain bank, so just go to the site of your bank. In the section "Services to individuals" you will find the option "Payment for utility payments". There, it is possible to see the amount of debt, after entering the number of the personal account.

If you have an old payment receipt, and there is an ATM near the house or work, then you can learn the debt through it. You will need to go to "payment of utilities", enter the number of the personal account and the name of the current month. The entire amount that must be paid on the screen will be displayed. It will include the current payment, and the amount of debt.

If you do not use the Internet and do not make payments through an ATM, then go to the nearest branch of the bank and ask the operator to print your receipt to pay utilities. In the bank you will be given to detailed decoding about how much you should for the previous month, and what is the current one.

If you have a telephone number of the management company, then call the operator and ask him to dictate you the amount of debt.

As you can see, the sum of the arrears on the personal account can be found in any way convenient for you. Pay your duty and sleep calmly.

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