How to find out arrears of taxes of individuals

How to find out arrears of taxes of individuals

In the role of the taxpayer, each resident of the country, which is a resident of the Russian Federation or not by the Resident of the Russian Federation, carrying out any type of economic activity in the territory of the Russian Federation. The rights and obligations on the payment of taxes are enshrined by the official legislation of the Federal Tax Service (FNS).

There are situations where the taxpayer is delayed with the payment of its taxes, then the amount of taxes begin to accrue. In order to clarify how the amount of debt, it is necessary to arm a computer and Internet access. The Tax Service of the Russian Federation for the operational informing of taxpayers about existing taxes in 2009 has created a specialized information site, on the page of which in the online mode can be viewed by existing debt, as well as prepare a receipt for payment.

The personal account of the taxpayer is located at After referring, you can get complete information on how to find out the existing debt. In order to open the "Personal Account of the Taxpayer", you must go to the District Office of the FTS, where you, on the basis of an existing Inn, provide a "registration card". The received card will contain information necessary to enter your personal account.

Once in the "Personal Account", you can view which taxes require immediate payment, as well as from the existing tax registry to form a payment receipt, on the basis of which in any branch of the bank can pay or use online banking. After repaying the debt after some time (on average within a weekly period), information about the payment of the tax will be visible in your office.

Such a service helps not only FTS in the recovery of all types of debts, as well as regular pay for existing taxes, but also simplifies the procedure for paying taxes for the taxpayers themselves, who do not need to idle huge queues in the FTS for information on existing debts.


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