How to pay for property tax

How to pay for property tax

The property tax is paid by citizens of the Russian Federation annually. The amount of tax is calculated by the tax inspectorate. There are several ways to pay for property tax, read more in this material.

The completed receipt for tax payments is sent annually through Russian Post. You must come a registered letter. If the receipt was lost, then it must be filled alone:

  • Details of the tax inspection can be clarified on the website FTS.. Do not forget that the tax is listed at the place of registration of the property. Be careful when indicating OKATO
  • Be sure to specify the CBC in the tax (on the information stand) or on the FNS website. You should not search for the CBK on the Internet, the data may be outdated or erroneous.
  • If you do not remember your INN, use service portal FTS..

You can find out the amount of tax and the availability of debt on the portal For this click on the "Get Service" button. Information is provided within 5 days.

You can pay for the tax via the bank by filling out the hand receipt or on the computer. On our site you can download the form and sample fill (note that the data is shown for the example and may differ from the details of your tax):

Another option - fill the receipt on the website FTS.:

  • Go to your personal account and go to the "Overpayment / Debt" section.
  • Click on the "Pay Debt" button at the bottom of the screen, select "Property Tax" and click on the "Shape Payment Documents" tab.
  • You can print a completed receipt or pay for property tax online by using intermediaries banks.

Payment tax on property with WebMoney.:

  • Click on the Payment tab.
  • Go to "Penalties, Taxes, State Services" section.
  • Click on the "Payment of Taxes" button.
  • Fill the details by following electronic prompts.
  • Specify the amount and confirm the payment.

Owners of Plastic Cards Sberbank can pay taxes in terminals and ATMs:

  • Insert the card and enter the PIN code.
  • Select the section "Payment of traffic police fines and taxes."
  • Specify the payment of the payment and select the Tax Inspectorate.
  • At the top of the receipt, the code is specified, enter it into a special field. If you have a scanner, bring the barcode.
  • Check the information entered and click "Accept".
  • Do not forget the check.

Last method - Internet banking. To pay, fill in the payment order or go to the payment section of the taxes, if provided for by the system. How to fill out a payment order correctly, read in the material "How to fill out the payment".

For non-payment of tax charges a fine of 20 percent of the amount of debt. If you are already accrued to penalties, do not forget about their payment. Please note that in this case another CBC is indicated. The payment is issued by a separate receipt or payment order.

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