How to avoid tax checks

How to avoid tax checks

Tax audits are serious stress for owners of many companies. It is known that the inspection chooses the firms not by chance. If this happens with this or that company, it means that there were weighty arguments. Most often, the company turns to tax consultants when already know about the upcoming test. Small "sins" they will still be able to correct, but something global is unlikely. Reduce the likelihood of tax checks can be reduced by following some points.

It is necessary to work only with proven and conscientious counterparties. Cooperating with "one-day firms", the company questioned its activities, and all contracts that are between organizations, tax considers fictitious. The task of each organization to periodically check their partners and suppliers for certificates of registration and other constituent documents.

In order not to become a tax audit candidate, the entrepreneur should follow the tax collection plan. The organization must meet at least the minimum indicator.

Regular cooperation with experienced audit companies will only improve the position of the company. Professional auditors will be able to control financial and economic activities and, in case of any errors, immediately eliminate them. Even if he gave the check, the specialists will help to get out of conflict situations.

It is necessary to strive to ensure that the company does not carry damages. If this happened and the organization "minus" for several months, it is necessary to provide documents to the Tax Inspectorate confirming the expediency of expenses. In addition, you should write an explanatory note.

It is not worth indicating the declaration too much tax deductions. If all the same, they have already been formed, you can smash them into several reporting periods. It is also necessary to provide an explanatory note in the inspection, which indicates the calculation of the tax base.

If the legal and physical address is often changing - this is alarming inspectors, so the company is better to have a permanent location.

To avoid the visit of the tax inspection, it is not necessary to undertake the amount of taxes. If all accounting is clean - no check is scary.

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