Day release: Statement

Day release: Statement

An urgent need to leave the workplace for the day? The legislation of the Russian Federation provided a holiday option, but subject to compliance with all the rules document. Let's examine in more detail how to make an application for a one-day holiday.

legal aspects

As a rule, the employer is not opposed to such a relaxation, if it is associated with a good cause. For example, such an occasion might be:

  • solemn event (wedding, birth of a child, etc.);
  • death of a relative;
  • other family circumstances.

And the number of days of free holiday can vary from 1 to 65 days a year - depending on the specific situation, as well as employee category. Terms of the rest are fixed in art. 128 of the Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation.


So you've decided to go to a free vacation by one day. It is best to arrange it in advance. To do this, contact the company's human resources department to write statements. In drawing up the document, use the following guidelines:

    1. The "cap" enter the business name and full name of the head. Just below the write his office, department, name and initials.
    2. Title the document "statement."
    3. According to the text of the address, specify your request for a leave. Also, do not forget to write:
      • the date and number of days of rest;
      • the cause and kind of leave (for example, without pay).
    4. Put the date of registration of the application, as well as his signature.
    5. Include copies of documents proving the grounds for the rest (if any).

Important: Make sure that the secretary has registered the document. Such foresight rule out the possibility of accidental loss statements, and your application in time to get to the immediate supervisor. Remember that the document comes into force only after having been endorsed by the employer.

The procedure for documentary support at the enterprise shall finalize the internal order to leave. With this document, the employee must necessarily be familiarized against signature. In addition, in a personal card and report card employee an appropriate entry.

Download now:

  1. An exemplary example of an application for a one-day paid leave;
  2. Approximate sample completing the application on a one-day paid leave;
  3. An exemplary example of an application for a one-day leave without pay;
  4. An exemplary example of a completed application for care free vacation for one day (for family reasons);
  5. An exemplary example of a completed application for leave to care (working pensioners).


A one-day paid leave

This option is possible only for certain categories of workers. According to art. 116 of the Labor Code These include:

  • workers related to harmful or dangerous working conditions;
  • workers with non-standard schedule of performance of job duties;
  • workers in the Far North, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation with the "special" nature of the work.

More detailed conditions for the provision of additional paid leave are described in Chapter 19 of the LC RF.

Typically, the order of registration of such holidays is fixed in the contract of employment or contract. If you plan "was done on" a day like this, you are kindly requested to specify the time with the employer.

example statement

holiday Allowance

The number of days of unpaid holiday plays a role not only in the design of report cards and personal employee cards. They also counted in the time in order to determine the duration of annual leave ( art. 121 of the Labor Code). However, it has no relation to the total length of service, which is required at retirement. Also, free vacation in no way affects the level of the average wage of the worker.

Download on our website:

  1. An exemplary example of filling a personal card in the care worker in a one-day free vacation;
  2. An exemplary example of a personal card employee on Form T2;
  3. An exemplary example of the order granting leave for one day;
  4. Approximate sample processing orders on a one-day free vacation;
  5. Approximate sample processing timesheets with a one-day free vacation;
  6. Approximate sample report card for the account of personal time in the form T13.

Make a vacation for one day completely not difficult. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the Labor Code, as well as take advantage of our articles. Remember that a competent and serious approach to this issue is a guarantee of stable and continuous working activities without random "skills" in the table, as well as unnecessary conflicts with management.

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