How to calculate the additional leave

How to calculate the additional leave

The most anticipated time of the year for any employee is to leave. And, as a rule, all trips and important events we plan it for this period. Therefore it is very important to know the exact number of days for the holiday - both basic and "extraordinary." This article will talk in detail about how to calculate the additional leave.

types of leave

The right of all employees to provide vacation days, regardless of the scope of the company are set out in Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation. As a rule, all the conditions for rest are fixed in the employment contract, especially when it comes to hazardous or heavy industry.

According to the Labor Code vacations can be categorized as follows:

  • basic (annual binding);
  • additional (with payment);
  • without pay.

Since the calculation of the duration of the first type, as a rule, questions arise. According to the law, it is 28 days, except for the "special" jobs hard / harmful nature - here vacation time may be up to 56 days (Art. 114-115 of the LC RF).

Important: annual regular leave can not be replaced by monetary compensation (except in situations with dismissal).

116 mk of complementary leave

Additional rental: theoretical aspects

In addition to basic leave, some categories of workers under the law rely extra days to rest. Determines the list of persons the Labor Code (Article 116) in this order:

  • workers related to harmful and / or dangerous conditions (at least 7 days of additional leave);
  • workers with non-standard schedule performing job duties (at least 3 days of leave);
  • citizens with the "special" nature of the work (length of the holiday is determined individually according to Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers №298 / II-22);
  • workers in the extreme north or equal locality under the terms of work (from 8 to 24 additional days).

In addition to the specified classification, the management of the enterprise can establish additional days of vacation for their employees at its discretion, if this does not contradict the norms of labor legislation. Such conditions are prescribed in a collective agreement.

A complete list of all dangerous, harmful and hard work can be found in Resolution No. 298 / II-22 (with changes and additions) or download on our website here.

List of posts with harmful conditions

Formulas for calculations

It should be noted that the provision of additional leave in connection with one of the above reasons is affected by the experience of the employee. If actually spent time is more than 11 months - the vacation relies in full. Otherwise, the calculation is carried out in proportion to spent days. Moreover, the experience is considered for each working year separately. Unlike the main vacation, it is not taken into account here:

  • work time on light labor (translate by pregnancy);
  • hospital;
  • time staying on pregnancy and childbirth;
  • fulfillment of state / public obligations.

Information: The experience also does not include festive and non-working days - similar to the calculus of annual leave.

To count the duration of additional leave, it is necessary to know the exact number of months actually spent in harmful / hazardous working conditions, as well as the average monthly number of days a year. They can be found using the formulas presented in the figure below.

Picture of formula

The "cherished" number of days of additional leave is determined based on the standard prescribed in the internal documents of the enterprise, including in a collective agreement. The full formula looks like shown in the figure below.

Formula for additional vacation

Let's consider an example. Petrov employee worked in the workshop with the harmful conditions of full 7 months. According to the regulatory acts of the enterprise, the vacation "for harm" is 9 days a year. The duration of additional vacation is calculated as follows: 9/12 * 7 \u003d 5.25. As a result, Petrov's employee relies for "harm" 5 days for rest.

Important: Save your time thanks online calculator - here you can make the necessary calculations in just a few clicks.


The order of granting additional leave

Rules of registration of documents in this case are not particularly different from the standard procedure. In addition, the "rest" can be divided into one or more parts, as well as a regular holiday. In this case the enterprise workflow diagram is as follows:

  1. Information about the planned event in advance shall be made in the schedule of holidays. Senior Management has the right to decide whether there is fixed the exact date or just a month off.
  2. The worker writes an application for leave and it provides for the signature line manager. It is very important to follow the registration document in the personnel department, so that later it randomly does not "get lost".
  3. The authorized employee of the company is on the Order form T-6 or T-6A (when it comes to going on vacation a few people at a time).
  4. Accounting department shall enter the information about the planned event in timesheets.

Download on our website:

  1. An exemplary example of an application for granting additional leave.
  2. An exemplary example of a completed application to grant additional leave.
  3. Approximate sample order to provide additional leave for workers.
  4. Order concerning the extra vacation - fill pattern.
  5. Timesheets on Form T12 - sample.
  6. Time sheet shape T12 - fill sample.
  7. Approximate sample vacation schedule.
  8. Approximate sample filled vacation schedule.
  9. Calculator for selling online.

EXAMPLE-fill-time sheet

Calculate required by law additional leave quite easy. Using the tips of this article, as well as online assistant, you will quickly cope with this task.

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