When go to maternity leave

When go to maternity leave

Nowadays, women are accustomed to work along with men, and sometimes more. A working girl is rather a rule than an exception. However, there are periods in the life of a fair sex representative when it needs special attention and support from society. We are talking about pregnancy. If you are preparing to the maternity miracle, you most likely are interested when they go to maternity leave or, as it is called officially, maternity leave and childbirth.

A maternity leave is divided into two periods: directly the period of pregnancy and childbirth and childcare leave up to three years. Usually a conclusion about when a woman should leave for a while, a doctor gives a guided state of the health of the future mother.

Sheet of disability

Woman waiting for the kid has the right to pay benefits. Working, students consisting of military service receive it according to the place of study or work. If you quit the state of health, to care for a family member or in connection with the need to move to a new place of residence, then you will receive monetary assistance at the last place of work (in the case when the vacation comes within a month from the moment of dismissal). If the firm on which you worked was eliminated, you are an IP or your job suspended due to the need to undergo state registration (lawyers, private notaries, etc.), you can get a guide in the district employment service.

Pregnancy benefit

Those who found out about the happy event and stood out FS. until the 12th week, you need to get a one-time payment in the amount of 515 p. To do this, collect originals and copies of documents:

  • passport;
  • help from honey. institutions;
  • statement of the established sample;
  • certificate from the employment service on registration;
  • an extract from the employment record (certified);
  • help from the office of social protection that they did not produce similar payments.

Additionally, certificates must be provided confirming the cause of your dismissal if it coincides with those listed in paragraph 2 (for example, a certificate of the disability of a relative, if the reason for dismissal is such, etc.).

When we go to maternity leave and for how long, you can find out by reading chapter 41. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The minimum duration of the decree is 140 calendar days, and the maximum - 194. Of these, from 70 to 84 (with multiple pregnancy) days are provided before delivery. The basis for obtaining a manual is a sheet of disability, which can be obtained in women's advice. To learn your payments, multiply your average daily earnings on the number of maternity days. The average daily earnings \u003d the amount of payments for the last 2 years / (730 (calendar days) - days not taken into account when calculating the benefits (for example, hospital)).

Labor Code

Application application form for pregnancy and childbirth You can download on our site.

Sample of the completed application for maternity leave Swing here.

Perhaps you are not interested when they go to maternity leave because you do not work. Take advantage of your right to receive a manual within 12 months, putting on accounting in employment service.

Employment Service

Being on leave to care for a child up to three years, you have the right to receive payments at the expense of the FSS. Until one and a half years, the allowance is 40% of the average salary.

Woman preparing to become a mother, as never needs and social guarantees. Your inner calm during pregnancy and the first years of the life of the baby is the guarantee of his health for all subsequent years. Take care of it - use your right to maternity leave.

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