If you got a job, you can say - lucky. Of course, you cannot immediately think about vacation, the main thing is to master the new profession. But after a few months, especially in the summer, you are already thinking, not it is time for me to relax. It is this question that we will consider further. We learn when you should go to the first paid vacation.
After how many calendar months you have the right to take the first vacation
According to Russian labor Code, Any person after the six-month continuous period of work on the company or in the company has a full foundation for paid first vacation. However, the head and subordinate comes to a general opinion in this matter. Some employers do not risk and provide workers only half of the holidays - 14 days, instead of 28-placed. After all, in the case of the calculation, the employee must return half of the holidays, as he worked at the enterprise only six months, instead of the twelve months of the installed twelve months.
Right here you will see:
Vacation schedules
The newcomer should be ready that he may not be provided with a well-deserved rest after six calendar months. This happens because vacation calendar. Usually, enterprises are in advance such a schedule taking into account the wishes of employees who and when goes to rest. Therefore, do not be discouraged and preferably told the person in advance, writing them when you wish on vacation. Try to solve everything peacefully, without scandals. If you need to take a couple of days to solve personal problems, then make an application for the ration without detention.
How to write a petition, look at our portal:
Blank application-petition for free vacation;
Statement-petition to the free vacation - the completed form.
Preferential categories of persons who have privileges at first vacation
Regardless of the work done, the company's owner is not entitled to make a refusal to provide paid leave in the following individuals:
- minor employees who are not eighteen years old;
- persons of the retirement age having a title - labor veteran;
- workers who have adopted children less than three months;
- women in an interesting position.
Download samples here:
Application application form for maternity leave;
Delivery of holidays
Often there are circumstances when the head due to large volumes of work cannot immediately provide subordinate leave for 28 days. Then you have the right to divide your laid days. Only at least one piece of rest should be fourteen days. The rest share how you want.
Know that if you get sick during your vacation, the rest should increase as many days as indicated in the hospital. When festive days fall for the period of your vacation, they are also plotting to 28 days of legitimate rest. In the Russian Federation, payment for unused vacation is not issued, only in the case of calculation. ( art. 127.). And the main thing is that cash (vacation) accounting should count and issue for three days before the first day of vacation.