How to embroider a picture beads

How to embroider a picture beads

With such a kind of art, like an embroidery with beads, the needlewomen of the whole world knows not the first thousand years, and over the past years there has not been significant changes. The craftsmen passed their knowledge from generation to generation not in vain - after all, today this kind of needlework is more than ever popular. Especially relevant to the embroidery by the beads of paintings of various topics. Such products are incredible beauty, and the creative process itself allows you to develop accuracy, fantasy, patient. To learn this type of creativity is not so difficult, the main thing is a positive attitude.

In this form of art, there are a number of their rules that should be followed in order for the result to be really pleased:

  • beerinki sew exactly, with a slope in one direction;
  • picture Main Element In the middle of the embroidery and select the finish;
  • take beads of one size;
  • the cloth stretch is tight enough to avoid savory;
  • do not save either on the threads, nor on the bead itself;
  • pick the thread of the color of the canvas;
  • on canvas embroidered with rows;
  • thread on one row take measurement to the width of embroidery 4: 1.

To date, a rich assortment of materials necessary for embroidery materials is presented in the specialized departments on needlework, and the sellers will always help you decide on the choice. Order all you can and here. For beginners, ready-made sets will be more suitable, especially providing for the presence of a color scheme and manual. Pick up trying to try here.

Come responsible for the choice of materials for the future picture, since it directly depends on its quality and durability. The main component of your embroidery is beads, its selection is paying close attention. For beginners, it is quite problematic to understand the presented assortment, because it happens from plastic, metal, glass and bones, brilliant, matte and transparent, as well as grated. Even the color is made not only outside, but also from the inside. According to experts, the highest quality is the Japanese and Czech beads, but it is better to refrain from the acquisition of Chinese, since paint is often crept on, and marriage comes across a lot. The need to take the same beads is explained simply - in this case, the drawing will not be bored, the details will not push each other, will lie smoothly. For ease of use, place them in containers. Also purchase special beaded needles, the most common numbers are 10 and 12, there are long and short, and the main requirement for them is the ease of entry directly into the bead holes.


Thread take thin, but durable. Common, synthetic, muuline, Lena Lavsan are usually used. For example, SPARK Beads firms, Gamma. To avoid twisting and confusing, rub the thread wax. Or buy a transparent mononight as the option - Korn. CANVE Pick the dense, not melting, the fibers of which do not sprawl strongly. For the first picture, it is better to take the drawing with the already applied to it. Before starting work, be sure to secure it with the help of a hoop or a special machine (chairlive). The design of the drawing pattern beaded resembles an embroidery of a cross, with the only difference that the main method is "half-circuit", but the canvas cell also corresponds to each beerink. Work space Prepare well lit.


Before work, make a normal strong knot on the string, as it should withstand the weight of beads, or fasten it a pair of stitches. When her length will end, hide it, stretching under the stitches already made from the wrong side of the canvas. Start your embroidery from the top left cell of the pattern, that is, from the corner. You can choose how it will be more convenient for you to act further - to embroider with horizontal or vertical rows, is easier the first option. You should now fix beads with a diagonal stitch, from the right bottom hole cell to the left top. To do this, after fixing the thread, output it on the front side of the web, drive the necessary beerin on the needle and move it to the canvas, grind into the hole. Continue to do so to the end of the row, and the next execute is similar, only in the opposite direction. If you do right, you will see vertical stitches from the inside. The rounded elements of the pattern are arched seam. To do this, on the threads are put on three or four beads and fasten on the canvas, having spent a thread with a needle through the last of Bisper. Then type a few more things and attach again to the fabric.


The embroidery you created will only arise in the frame, better under the glass, you can do it as yourself, and contacting the barnage workshop.

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