How holidays are calculated in 2017

How holidays are calculated in 2017

There are no such employees who would not be expelled by deserved holidays. As soon as the employee is time to go on vacation, it is supposed to pay compensation in the form of a certain sum of money, which is called holidays. Payment is paid for all days during which the working responsibilities of a person were not fulfilled.

How is the Calculation of Vacations in 2017

  • The accrual and payment of this money is made on the basis of the necessary documentation and decisions of the employer.
  • To calculate the release, use the formula that allows calculating the amount of compensation. It affects the size of the salary, which is calculated for 1 day on average, to the total number of days spent by man for 1 calendar month. Considered when calculating are also all surcharges, premiums, premiums and other additions to the main part of wages. Only hospital, maternity, and all such payments are not taken into account, because the employee did not work for a certain time for one reason or another.
  • It should be noted that from the money to which the worker expects to leave on vacation is definitely deducted.
  • The payment of vacation funds is carried out by the employer for 3 days before the employee goes to a well-deserved rest. Therefore, employers must calculate the amount of vacation pay in advance.
  • For calculation, it is important to take into account the average earnings of a person for the year.
  • To correctly calculate the amount of vacation pay, you need to share all earnings for 12 months and the number received by the number of business days of the month.
  • Values \u200b\u200bcan be different if a person goes on vacation after only 6 months. In this case, the coefficient must be equated by the number of months that have been worked out.

If the premium for holidays in 2017 is taken into account

If, by the results of at least 1 month, the employee received a prize more than once, then only one amount of encouragement is selected for the calculation of the vacation taxable by the employer, which was more common. Annual premiums also become part of the calculations. If the monetary remuneration is issued after the completion of the leave, then the calculation of the salary per day is on average, and the difference of the amount of the employee is paid additionally.

How to calculate vacations when dismissal in 2017

The calculation of compensation in the case of dismissal begins from the day of vacation, which was the last, and ends with the day of dismissal. Money pays for the number of recent months of work.

Calculation of holidays in 2017, if increased salary

If a person has increased salary before leaving, then another coefficient uses for vacation calculations. It is calculated by dividing the new salary to the old one, then multiplying the result on the average wage of this employee.

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