How paid a maternity leave

How paid a maternity leave

According to article 255 FZ,  sum decreh accruals calculated from amount middle salary per last 2 of the year. Decreh payments help ease expenses on the content newbornSocial status women strongly influences on the the size payout from social foundation.

Decreh accrual providing one-time:

  • Unemployed women, fakey under reduction.
  • Pregnant women, receiving technical, S.redna special or higher education .
  • Officially employed  women.
  • Pregnant women, welfare business on the honey name.

How paid a maternity leave - size
decreh manual v 2017 year

Pregnant employee provided vacation on the definite term before and after rodov. He paid state. Term vacation varied v addiction from quantity born children and presence complications in time or after rodov:

  • Birth 1 child. Woman  provided 70 days vacation before rodov and after. On the happening complications provided additional 86 days decreh vacation.
  • Birth 2 and more children. Woman putted 86 days decree before birth child and 110 days after.

Payment vacation calculated from amount middle salary per last pair years. For unemployed mom. provided pay v size 571.73 r. once v month.

V 2017 year not happened nic amendments concerning sizes payout. Maximum pay compiled 215 thousand. rbut if the size middle salary pregnant less installed borders with common trade more half a year the size payments will be 6.204 r.

The size manual per 140 days vacation fully depends from wage fees young mom. per last 2 of the year. If same firm, v  which she worked, was liquidated or female palaled under reduction, R.azmer payoutwill be 504, 67 r.

After birth child female gets pay v size 15382 r.,  straightaway same after rodov.

How paid a maternity leave for timing

Per decreh vacation young mom. will passed:

  • 140 days vacation248164 r.
  • 156 days vacation276526 r.
  • 184 day vacation343526 r.

V case when female per last 2 of the year changed several once places work, sum her wage fees will summage. A if she working not on the one, a on the several enterprises sum payments will calculate only v one organizations. Choice between most work does young mother.

By oRDER some, the size manual could would be and more, but this help really helps v first time contain child and stay on the floor.

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