How to pay for processing on the Labor Code

How to pay for processing on the Labor Code

Almost all citizens are familiar with such a concept as recycling. Working over the employer installed by the employer, or more prescribed by the law of the number of hours, should not pass without a trace, as if it should be. This article examines in detail what is considered to be processed and how much the employer should pay for it, as well as references to the relevant laws in the Labor Code.

What exactly is considered to be processed

There is a legally established norm for the average workable person, and it is forty-hours a week, in other words, 160 hours per month. Reference to this rule is Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It turns out, having two weekends a week, you must work for eight hours a day, without considering the hour of the mandatory break. If the employer obliges you to work in excess of the established norm described above, this time carried out in the workplace will be refiring.

When you were left for additional work, try to find out right away, whether compensation would be for them, as the law says. Do not be lazy to re-read your employment contract, it is often that there is a reason why you do not compensate for your recycled clock.

If you have not found this item in your employment contract, then how you should compensate for unnecessary time at work, read in the next paragraph.

How to pay for processing on the Labor Code

The answer to the question will be Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: overtime work should not exceed four hours within two days in a row or 120 hours per year. The employer is obliged to provide accurate accounting for the duration of overtime for each employee.

In addition, the same article states that the first two hours of recycling are paid at a rate of one-time size, and the next - in double.

For workers with a replacement schedule, everything is a little different. If your mode of operation is exactly this, then pay attention to Article 111 of the Labor Code. This article regulates the concept of interchangeable graphics, the processing in this case is only the day that was not initially in your graphics and is paid from at least the double size of your conventional wage.

In addition to the above items, remember that the work overtime is permissible only with the written consent of the employee, that is, you.

Separate attention is required by people working on a piece system. If you produce products during overtime, then fifty percent of the usual bet in the first hour should be added to it, and one hundred percent in all subsequent hours of operation.

Of course, every time you are asked to remain for processing, do not be afraid to look in the employment contract with the employer and re-read the item on overtime clock, if there is such. Any employer undertakes to pay you this watch on special tariffs prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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