How to get unemployment benefits

How to get unemployment benefits

It is not easy to obtain unemployment benefits, since the main task of the employment center is the speedy employment of unemployed citizens, and not the payment of benefits. Monetary assistance is accrued only as support at some stages of work search. In order to receive this support, a person will have to remember many duties to the CPO and do not forget to fulfill them, otherwise the benefits will cease to be accrued.

Who can register in the TPZ

All citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have work at the moment or did not have it at all, do not study in full -time training and are not individual entrepreneurs, and can be registered.
Also, the citizen should be sixteen years old at the time of registration. After that, you must conscientiously fulfill all the obligations of the employment center, and then you will be accrued by unemployment benefits if the center does not find a suitable job for you.

What documents are needed to obtain unemployment benefits

To register, you need to bring the following documents to the employment center:

  • identity document,
  • his testimony of TIN,
  • pension certificate,
  • if you were employed early, then you need to bring the work book,
  • education documents,
  • if a person came to the Central Committee for Reducing at work, then you need to provide a certificate of income from the previous place of work.

You can easily get a certificate from the last place of work on medium income by contacting the accounting department. Within three working days, the employer is obliged to fill it out and return it. The certificate form is issued at the employment center. It prohibits any corrections and inaccuracies, all responsibility lies with the chief accountant and leader.

The authenticity of all documents submitted to the employment center is checked. The Central Committee sends requests to educational institutions, companies and tax inspections.

How to get unemployment benefits - obligations to the center

As soon as you are registered in the employment center, during the first ten days you will be offered:

  • a few vacancies for a job for a job,
  • if there are no vacancies, then participation in public work,
  • if you do not have an education and you have not worked anywhere, then professional training in the proposed specialties.

If during these ten days work, vacancies, as well as training, then on the eleventh day you will officially receive unemployment benefits.


  • if you abandoned two places of work from the Central Committee for Education, which are suitable for your education, are allowed for health reasons, are paid not lower than the subsistence minimum, or not lower than your previous place of work, are located in the transport availability zone - the allowance will be denied;
  • in case of abandoning two vacancies or learning a person without education and not working early, monetary support is also canceled;
  • failure to appear at the employment center at the appointed time or ten -day period from the date of registration is fraught with refusal to the allowance;
  • the submission of false document is punishable from accounting.

A month later, you can try to submit documents for the exchange again.

A special category of citizens are persons abbreviated from the previous place of work or lost their jobs due to the closure of the enterprise. Such categories of citizens receive their average salary from the previous place of work within two months from registration at the employment center. If a person does not find a new job in two months, then the employment center recounts his allowance and transfers to new conditions for payment of monetary support.

If you received a benefit, it is important to remember all the criteria by which you will continue to accrue support:

  • come to re -registration in time, as soon as a specialist from the Central Committee calls you;
  • come for an interview within three days after sending from the employment center;
  • having stood on accounting for more than three months, you are obliged to go to public work or training;
  • if you are offered two suitable vacancies, choose at least one of them.

As you can see, unemployment benefits are only a measure of human support at the stage of searching for work. Sooner or later, the employment center will certainly find the right vacancy for you, and the need for benefits will disappear.

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