How to get up on the labor exchange

How to get up on the labor exchange

To provide social assistance to a person who has lost work, there are special institutions, namely employment centers (labor exchange). There is nothing shameful in that unemployed will contact the specialists of the center, so that they assign the status of the unemployed. Here you will be helped not only in finding a new lesson, but will make suggestions to raise the qualifications, and the training passes completely free. Do not everyone know how to become registered in the CH. Let's try to fill such a space.

If you have been reduced, you need to become on the stock exchange for 14 days, otherwise you can lose the last of the three boards that a former employer should have you. This third payment is charged only for the provision of a document with employment Center.

Labor exchange

In order for the unemployed Employees of the Exchange to send there and here, for some kind of document or help, immediately need to collect the packet of papers:

  • Passport, its photocopies;
  • Certificate of medium s / n;
  • Labor book;
  • INN;
  • SNILS;
  • Diploma or Education Certificate.

Download here:

Help about your average salary is better to order immediately when calculating from the workplace, as it goes a little time on its writing, together with labor and this act. Do not forget to check where your SNILS, it happens that he is at a specialist personnel department, not at home.

Look right here, as it looks like:

When all the necessary documentation in the hands can be visited by the Czzn closest to your address. Here There is evidence about Moscow labor exchanges. Wishing to get to the reception to a specialist a lot, so it is necessary to go in the morning to survive the turn and get a twin. Only after this procedure you will take the reception to the employee of the center.

Employment center

In the office of the specialist will issue a request form in which you will approve your data by blue or black ampool without blots and corrections. An employee of the CZN will tell you, in which bank it is better to make you a map, for future cash assistance charges. The amount of payments cannot be higher than 4900 rubles. and below - 850 rubles. See in detail here.

We can download on the portal:

The size of the manual for the labor exchange in the population

Despite the fact that the Customers of the Exchange mainly find work to themselves themselves, it becomeseworthy, it makes sense, because the unemployed allowance is allowed. Still CZN gives you the opportunity to open your business, the future IP is provided help In the amount of 58,800 rubles.

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