How to apply for marriage

How to apply for marriage

The proposal is done, the ring is presented, the engagement took place and the time of wedding hassle occurred. The first thing to be done is to apply for marriage.

By law, submit an application to the registry office can be maximum for 2 months and at least 1 month before the day of the wedding ceremony. The application may take less than a month in serious circumstances, such as: the late term of pregnancy, the urgent long-term business trip of one of the spouses, etc.

If you want to borrow the date you are interested in, you can leave a request via the Internet. But this application does not guarantee that the date will be yours, and is not a statement. You still have to come and write it in 2 months. Although the state is trying to introduce a system of electronic services, not all registry office take these innovations.

If you decide to apply over the Internet, remember, it is accepted 3 months before the dates you need. You can leave the application on the public services website by selecting your region. Be sure to print the application. Time and date of application in the application you indicate yourself. But remember if you cannot attend the selected time, the application is canceled.

You can apply for marriage in any city of the Russian Federation, regardless of registration. The registry office is not entitled to refuse you if you arrived from another region.

In order to submit a statement, the presence and bridegroom, and the bride. If for some reason one will not be able to submit an application to the registry office, then you can make an application with a notary. The specialist will assure the statement, makes all the passport details of one of the future spouses, will legalize his signature. The cost of such a statement is an average of 500 rubles.

Before you go to the registry office, find out the date and time of acceptance of marriage applications. Pay attention that in the registry office there are sanitary days.

To submit the application, you will need the following documents: Passports, receipt of payment of state duty, divorce certificate (if someone earlier was married), permission for marriage (for minors). You can pay the state duty in Sberbank at the checkout or in the device.

After submitting an application to the registry office, you will receive an invitation to the ceremony of your marriage, where the date and time will be specified. The most important step is made, you can now send invitations, book a restaurant and enjoy this wonderful period in your life.


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