How to find a participant in the world by last name

How to find a participant in the world by last name

Data on participants in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War now you can find thanks to the development of information technologies. Let's find out, with what Internet resources you can find a participant in the world by the name.

How to find a participant in the world by name - where to start

Before the search for the participant of the Second World War, collect about it as much details and informative data. This will help you relatives, old documents, photos, front-line letters. When all the necessary and existing information is collected, go to sites (by the way, all the databases of such sites are constantly updated), where materials are stored on existing participants in the Second World War.

How to find a participant in the world by name through the site feat of the people

The Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation has created a unique specializing in the provision of maximum information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War, the site - "Feat people". Here you will find all sorts of archival documents related to the military actions of that period. The resource menu is equipped with a user-friendly interface, with which you can easily find answers to exciting questions.

How to find a participant in the world by name via the site winners

Another one of a kind, a bank of information regarding the military of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. - "Winners". The web resource is filled with information about participants and veterans of Russia and abroad. All site data are collected due to the initiative of citizens, companies, the presidential administration and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Find a participant in the world by name through television

After resorting to the help of employees of a unique international project, not having analogues around the world - "Wait for me" - you will get the most information about the search member of the Second World War. Data on the dead and missing participants in the war are wanted internationally. Go to website program (or send a letter with the request), fill out the questionnaire and expect positive results.

Other search features

Also find data on the missing military, find important documents perhaps on such powerful portals as "Memorial", "Russian search movement", "Memory of the people".

Try contacting memory books ( "Soldier"), electronic libraries ( RKKKA, Old newspapers) and combat archives ( Federal Archival Agency of Russia, Central Archive of Russia, State Archive of Russia's history, Rosarhiv and RGAVMF), which contain materials about hostilities and many people killed in wartime.

In addition to special Internet resources, finding and getting archival information about the front-line teams will help you to help younger organizations, military-patriotic clubs, historical institutions, special television and radio programs. Try to contact them as well.

Comments leave a comment

Amanzhol Isametov 03/15/2017 at 10:25

Looking for Isamets Ospan 1910 year of birth. It was called on 1941 or 1942 to the Uzbek SSR Tashkent Region of the Academy of Sciences, he lived there before calling the army. Help me find. Thank you in advance.

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Gudkov Vladimir Ivanovich 03/30/2017 at 11:36.

Looking for front data of Father Gudkov Ivan Vasilyevich Presumably the 1912 year of birth to the front left at the very beginning of the war fought presumably in artillery returned in 1945. Last address: Tatzhik SSR.G Kurgan-Tube

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Galina Leonidovna Okladnikova 1938 R. 03/31/12 at 13:15

I dream will get acquainted with children or my father's father Okladnikova Leonid Mikhailovich 1919gr S. Bed Kansk Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Red Banner of the Red Banner 18.09.45, st.

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Zhiltsova Tamara Vladimirovna 03/31/12 at 13:35

I am looking for my uncle, Dubas Georgy Maksimovich, without missing under Rzhevov 1943g. Polituk. 1920g.Rog

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Zhiltsova Tamara Vladimirovna 01/04/2017 at 20:44.

I am looking for a grandfather on the Mamina line Abramushkin Vasily Nikolayevich, 1923.r. Or his relatives, a native village of Kuvakino, Alakira district.

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Helena 02/04/2017 at 10:12

I am looking for my great-grandfather Juykova Nikolai P. Place of birth of the Niphipurinsky district, is listed in the memory book on the settlement

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Suslin Igor 04/04/2017 at 11:53.

I am looking for Grandfather Suslin Efim Anisimovich 1922. Called with pos. Oktyabrsky Kamensky district of the Sverdlovsk region.

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Suslin Igor 04/04/2017 at 20:44.

I am looking for a grandfather Nekrasov Lavra Konstantinovich approximately 1900 g birth of the Kostroma province from where and called

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Suslin Igor 04/04/2017 at 23:10

I am looking for data on your father Golovkin Nikolai Timofeevich 1906 Milflot's military formation Biography Linkor Marat Marat Konvoy from the Baltic States in Sevastopol on the website of the Immortal Regiment More No data I do not have Golkovin Vyacheslav Son My Mail

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Victor 08/04/2017 at 8:06.

I am looking for a grandfather on the sites feat people. On other sites. Around one advertisement anything else. How our thick waves live anywhere there are no answers. Ukraine, Syria and how the stars live there. I generally see how they live

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Victor 09/04/2017 at 14:51

I am looking for some kind of information about my uncle on the Mamina line of Matkovskaya Ivan Mikhailovic. It was in March 1919, went to the war from the first days, in the city of Buzuluk Orengburt region passed the tutorial and became a tanker. All the tank battles passed, 4 times burned and was contused more than once. She got to Berlin and was heavily injured. There is no information about his exploits and awards, children and grandchildren do not know anything about him. There are nothing on the sites, where and where you can contact someone will tell my email address;

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Victor 10/04/2017 at 8:28

I am looking for a grandfather of Fedor Petrovich born in 1905. He is from Udmurtia, Karakulinsky district, D. Vyrgynda. According to an eyewitness-countryman who returned after the war, his grandfather died during the assault ... across the river Narva.
In the memory book found that buried in Narofominsk. Something does not converge. I really want to find the place of around my email. address.

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Victor 11/04/2017 at 10:11

I am looking for Grandfather Saigina Dmitry Ivanovich 1911 born. He is from Mordovia, Kadoshkinsky district, s.piovo. I would really like to know where he died where he was buried. It is listed as missing. Called to the Soviet Army 15.05.1941. Please help find data about it. My e-mail address:

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Victor 11/04/2017 at 13:47

Seeking who was familiar to my grandfather: Savanov Plekkali - 1910 (approximately), participant in the Second World War. Mom did not know anything, except for "missing". Called from Kalmykia or Astrakhan region. Very I want to have relatives who remember my grandfather and tell about him.

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Victor 11/04/2017 at 20:02.

I am looking for information about Pope Shamkin Vladimir Gavrilovic1927g Birth. Invited in the Russian-Japanese war in 1945

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    Victor 11/04/2017 at 20:04

    Called in Khaibullinsky district. Bashkiria. The village of Novo-Petrovka

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    ilya 01/17/2018 at 11:39.

    I am looking for the burial site of the grandfather of the barbecue Ilya Alekseevich 1902 year of birth, called upon by the Testovsky RVC in 1941, the North Kazakhstan region, disappeared to autumn 1942.

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    Hope 12/12/2018 at 16:27

    I am looking for information about the passage of hostilities in my uncle Abramov, Petr Trofimovichdata Birth / Age __.__. 1925Dates and place call __. 03.1943 Major-Kandali RVK, Ulyanovsk region, Major-Kandalinsky Rhinestrine service P / p 13276 The disposal disappeared without permitting the disposal __. 07.1944 Source of the source of the report of the Camonomer of the Information Source Foundation 58 Inventory Equipment of the Information Source 977520 INFORMATION OF INFORMATION OF INFORMATION 401. This information I found this information in the "Memorial" data bank - a data bank on the defenders of the Fatherland died, dead and missing Without in the period of the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period ". Document, clarifying the loser 60640665 The reporting room 32673Type of the reporting of the post-war period donation of the report on 17.05.1947 Nutrition of the source of information The low-challenge RVC of the Ulyanovsk region. List of 126 people. But there is not indicated place from where he disappeared where he fought ...

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Zinaida Blazhevich 13/04/2017 at 22:38

looking for at least some information about my grandfather. Blazhevich Vladimir Vasilyevich

Year of birth: __.__. 1909

place of birth: It is not known, the Belarusian SSR lived, Vitebsk region, Tolochinsky district, D. Zharsevashchina

Remark document: 75

date of award document: 04/06/1985

Record number: 1518065474

Order of Patriotic War II degree

that's all I managed to find.

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vladimir 14/04/2017 at 9:21

looking for Uncle Vlasova Alexey Semenovich Born in Kusa Chelyabinsk Region Participant Battle Kursk Arc

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Tatiana 04/17/2017 at 11:40

looking for daughter Bastric Vasily Romanovich, Rita, born in 1940, living during the war with Mother Polina in Tomsk. My uncle was missing in 1941. I suppose. under Moscow. Perhaps someone has at least some information about these people.

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Anna 18/04/2017 at 13:33

I am looking for a grandfather Lineseva Joseph Ivanovich, a native of the Chita region of the Krasnochik district. I was called at the very beginning of the war and soon got a hard wound and in the fall or in the winter of 1941 died.

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Natalia 19/04/2017 at 14:53

I am looking for where my grandfather Symin Nikolai Vasilyevich fought 1910, born in the Vladimir region, the Shansky district, the village of Yermonino, from there went to war. In 1944, he was injured and wounded.

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Natalia 19/04/2017 at 20:58

I am looking for information about Prapradeda: Kasyanov Archipa Maximovic, born in 1904-05, sergeant, fought on a Kursk arc, buried in Poland in a fraternal grave.
I am looking for information about the great-grandfather: Nasoya Yakov Semenovich, 1924 born, fought from 44-45, Zenitichik.

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Ashot. 20/04/2017 at 20:46.

Help please find information about my grandfather, Zakharov Grigory Abramovich, born in 1907, presumably urged from the first days of war from the Dashkeyansky district of the Azerbaijan SSR. The letter was from Stalingrad. Thank you.

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sitnikov Mikhail 20/04/2017 at 21:02.

my father-saint Ivan Fedorovich-pilot-fighter captain-10-09-1914g-1-06-1988g-fought on the Leningrad Front reached Vienna

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Basil 04/22/2017 at 20:16.

Broul Nikolay Romanovich 1919g.r. went to the Soviet army 21 07 41 years old A 26,07 41, Lithuania was captured by Lithuania

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Basil 04/22/2017 at 20:20

There is no data of his movement of hostilities. Moved from the war and 12 10 49 killed a thunderstorm.

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Basil 04/02/2017 at 20:23

Please inform some data.

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Love 04/04/2017 at 13:34

Help to find my dad Karaganov Ivan Grigorievich, called on the military registration and enlistment office of the Toguchinsky district of the Novosibirsk region.

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hope 04/04/2017 at 19:45.

Looking for your grandfather Kustov Dmitry Filippovich. It did notice from the Tambov region. D.Dubavitsky.1900. Lost in 1943 was missing. The last letter was in 1943. From Tiflis

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Dmitriy 04/23/2017 at 20:54.

Looking for information about your great-grandfather. Zaletin Dmitry Ivanovich, 11/10/1913 genus. Gorky region, Lyakhovsky district, p. DM. The mountains
Morplot Far East - served DVK G. Free P / I №1
Served on a submarine Amur - Red Banned Flotilla - (inscription on Cooker)

In September 1941 was called for war. 1942 Locked in Leningrad, or near him. Died 17.01.1943g.

Wife: Romashina Anna Stepanovna.

I would be grateful to any information. Thanks!

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Boris 24/04/2017 at 18:18

I am looking for data on the Father Member of the Second World War. Salmuratov Buman-1921-1922g.r.-ordinary. Samarkand region. Pastdargomsky district. S. Krasny East. Information about awards and on what front served? With respect Boris Bashmanovich.

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Tatiana 04/15/2017 at 20:25

hello, looking for information about the grandfather: Dergunov Alexander Titayevich 1903-1905g.r, Orenburg region (Chkalovskaya), Asecheevsky district, station Filippovka, went to the front in 1941, the beginning of the war. And the second grandfather: Pavlov Vasily Danilovich, 1903 .r., Orenburg region (Chkalovskaya) Ponomarevsky district, Sofiyevka village, found that he was missing in 1941, and where it is unknown. I will be grateful to any information. Thanks!

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Tatiana 04/26/2017 at 16:47

I can't find anywhere in the book of memory of Astrakhan, I was recorded by my father Kononenko Seeds Fedorovich 1925g.r. It was called up in 1944 by Vladimir RVK Akhtubinsky district of the Astrakhan region. After serving in 165 Rifle regiment. Entering the Book of Memory Submitted VK Soviet District Astrakhani. Mne Even wrote that it was necessary to look for Tom VII sh-I AA additionally. But it is not there. There is no other Kononenko, but there is no father. I just didn't seek ... I went to Astrakhan was in the military registration and enlistment offices, everyone sends from one to another. I learned. However, there was never a man. Pap died in 1991.

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Anastasia 04/26/2017 at 17:12

Hello. I make information and if there are photos, about the great-grandfather Sosnovsky
Fedore Anufrievich, born in 1909, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kansky district. Thank you very much.

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Artyom 04/28/12 at 21:40

Tutaev Pavel Frolovich, Damemansky district Alekseevsky village council D. Alexandrovka called in what year we do not know. Help me find. thanks

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Artyom 04/28/2017 at 22:15

looking for Uncle Ivonin Andrei Maksimovich Mom said he died 9mai in Berlin. The twin brothers Pasha and the arcaste of those killed near Leningrad. I would like to learn more about them and tell grandchildren.

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Artyom 04/28/2017 at 22:28.

I am looking for data on Dyachkov Vasily Ivanovich 1923-24 g. Birth. Provissed by Nyandrmal RVK in 1942. Division, 29 car. Regiment 56Aviats. Favision -Shofer 93 automaton. in \\ h13658.

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Artyom 04/29/2017 at 7:22

Schukin Vasily Makarovich, 02.22.1913g.r. Arkadak or Balashov, I do not have accurate information. Please, please. Thank you in advance for invaluable work.

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Artyom 04/29/2017 at 11:40

barbara I am looking for Uncle Chabanenko Mikhail Nikolaevich was born with. Captain Kominternovsky district of Odessa region. year of birth about 1917-1919 urged Mr. Odessa's wife Paraskovia daughter Alexander in 1942 Son Leonid was born

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Artyom 30/04/2017 at 10:33

I am looking for data on Pope Koshutin Nikolae Ivanovich 03.03.1925 year of birth of a native of the village of Far Kubasova (Mehonsky) of the Shatrovsky district of the Kurgan Region Where I did not know, I was called back from our area, I died on 03/28/1980, but we had a certificate of disabled person of the Patriotic War Series 1 No. 600513 of 02.02.1976. In our military registration and enlistment office, Rysobes said not any data, but they just do not give a certificate. Addressing the grandchildren and great-grandchildren wants to know the story of the grandfather. Thanks to grateful.

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Lidia 05/05/2017 at 8:03.

chekmarreva Anna Ivanovna was born in with a big Inya minusinsky
district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory she is a member of war I stayed small
When she died on the front I was called and drank service I know only in the photo I was born 1946 I was addressed to the place of residence, but there I was answered that she was not urged and did not return, I really wanted to know everything about my mother as I was raised in an orphan
The year is about 1921-1924

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Kuzmina Irina Mikhailovna 05/05/2017 at 9:33.

Hello! My dad Serikov Ivan Mikhailovich -APrel born in 1926, a native of the Altai Territory, the Ust-Kalmansky district, the village of Elertsovka. From here was called in the army. Participated when forceing the Dnieper. It was wounded and contuge. Went passed to the end, I returned my living home. Summer in the spring of 1967 or 1968 (I don't remember exactly) in the Altai Territory, the Ust-Kalmansky district, the village of Novoburavovo. I don't know anything. Please help learn the combat path of my father and whether he had awards. His story for children and grandchildren is very important. Thank you thanks in advance.

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Savinova Zinaida Nikolaevna.z (Kuzmini) 05/05/2017 at 9:55.

I am looking for information about the father of Kuzmini Nikolae Petrovich the date of birth on December 18, 1924. Prior to the ranks of the Soviet Army to the front in 1943 from the FSU Kirov, was seriously wounded. After the war was Ivo. Unfortunately, we do not know who fought where he was wounded, where he was in the hospital, etc.??

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lidia 05/05/2017 at 12:54:54.

How to track the fighting path of Father Popova Boris Nikolayevich, born in 1925 Buryat Mongolian SSR, on February 3, 1944, was injured, was treated in EP 166, and from February 1944 in the EG 3331, from which he dropped out in March 1944 in the VSP 36. These data were sent to us from the archive, St. Petersburg,

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Lyudmila 05/05/2017 at 17:12

I am looking for your grandfather Mikhailov Ivan Demyanovich 1918. (presumably) (Kurgan region, Kurgan district) or his relatives. My mother was born on March 20, 1947 in the Smolensk region, the grandfather at that time was military-obligated and left (presumably to his mother in the Kurgan region). More, unfortunately, I do not know anything about him. I would like to know everything about him. Z I think that relatives and relatives remained. Help to unite. Thank you in advance!

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Hope 02/05/2017 at 17:45.

Hello! Looking for your grandfather.
Vaskov Stepan Naumovich was born 1909. S. Yartsevo Bryansk region Starodubsky district. Passed the whole war.
There are no information about his exploits and awards Unfortunately. It was not killed in a fighting battle in Germany on the river Oder. Very I want to know everything about him. Invite me on my

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Hope 05/05/2017 at 19:07

How to track the combat path of my father Malkah Mikhail Vasilyevich 1919 Kurgan region S. Gorbuneshnaya passed the whole war, was injured (as a result of injured, he lost his right hand and the right eye) was awarded Odden Patriotic War and the Order of the Red Star. He returned from the war, the documents were lost in peacetime. I would like to know more in detail and tell your grandchildren about my father. Write to my email address Thank you in advance.

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Hope 03/05/2017 at 19:27

Help Find Square Konstantin Ivanovich disappeared Born Omsk region with. Odessa

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Pogorelian Nicholas 04/05/2017 at 0:39.

I am looking for data on the polls Semyon Ivanovich born in 1904, fought from 1941 to 1945 in artillery, was called up from the village of Medveodovo Starodubsky district of the Oryol region (now Klintsovsky district of the Bryansk region)

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Sviridenko Julia Vladimirovna 04/05/2017 at 13:50

I am looking for information about the grandfather Andikaev Viktor Timofeevich born in 1945, participated in the Russian-Japanese war 1945. Duty: S. Kadyshevo, B.Tarthan District of the Ulyanovsk region. Award document: 76 Date of award document: 04/06/1985 REVER1510499808, the Order of the Patriotic War11 degree is all that I know. Please help learn the fighting path of my grandfather, his awards. It's a story for grandchildren is important. Thank you.

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Sviridenko Julia Vladimirovna 04/05/2017 at 16:27

I am looking for information about My Father: Alexey Alexandrovich Sapozhnikov 1926g.Rozh., I was called in 1944 by the Kurovskaya RVK of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky district of the Moscow region. Address to find out his combat path. I thank you. I thank.

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Sviridenko Julia Vladimirovna 04/05/2017 at 17:58

We are looking for the latest information of my grandfather-Zaytseva Timofeya Pavlovich.-1906 year. Births. Lasting the whole war. Birthday Penza region Nametchichsky R He. With the Ushinka. It didn't go to the war with G. Ivanovska. The last letters were with Irkutsk. I want to know where he is buried. And Gkogda. Thank.

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Sviridenko Julia Vladimirovna 04/05/2017 at 19:41.

I am looking for my grandfather of the Bubinovsky Sergey in the stories of the father was a pilot and died during the defense of Leningrad. It did not have from the Chelyabinsk region Kamyshlov, my father was born. Or maybe from Tyumen where he lived the grandmother of Augustine with my father. I will be very grateful for the answer with respect to Bujinovsky Evgeny Borisovich.

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Sviridenko Julia Vladimirovna 04/05/2017 at 20:57

Help to find the data on my grandfather Dmitry Ivanovich..1898 g birthday Birthplace of the village Vyazovka Saratov region..Purlen in Volsk.

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Sviridenko Julia Vladimirovna 04/05/2017 at 23:23

How to find where the native brother of Nichlori Nicholas Nikolai Vasilyevich is buried on 12/31/1921. He died in 1941. I lived the Moscow region Krasnopolyansky district D. Greznovo

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Yuldashova Nina Vladimirovna 05/05/2017 at 2:07.

I want to know where I fought and my grandfather Issaev Mikhail Egorovich 1903g.r. Moscow region, Egorievsky district, D. Zabolotier lived. From there and went to the front.
And my uncle Isaev Alexander Mikhailovich

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Marcus Nadezhda Ilinichna 05/05/2017 at 8:08.

I want to know where my father was fought Ilya Rodionovich 1917g.r. I lived S.Surevier Pavlodar region Irtyshsky r It was left to the front

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Yanovsky Ruslan 05/05/2017 at 12:48.

I would like to know where my grandfather's uncle is buried, the Red Army who died at the occurrence of Kalinin in the winter of 41-42 years. Of all the information, the funeral has just come - he also died in battle. Named Nikolai Germanovich 1921 Distressed from Smolensk. I don't know the last name, perhaps Tarasikov. On the Internet it was not possible to find. Perhaps referred to PV - served on the border - there is the only photo of the fighter with the inscription "Kolya MNR 1940." This is all the information that I have. Request to all who can help, find out the burial place to write to me. I will be very grateful.

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Yanovsky Ruslan 05/05/2017 at 13:28

help find data on my father Lebedev Viktor Mikhailovich 1922g.r on March 2, from Nizhny Tagila, where he served. I learned the first injury in 1941 in the battles near Moscow, the second - under Prokhorovka. Summer from the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1987. I have no data on The award as it did not have Lubil to unsubscribe during his lifetime. I had a disabled person of 1 group. Make someone knows.

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Rologov Andrey 05/05/2017 at 15:22

help find data on my grandfather Karpenko Vasily Maksimovich 1907 The participant of the Finnish War 1939- 1940 is called up in July 1941 Glinsky district Popivshchansky S-S.Prequently, the letter came in late 1941. From the Moscow region wrote that they called for parachute troops. It was notice that was killed.

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Rologov Andrey 05/05/2017 at 16:33

We are looking for his grandfather Oleinikova Illarion Nikitovich presumably 1912 years of birth. It didn't go to the front at the very beginning of the war. In the tank troops. On information of the military registration and enlistment office, it is listed as missing.

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Rologov Andrey 05/05/2017 at 16:47

Looking for a photo of his deceased grandfather Konstantin Egorovich Usolov from born in 1908, a native D.Dadarevo, Komarovsky S / C, Tyumen district, Omsk region. Commanded 1942 near Leningrad and rebeloned in the city of Kirishi Leningrad region, ordinary Commissioner for part 1 of November 13, 1942 Tyumen №204. I am a granddaughter and I am 60 years old, and I have not seen and I have no grandparent photo, but I want to find his photo and join the "immortal regiment" and show his grandchildren and great-grandchildren !!! Please be found in the archives, at least some photo of my grandfather Konstantin Egorovich Usolov !!!!! Send or write to my email address:

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Chumakov-Kudryavtseva Lyudmila Aleksandrovna 05/05/2017 at 17:27

Looking for front data from Father Chumakov Alexander Denisovich born in 1914. The native of the village of the Leninsky district of the North Kazakhstan region. Served as a driver. Freused from the fascist invaders Stalingrad, Ukraine, Poland. Met Victory Day 9 km. From Berlin.

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Bread Tamara Nikolaevna 05/05/2017 at 18:39

I am looking for a grave of Grandfather Pyhonin Ignat - is called to the first wave of mobilization from the Mordovian ASSR and died in the Smolensk region in August 1941

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Bread Tamara Nikolaevna 05/05/2017 at 19:51

looking for Brysin Valery

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    Bread Tamara Nikolaevna 05/05/2017 at 19:54

    brysina Valeria

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Varmazeva Olga Vladimirovna 05/05/2017 at 21:19

I am looking for a grandfather Kloptsova Egor Polykarpovich. "The front was taken from the Vladimir region of Suzdalsky district, the village of Tetherino. Owned in 1941.

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Lida Salahova 05/05/2017 at 22:34

I am looking for familiar Berth Raste (during the war Leningrad

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Lida Salahova 05/05/2017 at 22:52

Yashin (Baranova) Lyubov Vasilyevna I am looking for information about the father of Barana Vasily Yakovlevich. He fought on Sakhalin. Captain. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and Medals.

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Lida Salahova 05/05/2017 at 22:56.

I am looking for my Santa Zhdanov Ivan Petrovich to the front took the persistent Labinsky region of the Kasnodar region from the village in 1941. The Kantuza was found in the right hand. Cantuis was sent home. "In 1943, I was called back again. The words of Chuiko Nikolai, which then fought with him. When they came back and Solded through the Dnieper River, the grandfather was wounded in his shoulder left and then my grandfather Zhdanov had died there. The burial was missing in 1943. Schedule if it would be known, my uncle when I was still looking for him everywhere I was looking for anything then I hope that you will help me, inform 05.05 2017

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Lida Salahova 06/05/2017 at 0:28

i am looking for a grandfather Romanova Gerasim Vasilyevich Date of birth I don `t know the words of Mom died in 1941.

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Lida Salahova 06/05/2017 at 10:33

I am looking for information about the participant of the BMR Ryrodogin Alexander Ivanovich. 25.04. Born in 1927 He died on 25.12.1953g. In Primorsky Krai .. This is my mom's brother.

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Mikheev Andrey 06/05/2017 at 13:25

Hello! Help in finding a data on my great-grandfather Mikheev Konstantin Grigorvich 1915 He was a sergeant according to her grandmother died in March 1944 in the Estonian SSR. Order of the VGK dated 09.22.1944 in advance thanks in advance.

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Elina 06/05/2017 at 14:52

We are looking for information about your great-grandfather, participant of the Second World War Kulbuldin Rafik Bakhtiyarovich presumably born in 1912. Calculated at the front at the very beginning of the war with the Bashkir ASSR. It was notice that was killed.

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Alexey 06/05/2017 at 22:30

Hello. Addressing information about my grandfather Smirnov Vasily
Alekseevich Date of Birth 07/31/1924 passed the Leningrad Blockade. The day where did not appeal to bring brief information.

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Tatiana 06/05/2017 at 22:34

We are looking for information about my grandfather of the participant in about in 1919.

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Tatiana 06/05/2017 at 22:47.

Klimashin Nikolai Ivanovich Chuvashia City Shumer

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Tatiana 06/05/2017 at 23:02

hello. Addressing Data on My Pope Shevelev Vasily Fedorovich 1918

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Tatiana 07/05/2017 at 8:42.

Looking for a grandfather's grandfather's grandfather
Ivanovich presumably born in 1916, called on the front in 1941 from the Kantemirovskaya Tank Division, disappeared under the city of Lodz or Vltava in 1944, I do not have more detailed information

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Tatiana 07/05/2017 at 9:48.

I am looking for my father's father Dmitry Ivanovich 1918 birthday of the resident of the village of Sulia Satkinsky district, I know that the wounded came from the war, has awards, I was small at that time, and there are no lives alive so few information

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Tatiana 07/05/2017 at 9:52.

I am looking for data on my grandfather Sagyazhkin Peter Kuzmich. With the Kirov region, d Zyui. Dried to the service in 1941. Integrations in Gkirov, fell from the horse and was killed.

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    Valentina 26/11/2018 at 14:53

    My grandfather Sagkin Peter Kuzmich lived in the village of Zui Kirov region, we want to refer to St. About the birth as we do not know the patronymic of his father. Without all relatives, the grandfather had children: Clientey, Peter.Ivan, Mikhail, and perhaps sister named Sofia. She lived and died in Ukraine. In 1942 he was captured. Collect all the data, I will be very happy to meet. Valentina

    To answer
Albin 07/05/2017 at 12:05.

I am looking for my grandfather Kesaeva Zakhara Andreevich, who was called on the service in 1942 by the Alagir Military Office of North Ossetia. It is known that his last letter was received from the city. His missile.

To answer
Galina 07/05/2017 at 18:25

I am looking for your grandfather Mishin Tikhon Kuzmich 1904 -1905 born. I was called on the front of the rebrynsky district district of the Altai Territory in 1942, the grandfather of the village of Panovo Rebrikhinsky district. Bez to disappear near Smolensky in April 1942.

To answer

Inna 07/05/2017 at 18:32

I look for information about my grandfather Swedjuk Bronislav Ivanovich 1922.r. I would like to know where he fought and can somewhere in the archive stored some photos. It was called to the front in December 1941

To answer
Galina 07/05/2017 at 20:09

I am looking for at least some information about your uncle Zagar Valentin Mikhailovich. Native of the Vologda Region, Velikoyustuga District, the village of Popovskoe Schmeogovsky village council. Unfortunately I do not remember the year of birth. According to the stories of the Father, the last letter was in 1943 from the city of Poti.

To answer

Galina 07/05/2017 at 20:19

i am looking for Perimsky Muscov Leontievich, was a tanker, returned from the war in Vinitsa. The connection was lost. I really want to find.

To answer
Tatiana 07/05/2017 at 20:54.

I am looking for Kostinova Nikarra Vasilvich, the year of birth of 1902, without missing the war. Nothing is known about him. I would like to know where and when he died and the burial place.

To answer

Alexandra 07/05/2017 at 22:10

I am looking for yellowing Yuri Fedorovich, the year of birth of approximately 1920-1923, called from the Ulyanovsk region, the Nikolaev area. In the future, I lived in Tajikistan. I would like to know everything about him where it was fought. He served in tank troops.

To answer
Zoya. 08/05/2017 at 9:59.

Why is it impossible to find the fighting path of participants? So many years have passed, so many times the day of victory, and finding data on the soldiers of the blood sheds on the battlefields it is impossible to find. Is it really enough people in the archives that they were not able to create at least a paid base about the Went participants? For many years I am looking for a combat path of your grandfather Lozovsky Wojca Ignatievich born in 1905. I know for sure that it was injured in the head in 1944 during the forcing of Narva. But there is nothing wrong with the military registration and enlistment office, not in the department of social protection where he received the disability of the third group (certificates No. 34470). Deadly died in 1961, not seeing his grandchildren, and the country that sent him to the slaughter just forgot.

To answer
    spit 05/22/2018 at 9:34

    looking for a grandfather how to kill there anyone and find no

    To answer
Inga 08/05/2017 at 11:15

Looking for at least some data about your grandfather Schlebin Egor Sergeevich Learn anything about my grandfather.

To answer
Lyudmila 08/05/2017 at 11:16.

I am looking for a grandfather Chukova Sergey Andreevich 1909g.r. 936 stlock regiment 254Sd disappeared on 9.02.1943 Ukrainian SSR. Cyphevskaya oblast. Cherkassky district.

To answer

Lyudmila 08/05/2017 at 11:25

lyudmila! I am looking for two of my uncle 192 39 born in the birth of Belyaev Nikolay Alexandrovich and Alexey Alexandrovich. Living in the Altai Territory, the village of Sokolova

To answer
Kirilenko Elena Nikolaevna 08/05/2017 at 18:02.

I am looking for information about my grandfather Virovetse Ivan Grigorievich. Iskrishovna Belopolsky district of Sumy region. Lost. And the Euro Grandfather Lyzman Andrei Zakharovich was called upon by G. Belopoly Sumy region. I will be glad at least what information may have somewhere around them.

To answer

Alexey 08/05/2017 at 18:54.

I am looking for information about my grandfather - Kondratov Yakov Sergeevich was born in 1906. He lived in the Omsk region. Muromtsevsky district. S.Libimovka. According to relatives, he was cut and served in Karelia. You can report any information. Thanks.

To answer
Alexey 08/05/2017 at 19:48.

How to track the fighting path of my mother Carnukhovaya Aleksandra Vasilyevna 1921, Pachelmsky RVK of the Penza region 07.01.1942 г.242 Zenito_artilery regiment LL 56 Anti-aircraft armored train at Stalingrad in 1942. Plusted the war in Eastern Prussia. He said that he was announced about award, but did not handed it.

To answer

Natalia 08/05/2017 at 20:16

Looking for a Macket Peter Pavlovich. Lost skilling in 1941. He was called up from Novosibirsk.

To answer
larisa 05/05/2017 at 21:29

looking for Solozhubov Mikhail 1910-1915, I went to the front from the Rostov region. considered missing

To answer

larisa 08/05/2017 at 22:42.

Looking for Uncle Bugun Mikhail Yakovlevich. Lost on the Second World War, born in the Kharkiv region, the twin rn, dry farm.

To answer
Larisa 09/05/2017 at 8:51.

Hello! I am looking for a Santa Vigizanova Evstartiya Osipovich 1910 born in the Arkhangelsk region PPS 493 Part 364.Palid, the date of disposal 04.1943g.

To answer

Lyudmila 09/05/2017 at 11:21

Hello! I am looking for my great-grandfather Shcherbakov Sergey Mikhailovich, born in 1904 in the Second World War.

To answer
Love 09/05/2017 at 18:02.

I am looking for my uncle Litvinenko Fedor Petrovich, born in 1917. Native x. Korobkin, is designed to the ranks of the Cal Maloderbetovsky Railoenomatom of Kalmyk ASSR.

To answer

Hope 09/05/2017 at 18:03

Help learn about the combat awards of Kostina Konstantin Ignatievich, born in 1914, born in the city of Balakovo Saratov region, after the war in Moscow, the last place of residence Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya Street, house 58a, sq.267

To answer
christine 09/05/2017 at 18:18

Hello, help me find information about my mammy Yagodina Antonina Nikolaevna G.P.0New on December 1922. Born in the village of Mincino Kostroma region. And I was called on the front after the courses of nurses from Nizhny Novgorod. (graduated from library technical school) Gorky was a nurse on a sanitary train. After the war, Ryazan Ryaz.Obl, I ask to help learn about her fate in the Went of the Went of the Went of the Went of the Went. Both of 85 years old in Ryazan was a shockman of labor and 8 children gave birth to an active community. I want to include it in the immortal regiment! Help!!! S.T.Ma 89105708041 or 89106418068 Maazan st. INTERNATIONAL D.16 B, sq.64 Nelidkin Christian Vasilyevna.

To answer

christine 09/05/2017 at 18:21

Hello, help me find information about my mammy Yagodina Antonina Nikolaevna G.P.0New on December 1922. Born in the village of Mincino Kostroma region. And I was called on the front after the courses of nurses from Nizhny Novgorod. (before the dip finished the library technical school in Gorky). War was a nurse on a sanitary train. After the war, Ryazan Ryaz.Obl, I ask to help learn about her fate in the Went of the Went of the Went of the Went of the Went. Both of 85 years old in Ryazan was a shockman of labor and 8 children gave birth to an active community. I want to include it in the immortal regiment! Help!!! S.T.Ma 89105708041 or 89106418068 Maazan st. INTERNATIONAL D.16 B, sq.64 Nelidkin Christian Vasilyevna.

To answer

christine 09/05/2017 at 18:35

Hello Help Found the great-grandfather Yalovenko Ivana went to the front from the Scheglovsky Military Office

To answer
Irina 09/05/2017 at 19:18

Hello! Help find Father and grandfather Nikiforova Boris Efimovich born boris born in 1903 He went to the front in 1942 from the Tyumen region. G. Ishim. I was a connection, disappeared. We are looking for many years before the war worked as an accountant in Ishim printing house.

To answer

Helena 09/05/2017 at 20:07

Help learn the fate of Grandfather Makarov Dmitry Alexandrovich. It is called to the front in 1941 in the Komsomol district of the Ivanovo region. He lived in D. Schevero. He was captive, fled. I reached my own, died in battle.

To answer
Irina 09/05/2017 at 20:13

Zaralty Help Find grandfather Gigerene Pavel Ivanovich 1908 year of birth S. Kolomytsevo Liskinsky district Voronezh region went to the front in about 1942 there is information that was in captivity of the Germans last letter was 1944 from Brest

To answer

Irina 09/05/2017 at 20:26

Hello! Help find some information about my grandfather, track his battle way. Wavolds Vasily Aleksandrovich. I definitely do not know about 1912-1915. Dried to the front of 12 yyulyu 1941 with g Tobolsk. Scribed to injuries home B1943 GO TO THE WAR lived in the village of Volkova Semianovsky S. Soviet Tobolsk district of Tyumen region .Tobolsk there is no information. Thank you very much.

To answer
Gulnara 09/05/2017 at 20:26

Help me find information about my uncle. Takhtamyshev Faik Nazipovich, 1912 birth. Born in Tassr, Aksubaevo, der. Novodemkino. I went to war from Uzbekistan, finished the war in Berlin. Then lived in Kazan, died in 1972

To answer

Irina 09/05/2017 at 20:35

Hello! Help find some information about my grandfather, track his battle way. Wavolds Vasily Aleksandrovich. I definitely do not know about 1912-1915. Dried to the front of 12 yyulyu 1941 with g Tobolsk. Scribed to injuries home B1943 GO TO THE WAR lived in the village of Volkova Semianovsky S. Soviet Tobolsk district of Tyumen region .Tobolsk there is no information. Thank you very much. Thanks for the photo.

To answer
Helena 09/05/2017 at 20:36

I look for information about my mother Clementevskaya Nina Pavlovna 04/22/1923 G / p Since the beginning of the war, she worked with their aunts in Arteel "Artistic Banner" embroidered Guards signs. For his work was awarded a medal "For Valiant Labor in Bord of 1941-1945", a medal for the defense of Moscow. Yes, medals were gone and certified.

To answer

Helena 09/05/2017 at 20:56.

I am looking for information about my grandfather Kostyukov Anton called in 1941. in Balashov Saratov region, born there

To answer
Helena 09/05/2017 at 21:10

Looking for a grandfather Budayev Taka Bukhulovich 1895 Also his brothers -Budaeva Boris Bukhulovich and Budaeva Hriton Bukhulovich. Will
Very grateful to search engines - homework, nothing is known to us.

To answer

Tatiana 09/05/2017 at 21:23

Tatyana 09/05/2017 at 20:15 I am looking for information about my TEE of Cossack Lydia Mikhailovna G.R. 28.11.1918. Called in 1941 with Gorkovka region Surgachi district with. Borisovka and grandfather Cossakov Mikhail Stepanovich was also called 1941 and left there, from where aunt.

To answer
Alexandra 09/05/2017 at 21:29

Looking for Musailova Georgy Abramovich. Called in 1939 from Ashgabat. The last letter was obtained in early June 1941 from the city of Akarsk of the Saratov region. On the lists it is listed - the missing

To answer

Helena 09/05/2017 at 21:33

i am looking for a grandfather Tsyn Konstantin Patronage, I didn't know the front of 1941. It was allegedly a sailor. My father Tsykk Vladimir Konstantinovich 1932.P.Popal to the orphanage . Very want to find a birth

To answer
Helena 09/05/2017 at 21:58.

Looking for Uncle Demidenko Viktor Vasilyevich Gomel region of the Khoynikovsky district of Der.Veliki Bor.Ed Parents: Father Demidenko Vasily Konstantinovich

To answer

Helena 09/05/2017 at 21:59

I am looking for Uncle Anisimova Fyodor Andreevich. In 41, I went to the front from D. Kokurino Luhsky district of the Ivanovo region and soon disappeared.

To answer
vladimir 09/05/2017 at 22:10

i am looking for Uncle Filimonova Vladimir Antonovich 1922 R R appealed in 1941 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

To answer

Gennady 09/05/2017 at 23:17

Looking for any information about the grandfather of Kuznetsov Dmitry Stepanovich. The Russian Homuterian region of the Ulyanovsk region from the village was alive with the war, but with severe injuries. All the war died.

To answer
Lyudmila 09/05/2017 at 23:20

Looking for Uncle Kurenkova Anatoly Egorovich 30-31 September 19124g.r.
Born D. B. Zhravinka Ryazhsky district Ryazan region
It is called up to the front of the Ryazhsky military registration and enlistment office in July 1942.
He studied at the sergeant in the Vyshnsky district of the Gorky region. Nicolskoe served in 91 military unit
Disappeared in February 1943.

To answer

Harlamova Galina Ivanovna 09/05/2017 at 23:37

I am looking for information about my dad 1916 Britiswan in 1937 to the army of urgent, then Finnish war, then the domestic returned in 1945. It was wounded. On May 8, the name of Soloviev Ivan Mikhailovich.

To answer
Lyudmila 09/05/2017 at 23:56.

I am looking for Pope Zubareva Afanasiya Ivanovich born in 1904 born in the Chkalov region Borisovshchko P \u003d N. Bal was called on September 23, 1941. By the Bizhbuyak district of the Bassam in the order of the commander of the 361 rifle division.

To answer

Yavorskaya love Anatolyevna 09/05/2017 at 23:57

I look for information about my grandfather Stboard Mikhail Demyanovich. Called in 1941. fought in Moscow. It was a mortar. Fallen stabbing

To answer
Yavorskaya love Anatolyevna 10/05/2017 at 2:31

Hello! I am looking for a grandfather Babayev Abdulmagid Bubaevich born in 1910, without missing during the Great Patriotic War. Please, help.
Babayeva Gulnara Bubuyevna

To answer

Bonyov Valery Ziaevich 10/05/2017 at 12:25

I am looking for the delivery of Vasily Ivanovich, December 8, 1908, the participant of the Finnish company and the participant in the Great Patriotic War. I am looking for several years and I can not find. I ask you to help.

To answer
Belokurov Lyudmila Semenovna 11/05/2017 at 10:30

Looking for Uncle Kurenkova Anatoly Egorovich 30-31 September 19124g.r.
Born D. B. Zhravinka Ryazhsky district Ryazan region
It is called up to the front of the Ryazhsky military registration and enlistment office in July 1942.
He studied at the sergeant in the Vyshnsky district of the Gorky region. Nicolskoe served in 91 military unit
Disappeared in February 1943. in d.kochetovka of the Voronezh region

To answer

Belokurov Lyudmila Semenovna 11/05/2017 at 10:51.

How to track the fighting path of my father Mukanova jacquired or Jacques 1913. Caused to RKKK since 1941. Call Place Akmola RVK, Kazakh SSR, Akmolinsk region, Akmolinsky district. He passed the whole war, was 2 wounded. The first degree was awarded the Otden of the Patriotic War, the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star. Returned from the war in 1946. I would like to know more in detail and tell your grandchildren about my father. Write to my email address Thank you in advance.

To answer

Lidia 12/05/2017 at 7:18.

I am looking for Brother Ostrikova Georgy Leonidovich 1923 - 1924 birthday. In 1941, he went to the front from the city of Minusinsk, no longer know.

To answer
Natalia 12/05/2017 at 23:59

I am looking for a father of Svekarov 1900 g. In 1941 he went to the front from Dnepropetrovsk he had a daughter (my mother-in-law) - Gorpinchenko (her husband Borisenko) Valentina Semenovna was born on February 23, 1927. I want to leave memory for children and grandchildren. Moreover, the mother-in-law said that my son is very similar to her father. My email. address Thank you in advance.

To answer

Natalia 05/13/2017 at 0:03.

I forgot to write - looking for Gorpinchenko Semen Evtifyevich. El Address

To answer
Lidia 05/13/2017 at 12:27

looking for a grandfather Nuritdinova Nurlya around 1915-1920
I went to the front and disappeared. Right from Buuraevsky
district, Saitary Village of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

To answer

Daniel 05/13/2017 at 22:34

I am looking for your great-grandfather, ninth Vasily Fadeevich, born in 1911. Getting from the Udmurt Assrus of the District. I want to know where to fought? Is there a photo in the archives? His fate wartime?

To answer
Anastasia 14/05/2017 at 0:04.

Looking for a place of finding a fraternal grave, or a monument to his great-grandfather. There are coordinates, and then deadlock. Krasilnikov Konstantin Vasilyevich. Birthday of 1902. Place of birth: Vologda region, Mezhdurechensky district, d. Zmeysino. Date and place call __. 05.1942, Mezhdurechensky RVK, Vologda region, Mezhdurechensky district. Last service: 11 SD. Military title: Red Armyman. Cause of disposal: killed. Departure date 21.0_.1943. Primary burial place Leningrad region, Mginsky district, coord. X-41954, Y-92038. The name of the source of information: TsAMO. Fund number of the source of information: 58. Ownership number of the source of information: 18001. Information source business number: 86. Help !!! My mail:

To answer

Anastasia 14/05/2017 at 7:36.

I am looking for a grandfather. Sparrow, Ilya Nikolayevich, was urged in 1941 from Novosibirsk, Elizavetovsky district. Missing

To answer
Belokurov Lyudmila Semenovna 05/15/2017 at 10:15.

I, Belokurov L.S., I want to know about the death, about the burial site only my uncle Kurekova A.E., and who took advantage of my name, turning to you, looking for information about Mukanov Jacquired - just offended me.

To answer

Belokurov Lyudmila Semenovna 05/15/2017 at 11:38.

I am looking for information about my grandfather Nevolyaev Timofea Ivanovich year of birth approximately 1915 Born at St Rtishchevo in 1943 was in the sabotage partisan squad Belousov in the Mogilev region I want to know his merits and awards

To answer
Tatiana 05/15/2017 at 13:06.

Hello! My name is Tatyana!
I am looking for my great-grandfather: Larin Peter Lavrentievich (year of birth about 1900) was born in the Krasnodar region of the Dinsky district of the village of Ukrainian (but earlier the village was called May Day)
Called in 1941.
I want to find my relative, know His merits and rewards! Just proud to our great-grandfather!

To answer

Olga 05/17/2017 at 10:26

Hello! Looking for my great-grandfather Mitrofanov Nikolai Dmitrievich born in 1904.Os in the Tambov region Kamensky district (Rjaxinsky district) Village Mikhailovka. In June 1941, Tambov region Rzhaksinsky district Nekrasovo village. All I know about the great-grandfather, just what fought on the Kursk arc and was a sapper. I am missing.

To answer
Olga 05/18/12 at 0:00

I am looking for the father of Mesheva Peter Alexandrovich 1913. Births
The village of Ar Chernushka. Invulsion where we do not know, came from the war in 1959. died.

To answer

Irina 05/18/2017 at 9:17

Help learn information about the great-grandfather. Chernenko Ivan Kharitonovich 1897. Fought from 1941-1945

To answer
Irina 18/05/2017 at 13:45.

ishu Shalagkova Ignat, was called up from the Kursk region, and lived too in the Kursk region, no more information

To answer
    tatiana 13/11/2017 at 22:15

    Irina, hello. And in the memory book of the Kursk region. What about him? Died or disappeared? Or alive returned? Tom the memory book in areas. In the network it is available. In which area to watch? I wanted to help, but to push off nothing. On the sites on the name of the surname and invented by me, writing the names of the surname (because there are cases of miscarriages of letters in the name) of information.

    To answer
Natalia 19/05/2017 at 20:21

I am looking for your grandfather Sheptalina Mikhaila Egorovich, 1899 births, a native of the village of Bogoyavlensky (Dolgovo), the Zeptchinsky district, the Penza region. It is called upon by the landcinsky RVK, the Penza region. I am brought again on December 13, 1943. It is known that he was wounded, he was in the hospital in G. Shawa. He had six children with her grandmother: Alexandra, Nikolai, Anna, Alexey, Vladimir and Claudia. Babushka was waiting for him all the time, died at 75 years old.

To answer
Natalia 05/21/2017 at 13:33

I am looking for information about my grandfather-Omarov Tagir Omarovich, born with Kichigamri, Sergocaline district, Dagestan Autonomous ASSR, called out from there. 1916-1918 g.

To answer

Lyudmila 30/05/2017 at 18:49.

i look for information about the place of the death of your uncle Lushnikov Alexander Ivanovich 1923 g birth, born in the village of large lakes of the Zhirnovsky district of the Saratov region. He died in 1944 in Hungary, in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Balaton.

To answer
Kobegen 03/06/2017 at 17:37

I am looking for information about the death of your grandfather Alimova Zequen went to the front 1941. born in the village of Moorald, Sertpalatinsk region Kazakhstan disappeared

To answer

Anna 06/23/2017 at 2:53.

Looking for your great-grandfather Smetanin Gerasim Vasilyevich 1919, d. Naryga,
Were missing 17.01.1939 - 00.00.1945, Sopmende Mitrofan Vasilyevich 1924, D. Naryga,
Private, disappeared 00.00.1942 - 00.00.1945.

To answer
Anna 06/28/2017 at 16:39

i am looking for an uncle of the died in 1943 in the Kursk Dug Panteleev Alexander Fedorovich called on the war from the Sadovsky RVK

To answer

Anna 06/28/18 at 18:22

Looking for Uncle Cherepanova Mikhail Alexandrovich from 1923r. I lived in Kazakhstan Zyryanovsk. Mother Natalia Cherepanova, Father-Alexander, Sisters-3- Alexander, Maria, Evdokia. According to the latter, I wrote that a tanker was fighting under Moscow, it was listed missing.

To answer
Raisa 06/29/2017 at 10:46.

Looking for front data from Father Kairova Khajismel Baszaevich 1911 born of a native of the SAIASS of the Iraf District of Chicola village. Fought a tanker. He was wounded in Germany and hospitalized in Tajikistan. He died in 1977 in Tajikistan.

To answer

Kubasheva Kunsl Zayovna, Mashtakova Buryshka Zapeneovna 07/13/2017 at 21:37

We are looking for a grandfather on the mother's line Biyaliyev Sakhypa Biyalievich about 1894 born of a native of the Talapskaya Council of the Urdinsky district of the Talapskaya Council. I went to war somewhere in 1941-1942. Private, fought near Stalingrad, at home received the last letter in 1942-1943, where he wrote fighting under Stalingrad, that soon they go to the attack. It was the last letter, after that nothing is known. Missing missing. We want to learn about the grandfather, where he fought, where he was buried.

To answer

Diana 06/08/2017 at 16:36

I want to know more about the fate of my great-grandparents Menshikov Arkady Mikhailovich 1900gr Norn of Shadrinsk or from Maslyanka Kurgan Region or Alapaevsk. In 1910, the family went red and evicted from the disgrace of the Sverdlovsk region in 1922, they decided again and referred to the mines in Alapaevsk but he fled where we did not know but When the best practices began in Kursk Tank Battle. In 1946, he left the owner of the Orsa of the city of Vladivostok. I knew in the Baltic States and died in about 1973. Addressing ... Praprazhetka Diana

To answer

Lyudmila 09/08/2017 at 11:24.

Looking for Baybuz Paul. I went to the front from Art. The key (now G. Hot Key) of the Krasnodar Territory in 1941-42, disappeared. Address please.

To answer
Frida 08/23/2017 at 18:24

I am looking for the father of Tyumenev Fatech Kanatafyevich (Fatih Khatafovich, so recorded in the call point) was called upon by the Leninsky RVK of the city of Alma-Ata on September 20, 1941, where it was not known, the message was received - disappeared in February 1942. I really ask you to help me, - on what front our dad was sent. Thanks.

To answer

helena 08/23/2017 at 18:29

i am looking for Praded Petrov Peter Mikhailovich Last news disappeared by the cavisory missing under the Great Bows

To answer
helena 08/23/2017 at 20:15

I am looking for Uncle: Fokina Nikolai Tikhonovich born in 1913. Born in the Gorky region, Salga district, Village Drying

To answer

helena 08/25/2017 at 14:48.

Katin Yuri Valentinovich I want to learn about the fighting path and awards for his grandfather on the line of my mother Sviridov Dmitry Nikiforovich of the native of the Saratov region. Spiritovsky District S.levinkov 1900g. The birth of Krasnoarmec was called on the front of the G. Protnitsky RVK. Moved from the war alive and worked in Kohoz, the account number 20.08.1966g. and buried in p. Levinka. I am grateful to you in advance. Phone 89270525211

To answer
vladimir Anatolyevich 09/16/2017 at 20:22

good evening. I am looking for Stulakna Mikhail Pavlovich Orient 1918 year of birth, Vladimir is designed by the Vladimir commissariat of the Ivanovo region. He died or the observation on Zap.Keraean, or under Minsk.

To answer

Denisova Tatyana Borisovna 18/09/2017 at 9:03.

I am the daughter of Merculova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, I want to know about the data and about the awards of my father Volkova Nikolai Stepanovich 05.22.1922 of which there was a lot of injuries, but he got to Berlin, help please find information about awarding, so everything was spoken to restore the monument as Member of the Way

To answer
Vera. 09/10/2017 at 18:10

Lashko Vera Ivanovna
Good day! Help, please learn about the battle path, awards and injury of my cousin Kuznetsov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Natives of Uralsk, RK, date of birth 12,05,1925. Called to the front from the city of Uralsk in 1941. Returned alive in Uralsk, but had an injury, had award. Died 17,12,1993g. And buried in the native ruralist. Help, please find information about my brother, because All documents were lost, to restore memory as a participant in the Second World War. It is very grateful to you in advance.

To answer

Vera. 12/12/2017 at 18:12

melnikov Vasily Arsentievich Tankist died in a Sanchasti from many wounds in the first month of the war ml, Sergeant commander of the tank. Allegedly reburied in the Smolensk region. I want to know where my uncle is buried,

To answer
Vera. 12/12/2017 at 18:12

melnikov Vasily Arsentievich Tankist died in a Sanchasti from many wounds in the first month of the war ml, Sergeant commander of the tank. Allegedly reburied in the Smolensk region. I want to know where my uncle is buried,

To answer

Natalia 10/17/2017 at 22:40

Hello! Help, please find information about where my grandfather of Panfilov Nikolai Stepanovich fought. Born on 12/19/1909 in the village of Marcomasus Plesetsky (Priozern) district of the Arkhangelsk region. It was called up to the front, in 1942 he returned home with disabilities (without leg). Applying to many instances, but all to no avail. I would like to know at least the number of the field mail or military unit, where he fought. Thank you very much in advance.

To answer
Hope 10/31/12 at 21:10

Hello! Help, please find information about my grandfather - Ryddn Vasily Mikhailovich, born in 1906. The Klyuchevsky district of the Altai Territory appeared. Lost in December 1941 g under Smolensky.
And my uncle Kosarev Vasily Petrovich, 1923 birth. Born in D. Small Starinka of the Tatar district of the Novosibirsk region. Before the war went to work in Bodaibo, from there called on the front. Disappeared. Thank you very much!

To answer

Hope 03/11/2017 at 20:35

Hello, I am looking for my great-grandfather Smagulov Maxim Mikhailovich born in 1920 and missing A April 1943, and Kozhevnikov Roman Afanasyevich born in 1912 and missing in 1941. If someone knows something write me please in Soc. The network of VKontakte on my page was Anya, I would be very grateful.

To answer
arman. 21/11/2017 at 10:05.

hello I'm looking for my great-grandfather Jandai Akzhigit. Call place Turkmenistan Krasnovodsk. If someone knows something write me please in Soc. VKontakte Network on My Page Novruz Arman, I'll be very thankful.

To answer

rosalia 01/12/2017 at 12:11

I am looking for a grandfather Ganiyev Akhmetgali Ganievich 1896 years. Lived 01/21/1943

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rosalia 02/12/2017 at 14:35

I would like to find any data about your grandfather Kuznetsov Alexandra Ivanovich, a native of the village of Trochile, Smolensky district, the Altai Territory, according to the information of the relatives, was called to the front of the Trinity Military Commission, the Altai Territory and fought on the Kursk Arc, was wounded and from wounds died in the hospital which hospital is unknown.

To answer

Yuri. 10/12/2017 at 12:09.

I would like to know about my father's life. He was born in 1923, to the front left the city of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. There and returned. I don't know about him. My parents diverged in 1960 when I was 3 years old and my mother went to Kuban with us. According to unverified information, he lived in Kansk all his life. His call is Kozinsky Ludwig (Martyanovich or Markovich). Thanks in advance for any information.

To answer
Catherine 12/15/2017 at 7:55.

I search for information about his father Grigoriev Andrey Lukyanovich 1910g.r
The Tatar RVC is called in July 1932, born in p. Varaksino, Kyshtovsky district, demobilized in July 1946, graduated from the fighting path on Sakhalin. Located in the memory book of the Novosibirsk region.

To answer

Catherine 12/12/2017 at 17:44.

In the book of memory there is no my father Vanechkin Ivan Ardreyevich 1916 is called up by the Novosibirsk region Suzunsky district with Charcho

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Oleg 09/01/2018 at 2:22

I am looking for your native Uncle Gagiyev Georgy Islamovich 1915 born of a native with. n. Saniba SavsR missing in 1943

To answer

LOVE 15/01/2018 at 22:12

I am looking for data on my dad of Nechaeva Semyon Ivanovich 1921 born 21 12, the Tambov region was called, the city of Michurin, the village of Kochetovka Drachennsky Sencons. Got a captivity. After the war of the war 35 years worked by the head of the Khankala railway station. Thanks

To answer
Love Konstantinovna 20/01/2018 at 23:08

I am looking for data on my dad, Trokhkin Konstantin Kondratyevich, 1906g.r called on 11/22/41 in Sov. Armia Nach.Te.The

To answer

Svetlana Bondarenko 24/01/2018 at 11:17

Hello! Looking for information about my grandfather. Petukhov Ivan Nikolaevich, born in 1914.Tezacited the Moscow Institute named after Herzen. in the specialty teacher history. Before the war, he worked in the village of the woodwood Chita region as a teacher, was the school director. Was called by flying. RVK cheat. region was notgered by the medal "for the courage". That's all what I know. Help find information. I do not even have a photo. I want my children to pass in an immortal regiment with a photo of their great-grandfather. I will be very grateful.

To answer

Dobrikov Sergey Valerevich 06/02/2018 at 13:42.

i am looking for a great-grandfather Dobricks Andrey Nikonoravich 1905. Born in the Stavropol Territory - Petrovsky district - Village Kazgulak title: ordinary - 2 times was rown - the third time died
He died in 1944.

To answer
Alexander 06/02/2018 at 20:42.

Hello looking for her uncle Slobodyanka Demyan Vasilyevich 1922 G.ukraine Khmelnitskaya region Dunaevsky district S. Ivankovtsy Pilipo-Rybtievsky with the council called in 1939 fought in Finnish .1941 He was captured by 1944 Died in captivity I would be very grateful.

To answer
Antonina 06/02/2018 at 21:07

Antonina I am looking for where in the years of the Great Patriotic War fought my father Bashkin Vasily Ivanovich 1915. Native of Vacorino village. Buuy district. Kostroma region. Called to the service on the northern fleet. Participated in the fights for Pechenga. Awarded medals. I want to know his combat path. He died in 1966. Please, help.

To answer
Svetlana 07/02/2018 at 17:54

Zhirov Svetlana Egorovna. Hello. I make information about my father Yemelyanov Emegor Petrovich. Where I fought.1911 of the birth of birth, May month. Summer in 1972 in the village of B. Zhirovo, Fatestsky district, Kursk region. Very grateful.

To answer
    Svetlana Malygin 20/06/2019 at 16:52

    Hello, Svetlana! I am looking for a missing grandfather of the grandfather Petrovich, 1911g.r. Before the war, he lived and worked in the city of Leningrad. He was a family: the wife. Syn, daughter. He was able to transfer the news, which is where he is not able to be a husband and father. This topic in the family was closed. I think that he Could change the surname. I conduct a search for almost 9 years. Added requests to the draft board and in Tsamo, there are no results. Maybe your dad and my grandfather is the same person?! I ask you to answer me. I will be grateful for any information.

    To answer
Svetlana 08/02/2018 at 17:51

My sister is looking for the burial place of her father-participant in Obukhov Fyodor Vasilyevich, 1919. R-I. Called by the military registration and enlistment office of the Balacht Krasnoyarsk Territory (from D. Parnovo). Maybe someone knows. Sister Avdeeva Lyubov Fedorovna lives V. D. Syrians, Demidovsky district of the Smolensk region. My Sot. - 8-910-710-57-59. Nicholas.

To answer
    Irina 03/05/2018 at 19:03

    Igor Kayumov 29 Apr 2018 at 3:20
    Immortal memory, remember, proud, 1941-1945, the immortal memory, remember, be proud, 1941-1945,
    Message for Svetlana and Nicholas.
    Obukhov Fyodor Vasilyevich 59 Separate ski battalion died on April 11, 1944.
    The Balahtinsky RVK is called upon, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Balahtinsky Rn wife Chibisova A.F.
    If this is the one you wanted, call 89644561304 or SMS with email.

    To answer
Alexander 02/15/2018 at 21:49.

I am looking for my native Uncle-Tarkhanov Alexander Nikolayevich 1909 birth. A native of D Pegus Knyazhpogostsky district Komi ASSR missing in 1942. in the Leningrad region. I lay in the hospitals of G. Leningrad 1942... tel. 89181681932.

To answer
Tatiana. 20/02/2018 at 0:31

Help find the burial place of my grandfather Demidov Alexander Efimovich. Surname Demidov add additional information
Name Alexander
Patronymic Efimovich
Last service in / h 9515
Military title Art. lieutenant
The cause of retirement died
Departure date 17.01.1942
Name of the source of information TsAMO
56 source fund
Options in the source of information 12220
The number of information of the source of information 53. Powered by the Kerch-Feodosian landing operation of 1942. Please will be happy for the message.

To answer
Gulya 02/20/2018 at 22:16.

I am looking for my father Usubyan Amid Bagratovich 1912 year. The Armenian district of the village of Kuribogaz.Umer in Georgia G.Tbilisi 1987.

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Gulya 20/02/2018 at 22:20

I look for information about his military unit and what rewards received.

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Gulya 27/02/2018 at 22:41

I am looking for where the grandfather Belov fought Alexander Nikolaevich, date of birth 29.08.1906g.krasnokholmsky district, D.Rachevo, Niva. The hotel was called in 1941. in G. Yebinsk, Yaroslavl Region, had a medal, one of them "for military merit"

To answer
Helena 27/02/2018 at 22:47.

I want to find where the grandfather Belov fought Alexander Nikolayevich, date of birth-29.08.1906, Krasnoholmsky district, D.Rachevo, Afanasovo, Niva, Tver Region ... It was called in 1941.I.Rybinska, Yaroslavl region, demobilized in the fall of 1945.Added by medals , one of them "for military merit"

To answer
Helena 01/03/2018 at 14:36.

I can not find anything about my grandfather Pleshakov Dmitry Kuzmich 1911, he confessed to June 22, 1941 together with the tractor on which he worked in the village of Novopokrovskaya Balashovsky District of the Saratov region, the last letter was from near Vyazma and in September a letter came to be missing. There were data about him in the archive, now there is nothing anywhere. There is a monument in the village of Novopokrovskoe with his last name on the monument

To answer
Martynovskaya (Herosueva) Galina 03/19/2018 at 22:20

Help, please track the fighting path of my mother Bocharova Maria Kirillovna 08/13/1918 born. It was called from the village of Alekseevka Sarayevsky (Muravlyansky) district of the Ryazan region, was Zenitchitsi, Poland, Czechoslovakia, reached Berlin, was held with the war. Returned home in August 1945. Died in 1972.

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Martynovskaya (Herosueva) Galina 03/24/2018 at 17:53

Looking for Uncle Potapenko Vladimir Stepanovich 1918. Native Kiev Chernobyl region with a tape. Disappeared, participant in the Second World War.

To answer
Bondar Olga Aleksandrovna 03/24/2018 at 22:15

I am looking for a grandfather of Bondar Vladimir Gerasimovich born in 1907, the title of Politruk. Native with. 1 Novostroevka of the Gravoron district of Belgorod (at birth - Kursk) The region last letter was from the city of Brovary of the Kiev region in 1941

To answer
Bondar Olga Aleksandrovna 03/25/2018 at 12:29

I am looking for a grandfather Botinko Dmitry Iosifovich1925 year of birth. The town of the village of Alkin is the Irkutsk region of the Kuytun district. Palm.

To answer
Bondar Olga Aleksandrovna 03/25/2018 at 22:18

i am looking for the information of the way of my father Bondarenko Vasily Alekseyevich 1924 planted on a small land by the sea landing where the battles went on a 2 weeks before the fights about which Brezhnev described, the parties stood an obelisk to the Sieme of My Father, because the funeral came from there, died on October 27, 1982, I will be very grateful to love information Novikova Larisa Vasilyevna

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egor 03/31/12 at 12:19.

i am looking for your grandfather veteran Makarov Mikhail Vasilyevich Year Birth of about 1924 Born Toli in the Leningrad Region Toli in the Kalininsk region at the age of 17 called in the army rank ordinary help please find

To answer
helena 16/04/2018 at 18:18

i am looking for information about my grandfather -Gudkov Joseph. God's birthday approximately 1913-14. Held G. Tula-Ude. Iron in 1973.

To answer
Natalia 19/04/2018 at 11:06.

I am looking for information about my grandmother and grandfather participants in the Second World War. Grandma Matyunina Taisiya Pavlovna, 1922-1924 born, Tula region, der. Osinsky mountain. She went to the front volunteer, there he met my grandfather, allegedly Filippov Valentina. 07.11.1944 My mother was born. Grandma died in 1946 or 47 in the city of Yeniseisk. There is no information about the grandfather. There are a few letters from 1943, where she writes that they are under Leningrad, in swamps, in the belt in water, and front-line photo of poor quality.

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Natalia 19/04/2018 at 11:09.

Looking for information about the room of military unit and battle paths of Matynina Taisiya Pavlovna

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Sveta 19/04/2018 at 20:56.

i would like to find at least some data on the OISS Ivan Vasilyevich 1920 or 1921 GR. It did not have other data from Sentalinsky or the Klyavlinsky military registration and enlistment office in 1940.

To answer
Sveta 20/04/2018 at 7:54.

Hello, I am from Kazakhstan, Aktobe (Former-Aktyubinsk), our grandfather Murunov Dumbay went to the front in 1941-1942, on the site we found similar information on the ordinary Damurov Dumbi out of 936 SP, which was killed 02/26/1943, the name of the source of information - TsAMO, the number of the source of information 58, the source number of the source - 977525, the case number of the source of information-251, the report: Case 22, Art. 123, according to the date of death, according to the father, the data coincide, as it was called in 1942, it may be a name was recorded erroneously, we don't know, maybe we can help us, the grandfather was called from the Aktubinsk region of Kazakh, the village of Will (Oyul ).

To answer
Vladimir 04/15/2018 at 15:26

Good afternoon. I am looking for information about your great-grandfather, Selie Lavrenty Terentievich, about 1910 years of birth, went to the front in 1941, the Lugansk region, disappeared in 1943 G. Kerch. Lent in Morflote. The last letter grandmother received with words, we go to the offensive After the funeral came. I don't know anything else. Where the funeral also does not know. Help.

To answer
Tatiana 04/26/2018 at 16:08

Looking for your grandfather Eliseeva Nikolai Grigorievich born in 1913. Lost in February 1942. Called by Serpukhov GVK. A native of the village of Novo-Sophia Shatsky district of the Ryazan region.

To answer
Lyudmila 27/04/2018 at 14:59

Hello! I want to learn about my grandfather Shavrin Egor 1906g.r.On in the Kurgan region, Shadrinsky district. S.Novo-sands. I lived the war with my family in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. What was called to the front, I don't know exactly, but according to grandmother The first time was called in 1939 by the Finnish war, I returned home and called for the second time in 1941. I was injured in 1941. I was injured in the hospital. I took it, sent to the front and later the notice came that grandfather was missing near Stalingrad. I haven't lost any time and I can not find any information.

To answer
Zhanna Satushushkina Schulum 27/04/2018 at 17:48.

Hello! I am looking for information about my grandfather Savelieva Nikolai Ivanovich 1908g Births. Didnamed from the city of Novosibirsk of the railway-dear region, Zhoso-Zavodskaya 69 sq. 2. And on what front did you fight, what combat awards had.

To answer
Zhanna Satushushkina Schulum 27/04/2018 at 20:46.

I am looking for Uncle Gorobtsova Fyodor Naumovich was called out of Uzbekistan before the war, when he began, he was tool in Grodno Toli in Rivne I do not know was a meal disappeared

To answer
Tatiana 01/05/2018 at 8:57.

Tatyana, Zhukovka, Bryansk region. I look for information about the great-grandfather Makarenkov Vasily Nikitievich. Everything that I know about it - was born in 1920 in the Smolensk region, died in 1950. served in the army of Romanovka, Shkotovsky district, Primorsky Krai. In 1941, from there was called to the front. He fought in the tank troops by the senior brigadier of the tank part. He was awarded the medal "for the courage", "Order of Combat Glory." After the war, she worked as a railway. He died in Moscow, in the hospital, buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

To answer
Natalia 01/05/2018 at 14:26

Natalia, Amur region Breaking district. I am looking for information about my grandfather - Lipter Peter Yakovlevich. Poland Pole. In the years of the Second World War was in the boss of the industrial region in Raychikhinsk Amur region.

To answer
Yuri. 05/05/2018 at 7:47.

Yuri. Find Ermakova Pavel Filippovich1910 year. with. Townships. Ryazan region; Called 26 04 1942, ordinary, disappeared in September 1942. Where? The last path of it, the number in, h

To answer
Lily 02/05/2018 at 10:28.

I am looking for a grandfather
Abilov Balka Cultivich 1918 lived in the city of Pugachev graduated from the Second World War in the title Lieutenant reached Berlin

To answer
Lily 05/05/2018 at 22:03

I would like to know the data of Koryabkin Ivan Sergeevich 1920 lived in the Penza region of Belinsky district fought medals

To answer
Lily 03/05/2018 at 9:33


ryabov Vlodimiv

ryabov Vladimir Pavlovich Born the village of Sabanovka District Bolotnic region Novosibirsk participant in, O.V.Umer in 1961, tragically, if someone knows that I know, I will be grateful for the message

To answer
Oksana 03/05/2018 at 14:50

Help, please find at least some information about the great-grandfather or tell me where you can seek information. My great-grandfather - Cashkin Arsente Ivanovich, 1909, called in the spring of 1941 for retraining, and immediately at war. I received an answer to the request - "disappeared. Listed in the memory book. " Prior to retraining, lived in the village of Bolshevorev, Zimigsky district, Irkutsk region.

To answer
Natalia 03/05/2018 at 19:59

Looking for information about Sopin Nikolae Ignatievich 1905g.r. designed by the Casklabl RVK Adygea and looking for his relatives, loved ones or friends, those who remember him. Who can tell about his life, after the war, perhaps moved. I will be very grateful for the information. Perhaps this is a person who I am looking for is my grandfather.

To answer
Natalia 04/05/2018 at 10:49.

My father passed the whole war, returned alive. Circumgirl Ivan Vasilyevich 1922 year.

To answer
Svetlana 04/05/2018 at 14:18

I am looking for my grandfathers missing in 1942 - Buryak Vasily Kirillovich born 1906 The RVK of the Zavyalovsky District, Altai Territory, was called up by an ordinary connection. And Ilicheva Ivan Grigorievich 1909. P.prizvan in 1941 in the city of Alekhovo-Zuevo, had early.

To answer
Svetlana 04/05/2018 at 18:25

I want to know where my father Filonov Vasily Nikandrovich was fought. 2014 04 1914 Kirov region Sanchursky district D. Bolshoy Zenkanur was called on at the end of 1940 for fees fought on the Leningrad Front then wounded and returned home disabled

To answer
Svetlana 04/05/2018 at 20:01

rafik Sakhullyn. I am looking for Yagafarov Garif Zarifovich. He was called in 1942 with Bashkortostan. d. sapashego kugarchinskogo (Yumaguzinskoye) district. It was in 3 months of courses somewhere. We sent to the front. soon came to the paper about bezvesti propzhi.

To answer
Svetlana 04/05/2018 at 20:04

rafik sahiullin. I am looking Yagafarova Garifuna Zarifovich. He called in 1942 to Bashkortostan. d. sapashevo kugarchinskogo (Yumaguzinskoye) district. I was 3-month courses somewhere. sent to the front. soon came to the paper about the missing of. More family did not know anything.

To answer
Svetlana 04.05.2018 at 21:34

Natalya.ischu information about his grandfather, Alexander Konovalov Ignatievich native of Omsk region obl.Bolsherechensky village Inberen, fought in the Moscow region, was killed.

To answer
Love 05/05/2018 at 7:20 am

Denisov Andrian Gennadyevich. Born in Sucunsky district of Tebenyaki. He studied in Krasnoufimsk, left and married, lived in the village of Turikov Kishertskaya oblast, worked as a teacher. I went to war and returned with contusion in the head (head permanent pain), the village. Page began to work at school. He died about 82-83 g. I look for information about him. Thanks.

To answer
Konstantin 05/05/2018 at 11:54.

Place of birth: Armenian SSR of Alverdi S.Madan
Place of death: Kerch
Roda troops: Ground troops, Air Force (except marine aviation), Coastal service, NKVD troops, border troops
Title: Red Armyetse
Taman Front Offensive Operation
The division called on one of six Armenian divisions.
My grandfather Dmitry Fedorovich, Greek by nationality, was born in 1905 or in 1907. In the village of Madan, Alverdi Tumanyansky district of the Armenian SSR. He worked at the mine, the captain of the mining and rescue service. From the large family, three brothers-Alexander, Peter, Vladimir, three sisters-Katerina, Maria and Nina. Seamian position of the wife-Kotanova Tatiana Anastasyevna 1909g.r. Children-phila-1934. Zhora-1935 g.Ansatasi-1941g. In June 1941, it was called into the ranks of the Red Army. In 1943, a notice came from Kerch, which disappeared. There is no information about the future fate of the grandfather. A huge request to everyone who has any information about the veteran share with us. We are very grateful.

To answer
Konstantin 05/05/2018 at 12:20

My father Hasanov Hamadyir Khasanovich was called in the Apastic District of Tatarstan. Was injured. After treatment, the hospital was sent and studied at the Military School Piermanovascus G. Alma-Ata. After the war served in the Sino-Soviet border in Kyrgyzstano 1955. He was awarded the medal "for military merit." I want to know his combat path.

To answer
Konstantin 05/05/2018 at 13:02

Anna I want to know where I fought my father Filonov Vasily Nikandrovich on February 27, 1914, lived and called on the war Kirov region Korlyakovsky district, B. Zenkanur

To answer
Konstantin 05/05/2018 at 14:45.

Help me find my uncle of the participant of the Second World War. He was buried in Sevastopol and he was a sailor. Interev, Pavel Fedorovich went to the front from Buryatia. I want to know everything. Writch in Habarova's classmates Tatyana Vasilyevna G Ulan-Ude

To answer
Zaire. 05/05/2018 at 16:37

My grandfather Magomedov Abdurachid 1913r called Makhachkala. A newsletter in March 1942 in 151 artillery regiment, was the shooter. He was demobilized in December 1944. Hell in 1988. I didn't tell us about the war. Mama says That there were awards, but they disappeared. I want to know where my grandfather fought.

To answer
Irina 05/05/2018 at 20:19

Please help learn at least some information about my consolidated grandfather: Varyukhin Pavel Fedorovich. He studied at the Lepelian School and in 1944 he was called to the front. Disappeared missing. Yes, no more.

To answer
Aleftina 05/05/2018 at 21:46.

I am looking for a grandfather Starkov Ivan (when he married his grandmother's name - Fominy) about 1912 years of birth, called on the front in Karagai district, the accound village council (not for sure). Mom said perhaps he had the second family in Nizhny Novgorod. I want to know about the grandfather.

To answer
Galina 06/05/2018 at 13:16.

I am looking for front-line data of my grandfather Shevchenko Mikhail Klimovich (possibly Clemetyevich - I don't know for sure) Year of birth 1906 April 24, was called in Taganrog 07/22/1941 and sent as part of the team 00124 (or 20124)

To answer
Zakharov Roman 06/05/2018 at 20:33

looking for the combat path of your grandfather Zakharov Roman Fedorovich, a native with. Urluk of the Krasnochik district of the Chita region, is called upon to Krasnochika RVK, the Chita region, had three awards (which are not known), tentatively liberated the Crimea - Sevastopol in 180 ZSP

To answer
Zakharov Roman 06/05/2018 at 20:57

I am looking for a missing grandfather: Atyev Andreyan Abkhalikovich, born in 1909, called Dürtylinsky RVK Bashkir ASSR, was missing alleged 1942. My data Atyev Roman Semenovich.

To answer
Nina Vasilyeva (ABIMOVA) 06/05/2018 at 21:29

I am looking for Uncle - ABOMOVA Alexander Petrovich, missing in battles for Stalingrad. Called from the Astrakhan region, Buzansky district. Born in the Orenburg region, Pervomaisky district.

To answer
Nina 07/05/2018 at 0:54.

i am looking for my father-Burlakova Mikhail Alekseevich, 1916 is intended by Tajikistan Stalinabad region Gissar district M .. h. S. Born in Bash of ASSR Sterlitamak

To answer
Rotina Julia 07/05/2018 at 16:33

Looking for information about the great-grandfather Sychev Boris Sergeevich, 1924, called on September 3, 1943, served in C / C41591

To answer
Krutchinskaya Irina 07/05/2018 at 21:03

Looking for information about your great-grandfather Voron Evdokim Avramovich, 1913.
That's all found: place of birth: Krasnodar region, Slavic district, Art. Petrovskaya
No. of award document: 182
Date of award document: 06.11.1985

Thanks for the help.

To answer
Krutchinskaya Irina 07/05/2018 at 21:39

Looking for information about your relative, Ivan Andreevich, 1924, about his battle way, awards

To answer
Krutchinskaya Irina 07/05/2018 at 22:02.

i am looking for the data of the grandfather of the Stalingrad battle of Calimullin Minskir \u200b\u200bCalimulovich 1909 gr

To answer
Valentina 05/05/2018 at 23:37

Cry from the heart! Help find my uncle! Zinin Innokenty Nifantievich 1923g.r. with. Bunkovo \u200b\u200bUporovsky district of Tyumen region. In 1942. 10 months disappeared ... He must be part of the Siberian division. Sergeant..

To answer
Valentina 08/05/2018 at 8:14.

i am looking for data on Father Solynik Peter Mikhailovich 1927g

To answer
Azmudine 08/05/2018 at 11:17

I am looking for the data of Brother Father (1924 born S. Archug, Khivsky district, Dagestan Republic) and where they were buried - Sergeant Ramazanov Haj Tagilaevich. Lent in the 667 rifle shelf 218 of the rifle Romodano-Kiev Red Banner Division. This division reached the Western borders of Poland with Germany. Please inform any information.

To answer
Nina 05/05/2018 at 14:48.

I am looking for missing Sneakers Ivan Andreevich, 1916. It is called to the front of the Kargat RVK of the Novosibirsk region. Lost in 1942 was missing. I want to know the place of the last fight.

To answer
Sorokina Zoya Gennadievna 08/05/2018 at 15:09

I am looking for my uncle Pavlova (Philippov) Alexander Pavlovich, 1920-1925. The call of the Ishlasky RVK, Chuvash ASSR, Ishlasky district. Xingyal-Ohluda. Value under Stalingrad. We do not know exactly what the archive of the military registration and enlistment office burned down.

To answer
Kohanova Tatiana Nikolaevna 08/05/2018 at 16:49

Many times tried to find my uncle, Chalova Andrei Lukyanovich 1922 year of birth, the Altai Territory was called, with. Zavyalovo, Zavyalovsky district. Disappeared in December 1942. Please inform any information.

To answer
Sorokina Zoya Gennadievna 08/05/2018 at 16:54

I am looking for missing great-grandfather Lubnina Grigory Ivanovich Call place Zuevsky district of the Kirov region Nothing is not known about him

To answer
    Nikolay Dmitrievich 10/05/2018 at 12:10

    Zoya and you look at the memorial just Lunin

    To answer
    Nikolay Dmitrievich 10/05/2018 at 12:13.

    Date of birth / age __.__. 1916
    Place of birth Kirov region, Zuevsky district, der. Soma.
    Date and place call Zuevsky RVK, Kirov Region, Zuevsky district
    Last service 330 SD
    Military title of Krasnoamec
    The reason for the disposal was missing
    Departure date 21.10.1941
    Place of disposal Tula region
    Name of the source of the reporting of TsAMO
    58 source fund stock number
    Option number of information source 818883
    Information Source Case 1154
    Military title of Krasnoamec
    Date of death __.__. 1941
    Country of burial Russia
    Region of burial Moscow
    Place of burial Moscow, ul. Olonetsky passage, ll. 2, Raja Cemetery

    To answer
Sorokina Zoya Gennadievna 08/05/2018 at 17:17

Good day! I would like to know the front-line path of my father Bespalova Grigory Ivanovich (04/12/1916). It was called in 1941 from the city of Chelyabinsk, a tractor model commissariat. After the war returned to Chelyabinsk in 1946. Thank you very much for the help. Bespalov V.G.

To answer
Valentina Nikolaevna Mokronos 08/05/2018 at 22:06.

I want to know the front-line path of my grandfather Tarasenko Nikolai Ivanovich. The good of birth is not known, but born in Karachay-Cherkessia, the city of Karachaevsk, Aul Teresa, in front of the war married and lived in the Krasnodar Territory, Hadayzhensky district. In February 1943 lay in the hospital of Balashov. I will be very grateful.

To answer
Bella Prutina (Mallow) 08/05/2018 at 22:11

Hello. I would like to know the fighting path of my father Mallow Batha Magamedovich (perhaps in the documents, it is as Mollayev Boris Mikhailovich), born in 1920. Yoornets of the village of Aksay, Khasavurtovsky district, Dagasr. We know quite a bit about him. I know that I fought on the Black Sea Fleet, in the marine infantry, as part of the Kunikov detachment planted on a small land. I also know what came to Hungary and that the victory met in the hospital of Budapest. There is no information about him I didn't like myself and about the war dad says, I know that it was repeatedly wounded and what had a combat awards, which I don't know. Papa went away in 1978. Assist about him all the way on behalf of my whole family.

To answer
vanic 08/05/2018 at 22:14

Alexander.08.05.2018. I am looking for missing your grandfather Yuryeva Vasily Machinist of the steam locomotive at the first days of her start. Call-Tombov region Michurinsky district with. Nikolsky. The year of birth is presumably 1910-1914 I do not know exactly. For previously grateful for the help ...

To answer
vanic 08/05/2018 at 22:39

how to find information about Grandfather Chesova Cheslava Felixovich, a soldier who fought in the army of manual, was called from D. Dudoy, \u200b\u200bnow the Vitebsk region.

To answer
vanic 08/05/2018 at 23:10

I want to know about the grandfather Kasimova Konstantin Georgievich. He lived in the South District. There is information that he died near Moscow.

To answer
Tatiana 09/05/2018 at 11:01

I want to learn about my grandfather, Yemelyanov Dmitry Alekseevich, a member of the Second World War, presumably 1907, fought near Smolensky, was injured, the wound was in his leg until the end of the life of the wound was open, died 09-01-1975.

To answer
Miftutdnova 09/05/2018 at 12:46.

i am looking for information about the missing grandfather Eremin Dmitry Mikhailovich. Was called up from the king or the queen (now it does not exist) the Abansky district of the Krasnoyarsk region went to the front in 1941 (he was red partisan) returned to early in 1943 approximately 1947-48 was arrested, and as the witness was said, which was sitting with his grandfather The second Deng was killed thieves. He had a dome of Kiset with tobacco, and the owner of a plea. Deeds accused of stealing, said: the Order caught and heat himself, what his grandfather replied that he did not cake, but bought from the guys and showing what. Only the guys were criminals and killed grandfather at night. Where is buried. For which I am awarded nothing. Yes, and the grandmother did not know much, she was already well for a long time. How to find out the information I do not know. Santa was fought by two senior son Eremin Mikhail Dmitrievich reached Berlin and returned to the Japanese returned 1947-48 in the city of Kansk Krasnoyarsk Territory. And the second son fought before 1945 Eremin Ivan Dmitrievich lived in the long bridge of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Help the grandfather Someone from distant relatives knows something

To answer
Korotkov Nina 09/05/2018 at 16:02.

I am looking for my uncle on the maternal line Besalilo Vladimir Titovich, 1921, called from the Borodyansky district, Kiev region. Village Pilipovichi. Palked to the Kursk arc, so Mom said.

To answer
Fadeeva Olga 09/05/2018 at 16:41

In Kaliningrad, there is a monument to the memorial warriors erected in honor of the heroic feat of the Soviet intelligence officers during the preparation of the East Prussian operation 1944-1945. It contains the RG "Soloviev": 17.12.1944-22.01.1945g, which was part of the deceased. In the composition of this group And my father Koshkin Yuriy Aleksandrovich, 1926g, a radioist who still lives and lives in Perelenodolsk Tatarstan. The memory of the dead is holy, and what is alive?

To answer
Fadeeva Olga 09/05/2018 at 17:22

We are looking for information about the frontal events in which my father-in-law participated (my husband's father) Drontov Yuri Dmitrievich 1926g.r. He had a bullet wound in the chest. In the finish. Returned from the war, he married Obabakaya Raisa Ivanovna and had 6 children with her. He died in 1980 in Uzbekistan (Tashkent).

To answer
    Fadeeva Olga 09/05/2018 at 17:27

    change the surname and name

    To answer
Fadeeva Olga 09/05/2018 at 17:49.

Good evening. Help please find my grandfather Sorvin Grigory Stepanovich 1912 All sites have shipped, unfortunately no information for himself found, was injured, we did not see the awards, maybe there were relatives do not know. There is a photo, passed the whole war, was injured. I had 3 children, 2 sons and daughter. He lived after the war in paragraph. Magnitka Chelyabinsk region of the Kusinsky district. He died in 1965, there was also buried.

To answer
Puzeeva Veronica Aleksandrovna 09/05/2018 at 17:54

Good evening. Help please find my grandfather Sorvin Grigory Stepanovich 1912 All sites have shipped, unfortunately no information for himself found, was injured, we did not see the awards, maybe there were relatives do not know. There is a photo, passed the whole war, was injured. I had 3 children, 2 sons and daughter. He lived after the war in paragraph. Magnitka Chelyabinsk region of the Kusinsky district. He died in 1965, there was also buried.

To answer
larisa 09/05/2018 at 18:15

hello. They haven't been buried by the grandfather. But we have no one of his photos. Maybe you will succeed. Sea service-116 GW SD.497 min. Picks killed 06-07 09.1943g Ukrainian SSR Chernigov region Borsnyansky district S.Novy Mlini.Soronnen in a fraternal grave in the center of the village Thank you will wait for the news. So I would like to see what he was my grandfather

To answer
Marina 09/05/2018 at 18:16.

I am looking for information about my grandfather Moshko Ivan Mikhailovich 1911, called in June 1941 in the Kagalnitsky district of the Rostov region ... In the archival documents, they write that the BKZ disappears to lead in May 1943 ... there is no data of the military unit ... Front ... ... only indicated - ordinary and was a machine gunner ... Thank you in advance!

To answer
larisa 09/05/2018 at 18:22

forgot to write Baktashev Nikolay Alexandrovich

To answer
larisa 09/05/2018 at 18:48.

I am looking for my grandfather Sienut Cyril Philipovich 1911. Ukraine Chernihiv region Chernihivsky region .

To answer
Elena Rykovskaya 09/05/2018 at 19:59

My grandfather, Posyinnikov Ilya Petrovich, 1909, died in July 1941 at St. Saltanovka Gomel region of Belarus. Address to find the burial place and is there a name in the Book of Memory, on Obelisk or on a fraternal grave.

To answer
Svetlana Konik. 09/05/2018 at 20:21

I am looking for information about my grandfather pillar Ivan Egorovich 1922g.r died in September 1943. In the Donetsk region, Makeevka, P.Nizhanev

To answer
Svetlana Konik. 09/05/2018 at 21:48.

Looking for the front data of his father Fazleayev Samata, a native of the Tatar ASSR, Sabinsky district, d. Satyshevo. Call date --Yun! 941g. By May 1945. Sea of \u200b\u200bShaunsky RVK, Gorky regionShunsky rn.Preatest service station 260 OMSB, Military-permeless point - Gorkovsky runway.

To answer
Alexandrov Aleksey 09/05/2018 at 22:20

Help find Alexandrova Kuzma Akimovich and Alexandrova Nikolai Akimovich. Called to the front from the village of Sodonniki Astrakhan region. Missing.

To answer
Natalia 10/05/2018 at 0:38.

I am looking for a native Uncle Kalgarov Dmitry Nikolayevich 1911g.r. Yojenzen village Danilovka Aleksinsky district of the Tula region. It was called up to the front of the Khimkin RVK on September 8, 1941. In December 1941 disappeared. It is known in which part he served, it is known that ordinary, machine gunner. I hope to get at least some information.

To answer
Natalia 10/05/2018 at 10:33

I am looking for a grandfather - Katso Mark Platonovich - himself from Belarus, died as an unknown. I don't know anything else. Help me find

To answer
Natalia 10/05/2018 at 10:58.

Tatyana: I am looking for a grandfather of Chashin Peter Evdokimovich 1907-1908. The native of the Plast of the Chelyabinsk region was wounded somewhere in Belarus got into the hospital, there is a mixture that at the same night the hospital bombard nothing else. I don't know anything.

To answer
novel 10/05/2018 at 17:05

For the family archive, data about the participant of the BOB 1941-1945 and the Japanese War of 1945 are collected: Andrianov Serafim Grigorievich, 1915, a native of the Penza province, was called up to the front in 1941 from the Uzbek SSR, served as a front driver on advanced, demobilized from the ranks Soviet Army after the Japanese war of 1945 in the Fergana region of the Uzbek SSR. Awarded the Order of Patriotic War II degree in 1985. He lived in retirement, died and buried in the 90s in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine. Please help assess all available information about it. Thanks for participating.

To answer
Fedor 10/05/2018 at 17:10

I am looking for Glassnikova Peter Rweedveyevich born in 1917, (Passion Rweedveyevich does not mean anywhere) The Penza region Vadinsky district was called by S.Vasilyevka Vadinsky district of the Penza region (it was possible another area) from his words I was called in 1939. I served the Finnish In the bus.

To answer
Lyudmila 10/05/2018 at 19:29

i am looking for Gerasimova Tikhon Petrovich 1905 year, called on the front in 1951 from the village of Bogdashkino, the Cherdaklinsky district of the Ulyanovsk region. He fought near Leningrad, the city of Tikhvinsk - at the beginning of the war, the Sannaster. It was from him three letters exactly from there. There are no more information. I am a granddaughter on the maternal line. Mom Gerasimova Anna Tikhonovna, 1925 year of birth. During the war, worked at the Military Plant of the city of Ulyanovsk. Alive. I can not find information.

To answer
Galina 10/05/2018 at 19:52

I am looking for your grandfather who has fallen without Salov Pavel Yakovlevich, born in 1903. It was called out in June 1941 from the Zavropol region of the Zavropol region in June 1941, and in 1941. Palked in Ukraine, presumably in the city of White Church. Help find the burial place and whether there is a record in the memory book.

To answer
zilina 10/05/2018 at 20:45.

i am looking for a grandfather Akmalova Nizametina Akmolovich 1905 G.R.Orozhinets D. Kuktava Bashkir ASSR of Ilishevsky District. The village was called to the front in June 1941. In December 1941 disappeared. Do not know where and in which part served. The stalls . I will wait for the news.

To answer
Catherine 10/05/2018 at 21:18.

Looking for your grandfather Gorodnikov Stepan Pavlovich 1901g.r. Called in 1942 by the Sargat RVK, Omsk Region. Found in April 1944. Right shooter. Highlights of the burial place. I will be grateful.

To answer
Raisa 10/05/2018 at 21:44.

i am looking for Uncle Salikhova Herman Mikheevich Bashkiria D Novo-Semenkinino, called from the Sverdlovsk region according to some data from the city of Nizhny Tagil.

To answer
Catherine 10/05/2018 at 21:47.

Sorokina Lilia Vladimirovna is looking for the burial place Murzaev Ivan Vasilyevich designed in the fall of 1039 in the village of Alferovo Lambirry District Mordovia

To answer
Tatiana 11/05/2018 at 0:23

I am looking for your grandfather Zuev Naum Ivanovich 1913. (not for sure) a native of the Smolensk region. Called to the front with Prunes of the Kyrgyz SSR. I will be grateful at least some information. Thanks in advance!

To answer
Gennady Smirnov 11/05/2018 at 1:33

Smirnov Gennady Alexandrovich is looking for the burial place of Uncle Zudikhina Mikhail Alexandrovich, who died in 1942 at the front and other information (division, title, awards, partying, the date of call, the circumstances of death, etc.), designed to the front of the Sverdlovsk Region of the Sverdlovsk Region.

To answer
ponomarev Andrey 11/05/2018 at 6:58.

I am looking for my grandfather Peter Peter Ivanovich died in 1941 near Smolensky, designed from the Novosibirsk region, was a tanker

To answer
Galina 11/05/2018 at 11:20

I would like to know about fighting way my father Kokoreva griorgiya Vasilyevich, born in 1918, was born in the village of Kizilskoe Orenburg province. He graduated in Moscow Infantry School behalf of the Supreme Soviet in 1940. War met in Minsk on June 22, 1941. After the environment was in a penal battalion, deprived of officer rank. Wounded in 1943 during the Dnieper crossing, Belorussian Front. Thank you in advance.

To answer
Galina 11.05.2018 at 15:44

I am his uncle, his father's brother. Surname Osip Fedorovich Rozhkov, born Polch-Maidan village, Voznesensky District, Gorky region. Similarly, the year of birth is unknown, after about 1911, and to 1922.

To answer
Galina 11.05.2018 at 15:45

I am his uncle, his father's brother. Surname Osip Fedorovich Rozhkov, born Polch-Maidan village, Voznesensky District, Gorky region. Similarly, the year of birth is unknown, after about 1911, and to 1922.

To answer
Galina 05.11.2018 at 16:08

I am prodeda they were
and three brothers Seyilbaev Bernie Seyilbaev Abdigappar Seyilbaev Alzhan recruits 1942 From Tajikistan Qurghonteppa Oblast Village Kagonabad. Details surname and year of birth is not known.

To answer
Gafur 05.11.2018 at 16:22

Good day!
I am looking for the burial place of his grandfather Bikkuzhina doodle 1907g.r. native Kazakh ASSR Guryev region. (According to the funerals), August 4, 1942 wounded and died of his wounds in hospital evacuation in 1604 Voronezh region Borisoglebsk. Funerals August 31 with the number 13 or 18

To answer
Lyudmila 05.11.2018 at 20:05

I am his grandfather Primakov Peter Gavrilovic 1921 birth was called missing in June 1941.Bolshe not known in April 1941.

To answer
Anna 05.12.2018 at 16:18

My grandfather Mishari Ivan T. missing. In February 1942 there was a letter with the field post office 881 SSE 891 company platoon 1. In May 1942, was receiving treatment after being injured in the city of Sochi n I fell 209 8. I would like to know where he was killed and buried.

To answer
Irina 05.14.2018 at 16:45

Good day!
I am looking for the burial place of the great-grandfather Philip Okhotnikova Mikhailovich, a native of the Tyumen region. (Formerly of the Omsk region.) Abatsky District, served NKVD.Hochetsya d.Spirino may know where he is buried, and any other information.

To answer
Irina 14.05.2018 at 16:47

Good day!
I am the great-grandfather burial place and any other information. Konovalova Yegorov was a signalman, was missing, a native of the Tyumen region. (Formerly of the Omsk region.) Abatsky District, d.Ozerki

To answer
natalia 05.15.2018 at 14:29

Good day!
I am looking for information about the history of the service of Solomonov Victor, a native of the Orenburg region (during the years of the Chkalov region) I know that I served in intelligence, I lost my leg in war. He died in peacetime, but nothing knows about his service. I would like to know more.

To answer
Irina 05/16/2018 at 10:28

Good day! I am looking for information about the great-grandfather Harlam, presumably urged from the Perm region of the Narap district village Ustyunya. Unfortunately, no longer know any information. I want to know anything.

To answer
Yuri. 05/16/2018 at 15:08.

I want to find all possible information about my father - Kozinsky Ludwig Markovich born in 1923. According to me, he went to the front from the city of Kansk, the Krasnoyar Territory, and returned there, he lived there. I would be grateful for any information.

To answer
Galina 05/16/2018 at 23:19

hello. I eat any data on the battle way of my grandfather Cornilov Nikita Vasilyevich born in the village of Koshevka Penza region, the Poornemian District in the village. Movements: I left the house in 1939. I had a funeral in which it was written about the Russian Academy of Sciences on December 10, 1943 , buried in the Bashkir SSR, 500 meters south with. Sculpts, the grave number 1. It is not known where. Please help find it. I would like to know more about my grandfather ...

To answer
Marina 18/05/2018 at 15:12

Good day! I am looking for information on my grandfather Shubin Vladimir Aleksandrovich on January 27, 1921. He participated in the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic War, called from the Kirov region, returned to the Vologda region, Velikoustyug district, worked in the Arkhangelsk region. No information on sites can be found. I will be very grateful for your help in finding.

To answer
Marina 18/05/2018 at 20:22

Hello! Looking for information on my grandfather, Isakov Dmitry Andriovich was born in May 1912, called from G Sverdlovsk Echelon was sent to Stalingrad. Nothing is known anymore. Praise came in 1941, which was missing. Ask no one who does not know anything. I will be very grateful for your help in finding.

To answer
Natalia 20/05/2018 at 17:27

I am looking for any information related to my grandfather Kuzmin Grigoriy Fedorovich 21.01.1912g. Tag about his brothers Ilya, Prokopii, Andrei, Ivan, and Sisters Tatiana and Scrosigny.

To answer
Tatiana 05/21/2018 at 14:52

Please help find information about the fighter Bashkov Alexander Fedorovich. 1922 bit away. My mother is his native sister Bokova Agrapian Fedorovna. He is my uncle. Born in 1922. Omsk region Tevriz district Rh. Komarovka. Father called Bashkov Fedor Nikolaevich. Mama Bashova Anna Pavlovna. Before the beginning of the Second World War, he studied by the driver in Omsk. At that time, there was an order not to take the machinists. Booking was on Mashalenists. But he was a Komsomolet, voluntarily went to defend his homeland in 1941. Died where we do not know. But he wrote from the front that he was discharged with a parachute, and he should get sway somewhere with the report. For Moem it was in Odessa 1942. Then he wrote that he was injured in her hand. I lay in the Hospital of Gastrakhan. We also received a letter that the wound healed and he again went to beat the fascists and died. Letters have not been preserved.

To answer
spring 05/21/2018 at 15:14

i ask you to find the combat path of McLovsky Vasily Afanasyevich Privaya fought 1941-1944, I had an award from where I was called, I died, Khanka Khorezm Uzbekistan died and called for Khorezm Khanki

To answer
spring 05/21/2018 at 15:31

i am looking for data on a relative of Rajapov Quurabai (Nikolai) I want to know about his battle way. 1943 Khorezm region Khanki district Uzbekistan 36 Tank Brigade Military ID 2037309.

To answer
spring 05/21/2018 at 15:34

i am looking for data Battle way Hismatulin Islam 1925 birthday 4 Tank division

To answer
spring 05/21/2018 at 23:59

Please find my grandfather of Semenov Fedor Alekseevich born in 1907 lived Bashkiria Sterlitomak Village Novotroitsk

To answer
Olga 24/05/2018 at 12:15

I am looking for my grandfather-Meshcheryakov Friend, ordinary, born in 1911, who was missing in 1941, was called up by the Vikulovsky military registration and enlistment office.

To answer
Olga 25/05/2018 at 16:41

I am looking for a cross-known Vasily Aleksandrovich, 1914 lived before the war in p. Koopokoko Altai Territory. Called by a local military registration and enlistment office

To answer
Valentina 05/26/2018 at 19:26.

I want to know where my grandfather's grandfather fought the Udmurt Republic to know that after the war he fell into the hospital in the Powder in Latvia and left there. He did not return home. Called his non-resident Sergey Aleksandrovich

To answer
Gulnur 02/06/2018 at 12:42.

i want to recognize the native of the Bashkir ASSR of the Kuyurgazinsky District. Village Yakutovo. Bikmayev Mijina Yusupovich .1921. Called by the local military registration and enlistment office and nothing else is known. When the grandmother was alive, I waited very much and wanted to know his fate. Grandfather Rakhmanguil Minigal Abdulhakovich 1910g. I was called up 21 02 1943.Pald 11 1943. Somewhere under the city of Podolsk Usmoskovskaya oblast I wanted to know the fighting path to Grandfather

To answer
Gulnur 02/06/2018 at 12:45.

i want to recognize the native of the Bashkir ASSR of the Kuyurgazinsky District. Village Yakutovo. Bikmayev Mijina Yusupovich .1921. Called by the local military registration and enlistment office and nothing else is known. When the grandmother was alive, I waited very much and wanted to know his fate. Grandfather Rakhmanguilov Minigal Abdulhakovich 1910g. I was called up 21 02 1943. Palked 11 1943. Somewhere under the city of Podolsk, Moscow region, I wanted to know the fighting path of the grandfather.

To answer
Evgeniy 04/06/2018 at 14:43.

I am looking for data on your Santa Kostomaha Alexander Korneevich born in the born of a native of the village of Loznye, the Velikomihilovsky district of the Kursk region where he fought and died I don't know, I was called on the Velikomihaylovsky RVK of the Kursk region. Lost 06.1943 G. Last letter from it was 07/04/1943 from Borispol. Please help grandchild and great-grandchildren. I want to know the story of a grandfather. Thanks to grateful. Sincerely, Eugene

To answer
Alla 05/06/2018 at 16:08

pour to find a grandfather, passed the whole war, was a driver from St. Kavkaz, brought the ammunition Kovalev Andrei about 1914-1915g, live in Armavir

To answer
Hope 06/13/2018 at 13:50

i am looking for at least some other information about the relationship, Likholite Ivan Gavrilovich 1914, called in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the Uzhursky district of the RVC

To answer
Hope 06/17/2018 at 19:10

I am looking for information about Grick Peter Konstantinovich, approximately 1891r.r.Orzden in 1937. Posted to the front in 1942. He had: wife Maria, Art. Daughter Lida and ML. Nina's daughter from Kaluzhskaya oblast. Ache.

To answer
Peter Leonov Solovki 06/18/2018 at 22:29

We ask you to provide any information about Dreagin Nicolae Favstovich, who graduated from the Solovetsky School of Jung and participating in hostilities on the Northern Fleet. After the war, she lived in Solovki, then he moved to Belorussia. He is alive or not unknown.
Unfortunately, no documents about Dreagin Nicolae Favstovich in the village have not survived.
The request was made in connection with the proposal of Solovchan to call him the name of the street in the village of Solovetsky.
I ask you to help. Maybe you can contact Belorussia, where he lived in 1990-20000?

To answer
Galchenko Arkady 06/30/2018 at 5:19.

I am looking for ancient Arkady of a thorough member Storm 333 in Afghanistan when taking a Palace of Amina

To answer
Galchenko Arkady 07/07/2018 at 11:45.

Looking for a grandfather Konstantinova Peter Konstantinovich 1894 GR lived D Shavor of the Pskov region of the Gdovsky district served 1251 s d 377 with P died in 1944 Estonia but exactly where I do not know please help find the burial place

To answer
Gennady 07/22/2018 at 8:31

I am looking for Larionova Ivan Andreevich, a native of D.Petrics of the BSSR, died, having lost his native Belarus. I do not know the burial. It is an old photo, he is with friends 1941. There is a brotherly grave or memorial, grandmother while union traveled. But the grandmothers did not make anyone. Please, I will be very grateful!

To answer
Catherine 01/08/2018 at 16:46.

I am looking for Praded Makhlin Boris Vladimirovich 1915 -1917 (I do not know for sure). I know that disappeared during the Second World War. Called in Ukraine, most likely the Dnipropetrovsk region. I really want to find any information and documents.

To answer
Catherine 02/08/2018 at 11:45.

Looking for at least some information about my grandfather. Or Mambet
The place of residence to the war: Crimea. Karasubazar district, der Yenisala. At the very beginning of the war, Karasubazar RVK. It went to Belarus, in 1944 he was injured, in May of the same year after treatment in the hospital received a vacation and came to the Crimea in the 15th of May. He had awards. May 18, together with all the Crimean Tatars, was deported to the Urals.

To answer
Catherine 08/08/2018 at 17:46.

I am looking for information about the participant of Markov Filippe Akimovic, 07.27.1916g.r., With Kamenushka, Kamensky district, Altai kr.

To answer
Catherine 05/08/2018 at 10:56.

I am Elagin Vasily Ivanovich 1952 I am looking for a grandfather Nefedova Vasily died during the war he had a daughter. This is my mother Nefedova Anna Vasilevna born the farm Romanovo Zhdanovsky district of the Stalingrad region in 1930. August 10.

To answer
Catherine 05/08/2018 at 11:10

I am Elagin Vasily Ivanovich 1952 I am looking for a grandfather Nefedova Vasily died during the war he had a daughter. This is my mother Nefedova Anna Vasilevna born the farm Romanovo Zhdanovsky district of the Stalingrad region in 1930. August 10. And I now live the city of Volzhsky st. Lenin 116 sq.344 Volgograd region.

To answer
Catherine 06/08/2018 at 20:51

Hello! Help to find at least some information about my grandfather Khudoborodov Aleksandra Nikolayevich. Lent in 196 Gatchina Division. In 1941 were on re-formation in Sol - Iletsk Chkalov region. Stood on the village of Grigoriev Salt - Iletsky District. My grandmother gave birth to my mom from him. But Mom knows nothing about him and his mother did not ask. And I really want to know the fighting path of the grandfather. Thank you in advance. Or tell me, on which site you can find this information. Sincerely. Ivanova Larisa Vasilyevna.

To answer
Olga 07/08/2018 at 19:25

Hello I'm looking for my grandfathers, I don't know anything only fomials and the names of Efimkin Maisei (Oryol region), he had her son Efimkin Anatoly Maisheevich and Ninetaev Peter (Mordovakovaya ASSR), he had a daughter or granddaughter-ninatayev Maria Petrovna

To answer
Raisa 08/26/2018 at 12:40

Hello! Help reconcile information about the military actions of my father Bauzalov Vasily Aleksandrovich 1915 Birth

To answer
Galina Rodovitskaya 31/08/2018 at 1:34

We are looking for any information about our grandfather, Sorokin Nikita Maximovich, alleged 1905-1907 born, born in the Smolensk region. Called in the summer of 1941 from Zvenigorod in the Moscow region. Latest information about it - autumn 1941, disappeared in the Smolensk region. Our mom and grandmother (his daughter and widow) were looking for any information about him all life. They are no longer no, maybe you can help us, his grandchildren. Thanks!

To answer
Tatyana Kashtanova 18/09/2018 at 22:12

I am looking for relatives of Kashtanov Dmitry Yakovlich about 1928 born of a native of the Ulyanovsk region. If someone knows I ask to answer.

To answer
Boris 27/09/2018 at 20:19

Boris Kleschevnikov
Looking for a frontal father's biography. Kleschovnikov Alexander Aleksandrovich 1910g. birth. Called for military fees in 1940 and then immediately sent to the front, he will return home in autumn 1945. According to the stories of the Father, he was in captivity several times ran away from his caught again. In the end, he managed to escape and he traveled to the partisans where he fought before the freedom of Belarus, then got into personnel troops where he fought until the end of the war. After the war, he was called to the draft board and were awarded government awards. What I did not remember. Please find his tracks in the archives of my adrele Belgorod region Stary Oskol MKR Zhukova D51 sq. 56 89102251580 Waiting

To answer
Oleg 09/29/2018 at 15:10

I want to know about the battle way of my father Suchukov Semenna Alekseevich, 12.02.1902 born, the native of the farm of Lenin, the white-named area of \u200b\u200bthe Rostov region, Lieutenant Colonel of the reserve in the second Brigade of Budenny, NKVD, MGB, the UFSIR Krasnodar Territory.

To answer
Elena N. 04/10/2018 at 15:42.

Looking for information about places of service of your grandfather and about his awards. The photo preserved the Order of the Red Star and the Order "Patriotic War." Andreev Alexander Ivanovich September 15, 1920, the place of birth of the village of B-Ovinet ChebSar district of the Vologda region of the RSFSR. In the ranks of the Soviet Army since 1940. Demobilized earned end 1942. - At first 1943

To answer
Zaydulla 07/10/2018 at 19:15

We are looking for information about the digestion in the Second World War. Everything about it is not to ask anyone. Called him Haliulla. Called from the Orenburg region. Called by the surname is possible as Ramazanov or Oaxes (Wise). When he died and where it was buried unknown. The only daughter staying now in Sol-Iletsk received a pension to the duration of his father (mother died early).

To answer
Alexey 09/10/2018 at 17:36

I am looking for information about my grandfather Semenov Ivan Alekseevich.21 .11.1902g.. Called 02.09.1941.

To answer
Anna 10/19/2018 at 12:13.

We are looking for a military unit, where the grandfather of Arrows Petrov Alexander Mikhailovich, 1918 g, P, was called up 30.08.41 Mr. Nyurbinsky RVC Yakutsk ASSR. The western front was written, where the Leningrad Front is written. From the war returned in 1944.

To answer
Galina 12/24/2018 at 21:45.

I look for information about the fighting path of Father Trifonova Georgy Mikhailovich. Born in 1920 in p. Chirps of Laishevsky district. The military service was called in 1938. From the war returned in 1945.

To answer
Afghan 10/25/2018 at 16:48.

I am looking for Uncle David Sultanahmed Weisal Ogly. In December 1943, I was missing.

To answer
Vadim. 05/11/2018 at 12:43.

Vadim. I would like to know where Martynov Grigory Sergeevich was buried born in 1907, Colonel SA, "Right Hand", L.I.Besnev, in the South and North Caucasian fronts, in the period 1942-43. Would be very grateful! My contact, 8 (909) 983-9849. Thanks!!!

To answer
magomed. 11/11/2018 at 15:32

Magomed 11. 11.218 I am looking for a grandfather Shikhsadova Shihseid Dzhamovich disappeared 1943-1945 at the beginning of a rumor war on the border of Priehl home for vacation in early 1943 Away voluntarily and disappeared. The Republic of Dagestan Tabasaran Ron

To answer
Alexander 11/11/2018 at 16:55

Alexander 11/11/2018 15:16 I ask you to learn the combat path of Sergeant 280 Rifle Regiment 92 of the Rifle Division of the Sinai Arkady Alexandrovich on August 22, 1916 of birth. Thanks in advance. My contact is 89876902238. Thanks!!!

To answer
Love 15/11/2018 at 2:28

Love 16/11/2018 I ask you to find the fighting path of the grandfather - ordinary 172 rifle regiment of the Troops of the NKVD Sangei Hulkhai Khurmanovich 1894 born, a native of Kalmykia, Maloderbetovsky ulus, Khanatinsky s / s, Kalmyk, mobilized by Maloderbetovsky RVK 03.24.1942, recalled from the front In 1944, and sent for construction broadband, where arrived 03/30/1944, demobilized November 30, 1945 by disability. Thank you in advance. My contact: 89613970243

To answer
Tamara Nikolaevna 29/11/2018 at 17:36

Please help find the burial place of my grandfather of Ivan Gavrilovich 1902 years. In the 283 rifle division. It is published on July 27, 1944. D. D. Ogorodnikov, Belgorodnikov, D. English or Belgorodskaya Region, is it? I can not find anything. Probably somewhere in a fraternal grave ... .. Hard to find ....

To answer
Tamara Nikiforovna 02/28/2019 at 16:49

Good time for everyone! For several years now I am looking for relatives of your Pope Borodina Nikifora Mironovich, born on May 5, 1911 in the Chita region. On the war went in July 1941. During his lifetime, he did not tell anything about himself, his pre-war life. Just know that he had a sister (I do not remember what is called). She has 3 sons, Junior Gennady. There was a brother Kuzma. Brother and sisters are probably no longer alive, but their children remained, grandchildren ... I could find only grandfather (Metelielev Vasily Artemyevich), who remembers my dad. Now he is 87 years old, Lives in the village of Verkhne-Telengui Shilkinsky district, Chita region. But he does not remember anything about the father's relatives: he was still a child when Pope went to war. After the war, Pope settled in the Tula region. I ask for help in the search! My grandchildren already go to the immortal shelf with his portrait, but I can't tell them anything ... Thanks for the patience when reading my request.

To answer
Tamara 03/13/2019 at 22:51

I am looking for information about your grandfather Voivodina Alexandra Nikiforovich, according to Kalinin RVC, missing in September 1943. Ordinary. Passed Finnish war. Called from the village of Alecanovo Solotchinsky district of the Ryazan region 22.06.1941. Was Voyvodina (Novikova) Natalia Ivanovna, Wen Wife. Children-Maria, Valentina, Vladimir, Antonina.

To answer
Elena Bumatskaya 24/04/2019 at 21:54.

Burdin Paul, called the village of Lopatino, Vadsky district, Gorky region, disappeared. I went to war in 1941 was married to have three Sons Evgeny, Alexander, Yura and daughter Maria. I will ask for help in finding!

To answer
Olga 04/29/2019 at 14:41

Please find information about Domakhina Alexander Dmitrievich 1921, he went to the war in 1941, reached Berlin, 1945, lost his foot, returned home

To answer
Tatiana 30/04/2019 at 21:07

looking for Uncle Zakharova Ivan Ivanovich 1922g.r. Launch 17.12.1945. Under Koeningsberg daughter-fox, the last letter was written that they are on the Senokos. It did not appear from the Irkutsk of the Natives of the Irkutsk region. Komoy

To answer
Sagit 05/05/2019 at 20:32

looking for Uncle Galieva Fathullu Gabdulashanovich. Born in 1915. ml. lieutenant. Calculated on June 21, 1941. Tulachinsky RVK Tatar ASSR. disappeared in 1942

To answer
Galina 03/05/2019 at 17:58

Hello ! Congratulations on the upcoming holiday "Victory Day"! Help please find more detailed information about the service of my father Agafonova Konstantin Platonovich born in 1927. I went to service in 1942. He served in Japan, Germany.

To answer
Galina 03/05/2019 at 18:01

With deep respect,
Galina Konstantinovna Yudina.

To answer
Galina 05/03/2019 at 18:06.

Hello ! Congratulations on the upcoming holiday "Victory Day"! Help please find more detailed information about the service of my father Agafonova Konstantin Platonovich born in 1927. He served in 1942 served in 1945. Served in Japan, Germany.

To answer
Love 04/05/2019 at 17:55

Hello! Help please find more detailed information about Ivanovo Evdokima Ivanovich, 03/05/1913g.r. I went to war around 1942, from the Suksun district of the Perm region. D. Szganka. The wounded wounded from the war. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War 1 degree from №032253. We do not know where he served.
There is also no information on the 2nd brothers from Sucuncag District D.Tebeniki Denisov Andrei Gennadyevich and Denisov Yeremey (Yerema) Gennadevich. Thank you and congratulate everyone on the Victory Day.

To answer
Irina 05/05/2019 at 11:27

Hello, looking for a uncle, Nigmetyzanov Rakhim Zakovirich, 1925g, place of birth Tatar ASSR, Nurlatsky district D. Bakurggi (Bakurchi Pope said) Called 15.01.1941 Irkutsk GVK, Irkutsk. The last place of service in / h P / C 07981 was missing in August 1944. In addition to this information, we have nothing, as if it was not at all, they were looking for sites on sites, archives available on sites, no where anything, can tell me where else can be searched, he lay twice in the hospital, last time in Molotov ( Now Perm)

To answer
Gennady 07/05/2019 at 1:00

Good day ! My native Uncle Moshkov Ivan Pavlovich born in 1941 was called up at the front in 1941 in the Kalinin region (now Tverskaya) Bezhetsky district, (native of the village of Novikovo), the boy, the driver went to the front, transported the gun, disappeared without weight. Is it possible to set the place of death and cause? And where is buried? How to get information?

To answer
Yuri. 07/05/2019 at 21:24

HELLO. Help find at least some information about my father Kulikov Nikolae Mikhailovich 1913 In Ryazan, he went to war in 1941 returned to 1945 tbsp. LIEUTENANT. ARTILLERY. Polish army. Numerous awards are not preserved. I KNOW. What I started to fight near Moscow.

To answer
Victoria!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/05/2019 at 0:41.

Hello! Help me find information about My Pape-Ryaboshtan Mikhail Petrovich born in 1927 on November 20. Born in the village of Zakharkov Kharkiv region dad told me that he served a tanker, but for which he received the title of veteran of the Great Patriotic War-- I do not remember !!!! thanks

To answer
Galina 09/05/2019 at 23:07

Hello! Help the information about my uncle Lushkin Mikhail Vasilyevich. It is called into the army in 1941 from the village of Zadnevo Volkhovsky district of the Leningrad region. Seen how the wave of the Earth was covered with an explosion. What's next is-known. And it happened in the Mishkino tree, where the Mikhailovskaya station is now in the same Leningrad region. Disappeared badly. And in 1941 a message came. That he was missing. And he went with the turn. HELP! He had 4 children. Yevgeny's wife, too, from the shower of Vesno. Galina. May 9, 2019.

To answer
SEYYUB Asadov. 10/05/2019 at 14:57

Hello! Help Find Assads Ahammed Safett Ogla 1909 year of birth. The war went to AZ.Svr District Shamakhi, in 1942 disappeared.

To answer
SEYYUB Asadov. 10/05/2019 at 15:02.

Hello! Help me find information about my uncle (Father's brother) Asadov Agammed Saftar Oglag 1909 year of birth, in 1942 disappeared. The front

To answer
Yuri. 10/05/2019 at 22:29

Looking for any information about my father - Kozinsky Ludwig Markovich (Martyanovich) born in 1923.

To answer
    Alexey 06/11/2019 at 18:04

    Information from the report on irrevocable losses

    Surname Kozinsky
    Name Ludwig
    Maryan's patronymic.
    The last service of the 19 Motor Schedule. br.
    Military title Art. sergeant
    The reason for the disposal was missing
    Date of disposal 16.12.1942
    Place of disposal Smolensk region, Belsky district, D. Tsizino, in the area
    Name of the source of the reporting of TsAMO
    58 source fund stock number
    Options in the source of information 18001
    Information Source Case 1346

    To answer
Natalia 11/05/2019 at 14:36

Looking for your grandfather Kuzina Ivan Fedorovich, 1900. Oryol region of the Pokrovsky district with. Pobbing. It was taken to the front in 1941 Novoselovsky RVK of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Fallen in July 1943, itching where he fought and where he was buried.

To answer
Valery 12/05/2019 at 19:47

seeking any information: My grandfather - Medvedev Stepan Egorovich, a native of S.Lavanka, the Spiritansky district of the Saratov region, a call - from S.Dukhnikov, Saratov region, disappeared in 1942

To answer
Maksim 05/13/2019 at 12:26

I am looking for my great-grandfather Varganov Alexander Fedorovich in 1903, the urbagel village of Pokrovskoye Yaroslavl region, the birth of missing in September 1941, was served in a special mountain-rifle battalion.

To answer
Zoya 05/30/12 at 22:24

Looking for information about the battle path of the Father, Hisparere Matvey Petrovich, 1925. Birth, a native village of Tyumen region. Called in April 1944 from the landing. Cavalerist Cavalerrier 3 Kav.brigada 3 Ukrainian Front. It was twice wounded, has awards. Demobilized in July 1949 by a radio telegraphist of 1373 anti-aircraft artillery regiment.

To answer
Michael 06/19/2019 at 18:48.

I am looking for a grandfather article name name Sergey Kuzmich Sherin born on September 23, 1924

To answer
yuliya 06/21/2019 at 16:07

Hello! Please help find data on my uncle Tkach Terenty Dorofeevich 1900. Right from the Moldavian SSR. Balt rn with. Pacifices. In 1970, lived in Leningrad, on the street. Caleeva. His wife Nina Pavlovna. It is known from the Internet, which fought from 1918-1920 against Wrangel and Makhno had the title of lieutenant colonel. In the Patriotic War, he fought on the Leningrad Front, in Belarus and in Estonia as part of the NKVD troops. In 1943 it was contused. He had many awards and the Order of Lenin. In Leningrad served in the NKVD. I want to know how our uncle fought, as the awards were awarded, with which the title he retired how he lived after the war and where was buried. A huge request - if someone knew or knows something about him or about relatives, or relatives themselves- respond. I want to know about the uncle as much as possible. Thank you very much.

To answer
Ilgiz 07/03/2019 at 14:50

I am looking for some information about my father Subayev Sabyr (possibly Sabirjan), Khallovich was born in S.Varna Chelyabinsk Prince 20.03.1910g. Died because of the disease 05.09.1955. Buried in S.Varna.

To answer
    Alexey 06/11/2019 at 17:40

    contact the RVK of the call of your father. The "feat of the people", the region, the village converges, maybe a mistake in the name and patronymic. . Subeev Vakil Gataulich 1915g.r.

    Year of birth: __.__. 1915
    In the RKKA from __.__. 1937
    Place of birth: Chelyabinsk region, Varnah Rn, s. Varna

    Post number: 1007757612

    List of awards

    12117.05.1945 The dedication of the Red Star Show a Document Assignment

    To answer
Chapaeva Main Akhmatovna 07/31/12 at 16:34

I am looking for Chapayev Chonaya Khuseevich, 1905 g birth, Balkaret, p. Hasania. Right from the CBD. Called to the Soviet Army in 1942 Cherkoe RVK. Private, scout. Fucked wounded in the Donbas. Died in 1942, where it is not stable

To answer
valentina 30/10/2019 at 21:32

we will be glad for any information about the missing Dudkin Denisovich, disappeared in 1943 and Sofronov Ivan Nikiforovich (disappeared at the end of 1942). Kalyagin Peter Alexandrovich (served in 260 marine infantry brigades, disappeared in 1944

To answer
    Elvira Alekseevna 12/31/12 at 16:18

    Valentine dated 30.10 for search: name, year of birth, place of birth or place of call.

    To answer
Mudaris 02/11/2019 at 23:22

how to find Tutamanov Ahata Asmanovich born born born in 1909 worked by the Baimak district der.Ishmurzino urged exactly I don't know if the Zilair commissar commercial en suite went to the front and disappeared

To answer
    Alexey 06/11/2019 at 16:59

    called together, in one day, they are from the site "Memorial". Done explanation specifying the loss
    TUMANOV AHAT Asmandiyarovich __.__. 1914 __. 09.1942
    2 report clarifying losses
    Yakhin Sultanahmet Galiairslanovich __.__. 1922 __. 12.1942
    3 report clarifying losses
    Sergeev Ilya Stepanovich __.__. 1908 __. 11.1942
    4 Clarifying loss
    Shalam Semen Grigorievich __.__. 1909 __. 12.1943
    5 report clarifying losses
    Bogachev Pavel Pavlovich __.__. 1909 09/01/1942

    To answer
      Elvira Alekseevna 12/31/16 at 16:08

      Alexey. To answer the request, and also find information about each wanted, you need to know the place of birth of a soldier or at least RVK calling, otherwise how and who to look for among many namesakes?

      To answer
      Elvira Alekseevna 12/31/12 at 16:13

      Alexey from 06.11.19 For the search you need to know the place of birth or at least the RVK call for each wanted.

      To answer
Valentina Mikhailovna 10/11/2019 at 12:02.

Help me find. My uncle Lubushkin Andrei Timofeevich in 1942 died in from Litvinich Pskov region. And was reburied in p. The gold is the same region, but neither on one memorial plaque in the area, his name does not mean, as it could happen. He st. Leit. Nach. Cp.
Help clarify how it happened.

To answer
Inna 17/11/2019 at 19:47

Looking for information about your great-grandfather - Nikolaev Timofey Zakharovich. I know what was called in the Moldavian SSR, with. Parkans. He was captive. According to some information is buried in Budapest. Help please find at least some information. Thanks.

To answer
Ranil 17/11/2019 at 22:00

Looking for information about your grandfather Nazutdinov Akram Nucleatinovich born in 1907. The last information was in the surroundings of the city of Sebez Republic Belarus. Help please find at least some information. Thanks.

To answer
Elvira 11/12/2019 at 8:58.

looking for information about your grandfather Gulevich Pavel Ivanovich 1906g

To answer
Alexander 12/26/2019 at 11:10

I am looking for information about your grandfather Volckek Aleksa Alek Aktemovich, called on March 28, 1942 by the Kalinin RVK of the Primorsky Krai, the sergeant, disappeared tentatively in March 1943. Natives with. Vinogradovka, Krasnoarmeysky district, Primorsky Krai. In December 1942, he wrote in the last letter, which is at the front near Kharkov. I would be very grateful for any information.

To answer
Elvira Alekseevna 12/31/15 at 16:25

Alexander from 26.12 Site: Memory of the people :: Search for heroes by last name.
In the open red frame name of the wanted - search.
Click on the name, the "Personal Business" will open at the very beginning. General information about the soldier, and below the report of the regiment, division, hospital or RVC, the name of the wanted in the report is painted in red.

To answer
Dmitry Nikolaevich 06/01/2020 at 17:11

Looking for information - Sitate, Alexander Osipovich 1923 Rogue. S. Krasnoschka Yashkinsky district Kemerovo region He died in the Second World War. Called, most likely in Yashkinsky RVC.

To answer
Valentina 07/01/2020 at 13:18

I am looking for data on Yurina Ivan Mikhailovich, 1918 r., Place of birth with. Logging, Tsino District, Kurgan Region. At that time, it was the Ural region, the Chelyabinsk district, the Zamanilovsky parish. I can not find a place call for war and where he fought. disabled came from the war. Allegedly called on the Almenhevsky military registration and enlistment office of the Kurgan region (at the time of the call to war it was the Chelyabinsk region).

To answer
Anna Mukhina 01.28.2020 at 22:20

I really ask to find data about my father. Sokolov Ivan Dmitrievich. Born in 1921. I think, at the time of the beginning of the war, he passed an urgent service in the army and it was from there that he fell to the front. Born and lived in the village of Ust-Moschet Kashchensky (at that time of the Kiev) district of the Rostov region. In 1943 he was injured. I remember that under Vitebsky, and the sister - under Lipetsk, I don't remember exactly. I was lying in the hospital, there he was amputated with his right hand and demobilized. The combat awards that, unfortunately, were not preserved. As far as I remember, I served in the infantry, ordinary. I do not remember exactly. I will be very grateful for the help.

To answer
Lidia 02/02/2020 at 12:36.

My father is 85 years old. Without his father Lebedeva Dmitry Ivanovich 1911 or 1912 of the birth of the S.Kapyshevka (or Copyovka) of the Karsunsky district of the Ulyanovsk region. It was called up in the spring of 1941 for military fees to Karsunsky RVK of the Ulyanovsk region. Krasnoarmets. He is Lebedeva Pelageya Fedorovna. Found in August - September 1941.

To answer
Gulzira 03/02/2020 at 20:54.

My father is 88 years old looking for Brother Shhayakhmetova Auelbek 1918 Born, 1943 disappeared. Last service 8 Spare Rifle Brigade Orlovsky Military District of Eagle. Also looking for the burial place of uncle Argynbaeva Alaganbet 1895 born. The place of service is not known.

To answer
Oleg 08/02/2020 at 23:29

I am looking for information about my grandfather Sopolev Spepane (Stefan) Ivanovich, 1916 was born in the Stavropol Territory (Ordzhonikidze region), Izobinensky district, p. Foundation. Voluntarily entered Ivanovo military-political institution in 1942, was in cavalry. Awarded the "Order of Patriotic War II degree." According to inaccurate data, he fought under Rzhev, had a medal "for courage". I would like to know more about his service.

To answer
Taisiya 16/02/2020 at 0:47.

I look for information about my Pope Petrov Polycarpe Vasilyevich born in 1923. Kuyu Abasnur district of the Soviet district

To answer
    Irina 02/26/22020 at 22:21

    Information received from search engines:

    Evgeny Shuralyov
    This information is not true. Petrov Policarp Vasilyevich 1925 Caused by Ronginsky RVK, Mari ASSR. He has two awards: a medal for courage and the Order of the Red Star. I recommend to go to the site of the memory of the people, there is a lot of information about it and documents.

    To answer
Taisiya 16/02/2020 at 0:51.

I am looking for information about my Pope Petrov Polycarpe Vasilyevich born in 1923 Mari El Uch. Kuyu Abasnur district of the Soviet district

To answer
    Irina 02/26/22020 at 22:33

    Information received from search engines:

    Evgeny Shuralyov
    This information is not true. Petrov Policarp Vasilyevich 1925 Caused by Ronginsky RVK, Mari ASSR. He has two awards: a medal for courage and the Order of the Red Star. I recommend to go to the site of the memory of the people, there is a lot of information about it and documents.

    To answer
Dmitriy 02/17/22020 at 19:29

I am looking for information about the great-grandfather Mikhail Georgievich, 07/17/1913-03.09.1977 fought in tank troops, after the war in peacetime, the military unit of Egels Saratov region had award. I really want to know more information about it. Help please find!

To answer
Tatiana 18/02/2020 at 8:39.

Looking for grandfather Shmachilina Mikhail Mikhailovich 1901 years of birth, the Moshkovsky RVK of the Novosibirsk Region was called up at the front of September 11, 1941, disappeared by about 10.1942, nothing else is known.

To answer
Vadim. 22/02/2020 at 0:27

I look for information about the fighting path of my uncle Fish, Pavel Clementevich

To answer
Flura 24/02/2020 at 11:13.

I am looking for a grandfather Mavlitov cheated Mavlit. BO1912 of birth, called 12.08.1941 Kuznechikhinsky RVK Tatar ASSR Date of disposal -08.1942 Nothing is known anymore

To answer
Svetlana 24/02/2020 at 17:47.

Kornev Matvey Filippovich-was called to the front of Shehhman RVK Tambos region. Help find data about my grandfather, the funeral was sent to my grandmother-root Olga Kuzminichna

To answer
Sergey Vladimirovich 15/03/2020 at 10:03.

Help me find data about my grandfather, Pupshina Ilya Pavlovich lived and urged - Omsk region Moskalensky district Village Liberty (Atophur) disappeared (or died) in the spring of 1942, before the war, the head of the farm's hand was broken by the bayonet. Message came to the name of Grandma.

To answer
Nikolay Prokofievich 02/04/2020 at 11:45.

I am looking for information about my father: Gopni Prophyus Eliseevich, born in 1907, before 1941 lived in Minsk, on ul. Uritsky (2-storey building) and immediately (in the same building) served in the headquarters of the NKVD of the Belarusian SSR in the rank, presumably, the younger officer (Lieutenant, Art. Lieutenant). After the start of the world, he fell into the environment, made his way with swamps towards his own, after leaving the environment was convicted, received a 5-year term, served in the camps somewhere, allegedly, in the Ural region, was rehabilitated, died in 1965 and was buried in Rostov region. Call those who know about this!

To answer
Tamara 10/04/2020 at 22:19

Help please find information about the uncle: Subbotin Athanasius Mikhailovich 01.12.1923 Born the village of Preobrazhenka Aromashevsky District of the Omsk Region lived in the village of Osovo Aromashevsky District of the Omsk region from here I was called on the war in 1942 missing in 1943 a message came to Santa Subbotina Mikhail Ivanovich, but in the village whispered that allegedly remained in England. He now lives two younger sisters. We would all like to know about his life or where it can be buried there are some kind of relatives to respond to anyone knows anything. thank you very much in advance !

To answer
igor 15/04/2020 at 0:02.

Looking for the combat path of your grandfather Suslin Nikolai Vasilyevich.

To answer
Bazarov N.A. 20/04/2020 at 16:12

Good afternoon.
Do not deny the courtesy to find information in the military biography of my grandfather of the participant of the 2nd wars of the Finnish 1939 and the world of 1941 -1945 of Mitrofanov Prokopiya Ivanovich born in 1986.
She lived by Tambov region, Sosnovsky district, Troitsky Roslai village. 1941 in September was called for war. From the letter of 1942 he was in the current Army P.P.s
19…. , bn 1378, 1 company.
I really hope for help. It is necessary for my children and grandchildren.
With respect, Bazarova N.A.

To answer
Kurdyukova (Tarlikova) Vera 20/04/2020 at 20:02.

I am looking for information in the military biography of my father Tarlykov Mikhail Grigorievich born in Ukraine born in Ukraine. Called to the front in 1941 from Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region of Nursinsky District, Novo-Karpovka village in 1941 was captured. I know that the Americans liberated him in 1945. After liberation served in CA in Germany. Returned home presumably in 1946-1947. As long as his father was alive, he was not yet adult, and he did not tell himself much. Only I was very crying from the resentment that I could not do anything. It is necessary for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren

To answer
Sergey 25/04/2020 at 12:17

I am looking for my uncle Goritsa Efim Mikhailovich, 1914., according to relatives fought in Belarus, there were information about him in one of the Museums of Minsk, in which it is not known. He fought in the partisan detachments, died in Belarus.

To answer
Galina 05/05/2020 at 18:15

Nikolaev Galina Konstantinovna: Hello. I look for information in my father's military biography: Bilichenko Konstantin Petrovich of the native with. Znamenka, Urazovsky district, Kursk region. 1912. 23.09. He loved to talk about the war, he died when I was still small, I don't know about the end of the war. According to the war, I came to a virgin in the Tselinograd region. With a zhuravlevka where he married and lived and was buried there. Very loved her daddy. I want to know about it at least something.

To answer
Olga 07/05/22020 at 12:53.

I look for information about your uncle. Osinmin Valentin Aleksandrovich, 1925, Front left in 1943. Fought on 1 Ukrainian front. Was a platoon commander. Twice wounded. War finished in Czechoslovakia. Awarded government awards.

To answer
Olga 07/05/22020 at 12:59.

I'm looking for information about my uncle. Osmenin Valentin Aleksandrovich. The front went in 1943. Fought on 1 Ukrainian front. Was a platoon commander. Twice wounded. War finished in Czechoslovakia. Awarded government awards. I would like to know more. Thanks.

To answer
Tatiana 08/05/22020 at 18:02.

I am looking for my grandfather Varaksin Konstantin Matveyevich, was designed 19.08.1941g., Chulymsky RVK, Novosibirsk region, Chulymsky district.
Were missing either in October 1941, or in March 1942.
Like in / h 133

To answer
    Tatiana 08/05/2020 at 18:07

    1905 year of birth, place of birth Novosibirsk region, Chuliamsky district, d. Kiselevka

    To answer
Anna Radheva 09/05/2020 at 16:54

I am looking for in the lists of military information about your mother of the Congorian Claudia Arkhipovna born in 1921 (S.Maryanovka Zaporizhia Region). Mom met the victory in Izmail, passing military service at Naval Hospital No. 48. Then he worked as a teacher in schools of the Zaporizhia region. The last 50 years of life lived in S. Dvininskoye Priazovsky district of Zaporizhia region and died on July 14, 2006. The main award thought the medal "For the victory over Germany ..." presented on October 28, 1945.

To answer
Tamara 10/05/2020 at 10:15

Help Find my grandfather Trifonov Konstantin Alekseevich 1901g birth Crew Gorkovskaya oblast Diveevsky district

To answer
Tamara 10/05/2020 at 10:18.

And the father of Abramova Grigory Stepanovich 25.01 1920 g was born in with big -Likhai Gorky region and also called on Diveevsky district

To answer
Svetlana Sergeevna 11/05/2020 at 1:26.

Help me find the data on my grandfather Vlasov Konstantin Pavlovic (1915-1942 February), lived with his family in Leningrad at Ave. Obukhovsky Defense 61, a hostel, worked at the factory, died of hunger.
The fighting path of Svekra Berdnikova Peter Sergeevich 05/01/1925-12.12.1987, ordinary called from the village of Garden, Anninsky district, Voronezh region.

To answer
Olga Anatolyevna 18/05/2020 at 15:16

Help me find Schomork Yuldasheva Fat Fatykhovich the year of birth of 1913 Kazan, called from G, Samarkand Uzr svr disappeared.

To answer
Sergey Sergeevich 15/02/2021 at 14:56.

Sergey Sergeevich, I really hope to find the grandfather of Watolina Dmitry Yakovlevich in 1904, the Moscow region Maloyaroslavsky D.Stas-Sukhadrev was called. He worked as a teacher. Then we have been engaged in a long time, but unfortunately not to no avail, but do not lose hope.

To answer

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