How to find a small bear

How to find a small bear

Small Males - a small constellation of the Northern Hemisphere, which encloses 25 visible stars. The seven largest of them form a bucket pattern on the sky, whose knob completes the polar star. Small bear does not go beyond the horizon, so a small bucket, using some landmarks, you can see at night even with a naked look.

How to find a small bear - choose the right situation

In order for the observation of the stars successfully, remember our advice:

  • look for the stars in a clear night so that there are no clouds and layered clouds in the sky;
  • go beyond the city where there are no burning street lamps and luminous windows of houses, but there is a huge dark sky on which you can easily find a small bear;
  • starting observation, stand up so that high trees or buildings do not block the horizon. The best option when there are no obstacles at all, that is, the horizon is clean.

How to find a small bear in the polar star

This eminent star is not the brightest in the sky, so it is better to look for her big bear, the outline of which is similar to the giant bucket. The constellation is visible in the sky at night in good weather - in the fall and winter it hangs in the northern part of the scenery, in the spring it stands in the east in a vertical position - the handle down, in the summer - in the west, handle up.

  • Applying our recommendations, find a big naughty in the sky. Mentally connect the line all the stars - get a bucket with a handle.
  • Pay attention to the bowl consisting of 4 stars. The extreme of these pointed stars - Duzhe and Meraka, determine the location of the polar star.
  • Connect the Meraka and the Dubkey imaginary beam. Extend it up and a little right, the distance is more five times than the segment between these stars. At the end of the line you will see the polar star - the end point of the handle of a small bucket.

If even after such research you cannot fully imagine a small bear - use the following tip.

How to find a small bear - an additional landmark

Have you found a polar star, but the small bucket does not exist? In this case, the stars-giants of the front side of the Bowl of the Small Majer - Cochab and Fercad will help.

  • Move the view to the left side of the polar star and notice the light circle in orange haloe is a kohab, above it, forming the top corner of the drawbaper - Fercad. These stars walk around the polar star and are called Pole Guards.
  • Close more carefully, and you will see 2 more stars, which constitute the inner corners of the bowl. Combine their lines and in front of you - the bucket without a handle.
  • Laying two dimly glowing point-stars between the bowl and the polar star. Communicate the remaining gaps with straight segments and will come out by a small bucket with a handle, facing the opposite side from the handle of a large bear.

Although the small bear can be found at any time, it is best noticeable to the sky in winter before sunrise or in the first hour of the spring sunset.

If time allows time, go to nature to relax from the urban hustlery, sustained the starry sovereign of the night sky, think about the distant unknown worlds, the light from which does not reach our planet.

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