How to draw a star using a ruler

How to draw a star using a ruler

Graphic star is a five-pointed figure, which is difficult to draw from hand. In order for the asterisk to be neat with proportional smooth rays, it is better to portray it with drawing tools - ruler, transport, circulation.

How to draw a star with a ruler and pencil

The five-pointed star consists of five faces that are formed when connecting direct segments at a specific point. There is a way at which, having calculated and connecting the points in the desired order, the star will turn out. For work, take: sheet of paper, pencil, knee, calculator.

  • Set the length length you need. Suppose it is 12 cm, mark it - H.

  • On a sheet of paper, spend two parallel beams, the distance between which is - 12: 1.55 \u003d 7.7 cm.

  • Distribute perpendicular passing through the middle of the segments. On the first line of the drawing from the center to the edges, set aside the same segments calculated by the formula: x: 2 \u003d 12: 2 \u003d 6 cm. Put points at their ends.


  • At the bottom line, do the same, only count the length of the parts as follows: x: 3 \u003d 12: 3 \u003d 4 cm.

  • On the middle line, measure up: x: 2,6 \u003d 12: 2.6 \u003d 4.6 cm.

  • Draw lines at points and star ready.

How to draw a star with a ruler and circula

In this option, you will need not only a pencil, a ruler, but also a circula.

  • Fight on a circle sheet. Break it into 4 parts by conducting perpendicular diameters, then the quarters will divide in half.

  • The resulting sections once again reproduce into two parts. In the lower segments (see Figure) Put in the middle of the second from the perpendicular of the eights.

  • Remove the mark, leaving the guidelines as in the diagram.

  • Double in the invasses sectors, the distance between which in the upper segments of 1 cm, in the lower - 0.5 cm.

  • Connect the Star Mesh Lines over the Red Points.

  • Will erase the circle, add a volume pattern by spending from the middle of the stars segments to all its corners.

  • Paint the star scarlet, circling the edge and contour contrast marker, cut a figure and decorate a homemade greeting card by February 23 or Victory Day.

How to draw a star with a ruler and protractor

Prepare a paper, pencil, ruler, compass, protractor.

  • Schedule on paper circle and divide it hardly visible rays at 4 beats.

  • Put a protractor at the top of the vertical circle diameter. Measure thereon left and right of 72º and slide from the circle center to the arcs rays.

  • From left beam again take 72º, and so on until the end, until the circle is not divided into 5 parts.

  • Somknite line, according to a pattern.

  • Erase all the unnecessary shape. All - the work is done. Now apply the knowledge into practice - make a colorful applique night sky or fireworks.

How to draw a star with a ruler and the inscribed pentagon

It is easy to draw a star inscribed in a circle pentagon.

  • Make circle, break it in half twice, then a circular arc divide by eye into 5 equal parts. Connect faces the intersection of the segments and get a regular pentagon.

  • Construct a triangle, from the vertical line.

  • From the upper corners of the figure to the lower spend segments corners. Draw a diagonal parallel to the diameter of the outline, and connect the opposite corners.

  • Remove extraneous lines, shade pencil drawing.

How to draw a star with a ruler and inseparable link

If you have a good eye, use this method.

  • On paper, starting to work with the lower right part of the sheet, a large bird draw a check-up spout.

  • Then, from the left end of the edge swipe and cross section of the first line of one-third from its beginning.

  • Note the horizontal beam across the birds, retreating from the top 1/3, and connect the line segment missing.
  • Erase the structure inside the shape and color pattern, as you like.

Ways to build stars and a lot of complex and simple, so choose the most suitable option, draw a star yourself and teach your children to paint.

Comments leave a comment
Wanderer 12.31.2017 at 10:07

In the first method specified error rates - the star turns asymmetrical. Faithful are the following:
* Instead of 1.55 should be 1.69;
* Points to the lower beam length should be divided in 3, and 3.22;
* Instead of 2.6 should be 2.74;

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Helena 18.01.2020 at 21:51

Thank you very much!!!!!!!

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