How to find a plot on the map

How to find a plot on the map

The need to find out the exact boundaries of your land plot may arise in many situations: plans for new buildings, distribute with neighbors, as well as installation of communications. You can define borders in two ways: with the help of open Internet portals of state bodies or by contacting a specialist. Consider both options more and select suitable.

Find a plot of cadastral number through online portals

Knowing either the cadastral number, or the exact address of the property, you can easily find them on the official website of the Roseestra:

Either in the Public Cadastral Map of the Russian Federation:

  • For example, we use the second site. Take your cadastral number from documents for housing and go to the site.

  • In a white field, enter the number either the exact address of the site in the format "area, city, street, house room." If you are not confident in the house number, leave everything as it is. The system itself will offer you it.

  • Click on the appropriate option and click "Find". You will see all the cadastral numbers of the alleged addresses. Select the desired one.

  • Now continue the search solely by the found in the cadastral number.

  • You will see the type of building, the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot, its borders on the map, as well as the approximate cost. If you see a string "Without border coordinates, it is impossible to display", then your land boundaries are defined not to the end and it is necessary to contact the service of registration of land. Go to number two.

As in the cadastral number to find a plot on the map - definition by a specialist

To establish exact boundaries of the site, collect such a package of documents:

  • passport,
  • documents of property rights,
  • statement,
  • technical documentation,
  • copy of cadastral plan.

After that, come to the installed clock to the service of registration of land plots.

Depending on the settlement, the establishment may take up to a month.

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