How to inform about the change rooms Megaphone

How to inform about the change rooms Megaphone

Want to buy a SIM card from another operator, but does not know how to inform all your friends that you have a new number? Especially for this purpose, Megafon has provided a useful opportunity - to inform callers about the changes that occurred. In this case, you pick and choose who to notify and whom to ignore. All the nuances of the services we will discuss in detail below.

How to inform about the change of Megafon rooms - connect the "New Room"

The provider has tried to make the whole process as simple and straightforward, so it does not require a major effort in the form of sending SMS address book. To "connect" the two numbers (new and old), do the following:

  • take a new SIM card with the number "Megaphone", who are going to use;
  • dials * 270 * old number digits # and press "Call";
  • we get a message that the request has been sent, turn off the smartphone;
  • takes the sim card "Megaphone" and insert your old card;
  • we turn on the cell, the dialed digits ** 21 * new number # + call button;
  • turn off the phone again, we return to him a sim card from the "Megaphone" and begin to communicate in the new regime.

How to inform about the change of MegaFon numbers - how does the service work "New Room"

The breadth of the opportunities offered by "MegaFon", you will be free to manage your contacts, which would like to maintain a relationship through a new number. There are some options:

  • "Two-way": when a call arrives at an old phone number, the answering machine is turned on to inform the subscriber that you have a new number (with zadiktovkoy this issue).
  • "Notice me": the caller will hear that the phone is switched off or all of the coverage area, and the owner of the new number will receive a text message with information about incoming calls (useful to independently decide whether you want to call back to the subscriber).

Features and limitations of the "New Room" by megaphone

It should be borne in mind that the service will not work if the old map will not be enough money to pay for it (or Sim is blocked for some reason). In addition, the subscriber is useful to know:

  • ussd-queries allow you to change the options for communication between the old and new cards;
  • * 270 * 1 # Call - regime change due to the one-sided (only notified the owner of the SIM card MegaFon);
  • * 270 * 2 # call - switching to a two-way type of communication;
  • * 270 * 3 # Call - off service, the termination information;
  • informing the regime change for a specific number (if you have connected more than one) - * 270 * code * # 9XXHHHHHHH Call;
  • all actions must be carried out only on the new map of MegaFon.

To conclude about the most pleasant - the service "My new number" of MegaFon is available to all subscribers of the network completely free, does not depend on the tariff plan or duration of use.

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