How to send a beacon from megaphone

How to send a beacon from megaphone

Many communications companies provide their subscribers a whole range of free services, but in one they all agree - the ability to send "beacon" from time to time almost everyone. Since money on a mobile account can end up absolutely unnoticed, and the need to get through does not tolerate deposits, below we will tell you how to ask a person to call your MegaFon number.

How to send a beacon to MegaFon users?

Ask the Subscriber to call back to your number just - you just need to send a special USSD request to his phone. Such a request is a specific combination of characters and has long been familiar for mobile communications providers. The service does not require prepayment or activation, it is enabled by default and works in any phone, with any SIM card, even if it has a negative balance.

The query scheme "Mayak" looks like this:

  • We type in the phone *144* the number of who will be sent to the message# and call button.
  • After processing the request, you will receive a notification on the screen that the subscriber with the specified number received your "beacon", the number of attempts remained below the subscriber.
  • At the moment, MegaFon permits to send to ten such "doss" per day, on any numbers of any network, including the moment of stay in roaming.

How to block beacon with megaphone

If you do not want to receive messages with obsessive requests to call back, you can always block an unpleasant user by phone number (or unlock the one who is placed in a blacklist).

  • To stop receiving messages, call the operator by 0500 number (for free) and request this service.
  • To call and messages from a particular person have stopped appearing on your mobile device, you can also enter a combination *130* phone number#.

And in the first, and in the second case, the number must be administered in an international format, that is, it will begin with +7 (for the Russian Federation). Alternative blocking option - SMS to number 5130, in the body of which a unwanted number is recorded.

How to send a message with a request to replenish the bill with megaphone

In addition to the capabilities described above, MegaFon allows you to ask another user to replenish your account. To do this is typing *143*89xxxxxxxxx# + call, where xxxxx is the recipient's phone number. Restriction on messages of this kind - 5 pieces per day. If any of the described messages has come to you, try to carefully examine the number of the sender, because they may be a completely unfamiliar person, counting to replenish your account according to your absence. Any questions arising from you about servicing or offers from the megaphone company can be set by calling a hotline number for subscribers " 0500″.

It should be noted separately that the correct name of the service with a request to call back, which was discussed - "call me back." "Lighthouse" is a service that the parent can order for a child's phone to know where he is at any particular moment. However, in everyday life "Lighthouse" began to be called precisely the first task, possibly due to the greater popularity.

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