How to send a beacon with MTS

How to send a beacon with MTS

Nobody is insured against force major circumstances in life. One of these moments is the lack of the desired amount of money on the balance of cellular communication. Not always the reason for this is inattention and non-historicalness. Money can end and under other circumstances - stumbled upon fraud, made an expensive call, whose tariff did not know, or simply got into places where the balance was not possible. From such a defect of events, the MTS operator of their users is removed. The service is called "Light from MTS", and now we will look at how to use it.

According to the instructions, the proposed option is called "Call me back, please." To activate it, you need to know several nuances and make some manipulations using your mobile phone. Let's start with the fact that you can send such a beacon from the MTS operator to any number within the network and in the network of another operator for free. Remember the combination of numbers needed to call the service - * 110 * The subscriber number you want to send a request #. This means the following: Without gaps, you pick up one asterisk, the number 110, another asterisk, the number of the friend you can call back, and the lattice sign. Note that the number is to enter with "8" or "+7" at the beginning.

The main thing is done. Check again, whether everything is true in the enclosed combination, and click the call button on your phone. The screen will create information that your request is accepted and about the number of remaining available beacons today. On the day such can be sent no more than five.

Your savior flew away about help. He will receive it from your behalf in the form of a message: "This subscriber asks you to call him back." After the text, the time and the date will be placed so that the destination subscriber can be correct to navigate in the situation. Now it remains only to wait for the cherished sound of a call on your mobile.

When using the service "MTS Lighthouse" there is a danger to stumble upon an obstacle that hinders the fulfillment of the conceived. This is the problem of transliteration or Russification of the mobile apparatus. That is, your text with a request will be unreadable to call back. To solve this problem, type the combination * 111 * 6 * 1 # is the code for connecting Cyrillic. Code to go to the Latin text display: * 111 * 6 * 2 #. Use this command only if the letters of the Russian alphabet are not provided in your device.

As a client MTS, you can easily avoid excitements about the late absence of money for communication with the world. It is still not necessary to abuse the proposed opportunity. Use beacons only when it is really vital. Do not attempt to save on the replenishment of the balance. After all, it is possible to buy time for conversations, but the good location of friends doubtedly in your honesty, no.

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