How to connect services on mts

How to connect services on mts

Mobile company MTS LLC is one of the leading cellular telecom operators in Russia. At this time, MTS offers many both paid and free services, useful options, which can be connected in several ways.

In order to connect the service from MTS LLC in a short time and without leaving home, it is enough to call to the MTS service center for direct free number 0890. The autoinformer will tell you about the available services, promotions and conditions of connection. You must carefully listen to the prompts and follow the instructions of the robot, gaining the desired combination of characters.

Some options can be connected by contacting directly with the competent specialist of the MTS technical support center by number 0890 + 0. MTS staff will help with the acquisition of the service, will answer your questions and will send an SMS with settings if necessary. It should be borne in mind that consultants may need your passport data and code word.

For Internet users, a convenient option can be the search and connection of the service on the official website of the company. Going to the email address MTS.RU, follow the "Personal Account" using a login and password. Next, choose the section "Services" - and your attention will be presented all offers from MTS to the present. After pressing the "Activate" button, the desired service will be available.

Also, the acquisition of additional features for the phone is not difficult to implement in the offices of MTS LLC, which is in any area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Office staff will quickly and completely free help you and support in this matter. With me, you need to have a passport or another document certifying.

MTS provides auxiliary information service "Mobile Assistant". It is enough to carefully follow its instructions and correctly enter the proposed key combinations to connect the required service to the cell phone.

The methods described above are not only suitable in order to complement your cell phone necessary options. With their help, you can also disable services in which you no longer need to find out more information or adjust communication rates and mobile Internet.

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