How to take a trust pay at MTS

How to take a trust pay at MTS

Each mobile operator provides the opportunity for all subscribers to use the service to receive funds to the debt. This feature is very useful and used by a large number of people. This service is provided by MTS for quite a long time, but not everyone knows how to connect it.

It often happens that it is necessary to take an urgent call, there is no funds to account, and the balance will not turn out in the near future. It is in this case that you can take a trust payment from your mobile operator. MTS can provide borrowed funds for different dates and excellent amounts. However, several uncomplicated conditions must be made to obtain money on the account.

The service "promised payment" to take a trust payment on MTS

  • One of the most common options is called "MTS promised payment". This service can take advantage of absolutely all users of this mobile operator.
  • Of course, a certain limit is operating initially, which allows you to get into debt only a certain amount, small in size. You can increase such a limit using funds that are spent monthly by the user to pay for mobile communications.
  • To take a debt 100 or 200 rubles, in the previous month, it was necessary to spend at least 300 rubles.
  • To obtain a loan amount in the amount of 300 - 400 rubles, it was necessary for the equivalent period to replenish the phone from 301 to 500 rubles.
  • If more than 501 rubles were paid, the subscriber can receive from 500 to 800 rubles to account.
  • Regardless of the situation, each user of the MTS operator can get 50 rubles on credit. It doesn't matter at all how much money was spent on mobile communications last month.

Restrictions on confidence payments on MTS

  • There are certain restrictions on taking money in debt to the mobile account. If the previous loan has not yet been repaid, a new take will not work.
  • When using the services necessary to take into account the existence of the limit on a negative balance.

How to take confidence payment to MTS: Ways

  • The method №1.
    To take confidence payment, you need to dial the following combination of the touch-tone phone mode: * 111 * 123 #. After this number will need to enter the desired amount and press the call button. After a few minutes the subscriber will receive a message confirming activation of the service.
  • Method №2.
    You can dial a short number 1113. Taking a payment of less than 20 rubles will be absolutely free. If more, then the operator will remove the 5 rubles from the account.
  • Method №3.
    You can use the services of the operator MTS - "In full confidence." To connect it is necessary to dial * 111 * 32 #.

How to take confidence payment to MTS, if the negative balance

In the case of negative balance can take payment by sending a message with the text "1" to the number 2828. To deactivate the service, to the same number to send SMS with text "0". When this balance can not be more than -30 rubles. Otherwise, use the service will not work.

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