How to fill the calabash

How to fill the calabash

Recently, hookah gained a lot of popularity. He has become an integral part of the cafes, restaurants and clubs. Many people already can not imagine a holiday without a fragrant hookah smoke. But in order to fully enjoy the hookah, you must be able to fill it correctly.

How to fill the calabash. What is a hookah?

To understand how to properly fill the hookah, you first need to learn what parts it consists of.

  • Receptacle with liquid.
  • Smoking a bowl, is connected with the mine.
  • Flexible hose with a mouthpiece.

Purpose of these parts is as follows. On the cup fits tobacco with coal. Smoke through the mine falls into the vessel with water and then through a hose into the lungs of the smoker.

How to fill the calabash

This is the most important stage. Because it determines the quality and attraction of smoke.

  • Before laying the tobacco loosened by tweezers. In the same loosened it fits into the cup, avoiding spressovki. Loosening is necessary for good "traction" hookah.
  • Then the tobacco is covered with foil. It will need to pierce a few holes for traction.
  • On top of the foil is placed coal. Not to spill the ashes and there was no heat loss, it is possible to make bumpers.
  • Now the vessel is filled with liquid and it is inserted into the shaft on which is installed a smoking bowl. Typically, the liquid is poured so that the shaft fell into it by one - three centimeters. If you pour more water, then it will be very hard thrust. If not enough - the smoke is not enough cleaned and cooled. Ideally, the flask be poured ice-water.

After packing should ignite charcoal for hookah. There are both ordinary and bystrorazzhigayuschiysya. In the case of bystrorazzhigayuschegosya, should wait until the stop go acrid smoke from it. It is advisable not to stir up the coal in the bowl, and aside from a hookah.

Before starting smoking session, hookah is reckled. Usually it takes up to ten tightness. The fact that a hookah is ready to use a thick dense smoke. Also that it is necessary to replace coal and / or tobacco indicates a weak transparent smoke.

What else can you fix hookah?

This section refers to a vessel with liquid and smoking bowl.

In the vessel you can pour, besides ordinary water, juice, wine, milk. It is believed that milk is better cleaning smoke from harmful substances. The volume of the fluid is the same. To mix with water and in what proportions - it remains at your discretion.

It is necessary to consider that any other liquid, in addition to water and milk, will give an extra taste. The taste of tobacco should not be interrupted by a sharp taste of fluid, but to be supplemented. And on the contrary, taste, for example, wine, should not be interrupted by the taste of strong tobacco.

As in the case of water, the ice cubes should be thrown into the flask.

Much more options for refueling can be invented with a bowl. Starting from the mix of various tastes of tobacco and ending with the use of fruit instead of a bowl. This option has its own advantages: in the fruit bowl, the tobacco does not burn, during coal, fruit juices moisturize tobacco and give a thin fruit taste.

How to prepare a fruit to install on hookah

Will be considered on the example of an orange.

  • Approximately half of the fruit is cut and the flesh is removed so that the semblance of the bowl is.
  • On the opposite side, make a hole so that the fruit is tightly satiated at the mine, not allowing holes, the presence of which will worsen the craving.

  • After putting the fruit at the mine, but before stuffing tobacco, the foil should be paved with holes. This will prevent tobacco getting into the mine. You can also pave bottom toothpicks.
  • Finish refueling hookah and open it. It is worth noting that more coal will be needed on the fruit cup, since it will not heat up as much as ceramic.

What was written in this article is only the basis. Trust yourself, do not be afraid to combine tastes. And get real pleasure from hookah.

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