How to lace a conversion

How to lace a conversion

Professional athletes and just lovers of comfortable shoes certainly know how important the correct lace is. Special attention should be paid to her with a "complex" foot - a flat foot or high rise, protruding with a thumb, ingrown with a nail or "bone".

The importance of the lacing method

Properly selected lacing is not only beautiful, but also practical. She is able to turn any sports training in both pleasure and solid torment. Interestingly, the most common boots \\ sneakers \\ sneakers with 3 row holes can be laced in more than 43,000 ways. This is what their number gathered a resident of Australia, a collector and enthusiast Y. Figure. Fitness coaches and various sports, doctors and orthopedists insist that the lacing should be selected individually for compliance with hygiene and convenience.

Lacing for a wide foot

How to determine the "wide" stop? If during running or walking shoes, the footsteps, stop or fingers are neglected (although everything was sitting perfectly during fitting) - this lacing is suitable for you. Its lower part must be blocked and relaxed and relaxed, but in no case do not tighten the tight. Sneakers or sneakers in such a situation should also be selected by the type of holes for shoelaces. Very good if they are done by Zigzag - one on, other closer. Bowls only in the near holes. At the same time, the two lower rows do not intersect, and let the side of the sideway. At the top with a crossroads and check, is not too tight - the tip of the finger should penetrate under the lace.

Conversion lacing for narrow foot

If the shoes on the leg dangles and does not fix the foot firmly, you will wear a lacing for a narrow foot. Here are also preferred zigzag holes for laces, but it is necessary to negotiate the latter in long-range "holes". Tie the usual crosshead to the feeling of comfort.

Lace for foot with high lifting

Here, the ideal way will be the lacing horizontal stitches. They can be made any convenient length, so fit gently under their foot. This is not the best way for running, but optimal, if the calculation for a walk or classes in the gym.

Lacing conversions for wide sock and narrow heel

If there is a sense of instability while walking, the foot in the boot shifts forward, it means that the lacing of the "wide toe" type will be required. Tightening the shoelaces here is tight and cross will increase, but the penultimate holes spend on the sides, as in the way for a wide foot.

Types of shoelars

Laces are made from various materials - synthetics, cotton, leather. We will remember that cotton is delayed better than synthetic, but it wear out faster and rush. Synthetic is inclined to slide, and the laces from it are to be unleashed at an inappropriate moment. It is necessary to tie them by special nodes, for example, as in the video below.

No matter how it is written about the type of lacing, in fact there is only one immutable rule: try multiple ways and listen to your feelings. Only they will prompt that it is convenient and suitable in each case.

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