How to stretch sneakers

How to stretch sneakers

Everyone came across the problem of not quite suitable shoes. And as if carefully you have neglected and chose a new thing, it is often in the process of socks it turns out to be cramped, narrow, rubs my legs and causes every discomfort. However, you should not hurry to put a new couple on the shelf and forget about its existence. Almost any shoes can be cut and make it comfortable for the foot. In this article we will talk about how to stretch sneakers.

Washing fashion

This is the so-called "army" method of stretching sneakers. It is necessary to take thick cotton socks. We wash them in warm water and squeeze carefully. We dress the wet socks on the leg and carry legs into the squeezing shoe. We go to sneakers until the socks are completely drying. As soon as the socks dried, sneakers remove and tightly stuff them with a crumpled newspaper. This is done in order for the newspaper to absorb the remaining moisture inside the shoes.

Alcoholic method

For this method, we need alcohol or at the worst end of the most common vodka. Abundantly wet the sneakers from the inside of the cooked liquid and put on to the feet. Then we are wetting the sneakers from above and wearing about two hours. In this way, we will not only grow out our sneakers, but we will make softer hard parts.

Chemical method

Perhaps the most popular and uncomplicated way. For him we will need a special spray for stretching shoes. You can buy it at any shoe store. We process the means the inner surface of the sneakers and wear them. In the treated shoe, you need to look for some time until you feel that hard places have become softer, and the shoes are comfortably sat down. The chemical method is suitable for sneakers and sneakers from genuine leather. However, before proceeding with the use, it is necessary to test the reaction test to the material. We applied in an invisible place a little means, you can apply on the edge of the shoe tongue or from the inside of the lacing. If, after a couple of hours, the skin in the place of application changed the color - use this product is prohibited. If the color has not changed - we boldly use the tool.

Ice method

For him we will need a plastic bag, ordinary water and a refrigerator. Sneakers are carefully mine and dried. Then we type water and tie it tightly. We check that the package does not turn out to be leaning or torn. Insert a package with water into our shoes and remove it into the freezer. At the heart of the method - the property of water to increase its volume when moving from a liquid state into solid. We wait until the liquid freeze, and take out our sneakers. Immediately, the package cannot be removed - the liner must be slightly set, then take it carefully. The method works very well, but it should be noted that too thin material this kind of stretching can damage.

Arid method

The method is suitable for stretching specifically sprinkling or gulling leather elements of the sneakers. For him we will need the most ordinary hairdryer. Under the action of hot air, the skin stretches and take the desired shape. Observe caution when the seam zone is heated, as the glue in the seams from too hot air can flow.

In fact, there is a huge number of ways to stretch sneakers at home. It is necessary to weigh all the "for" and "against", to evaluate your capabilities and only then begin to independently rescue the shoes. If you are afraid to experiment on new sneakers, you should be attributed to a good workshop for repair and restoration of shoes. It is stretched there with special metal pads, which heat and gradually bring shoes to the desired size. Usually it takes a couple of days.

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