How to soften shoes

How to soften shoes

People are looking for comfortable soft shoes, but buying does not always justify expectations. Over time, individual areas of shoes become rigid, some leather loses elasticity in the sock. To eliminate such troubles, there are various ways that can be applied at home.

General shoe processing tips

Shoes can not be stretched in length, you can only change the width of the sample. If the sock does not arise to straighten the foot, then the shoes are better changed. Leather shoes are better deformed than products from synthetic material. Some methods, for example, softening with hot air, do not act on leatherette or nylon. To shoes made of thin skin you can not apply a larger load. After the procedure, the material loses fats, its elastic properties deteriorate, so be sure to cover the skin with cream.

For softening the skin, do not use sunflower oil and glycerin. After drying the oil, the skin becomes even tougher, and the glycerin makes skin brittle. The most effective way of stretching the shoes is considered to soften the skin in various ways with the subsequent hand. Before walking, put on the legs thick socks. In this case, shoes will take the shape of a leg with minimal leather damage limb.

Chemical fashion stretching shoes

Buy in the store a special fluid for softening shoes. It is usually produced in the form of spray. Sprinkle distressed areas and go to shoes. Before use, check how the substance reacts with the skin of the shoes, it happens that the shoes change the color. Shop fluid can be replaced with alcohol or cologne.

Using hot air and boiling water

Finger problem places shoe hairdryer, put on shoes and go. Repeat the procedure several times before getting the desired result. Make sure that hot air does not empty glue, and in general it is better not to warm the sword seams. Instead of a hair dryer, you can use hot water. To do this, cover the problem area with a fabric napkin and slowly pour boiling water on it. The skin is withstanding up to 300 degrees, so nothing will be done from hot water. After the procedure, you should be like a heated shoe.

Softening the skin with appliant means

Castor or linseed oil is the most budget options for reducing skin rigidity. Apply oil to the tissue napkin and wipe the restored area, repeat the procedure 1-2 times. Leave your shoes for two days to impregnate the substance, after which the shoes can be worn. Please note that after the Caster in the shoes there will remain its smell, and the size of the shoes may increase - castor oil softens even thick skin. Also, after using an oil based on oil, the shoes darkens, use other means for light shoes. To mitigate the back, the paraffin candle is suitable - soda in the substance back of the shoes. If after walking the bake of the skin, lubricate the boots from the inside with a three-percent solution of vinegar.

For light skin, you can cook the cream yourself. Mix in equal parts children's cream and shoe colorless cream, which includes bee wax. Apply a substance for shoes and leave until complete absorption. Instead of children's cream, you can use fatty cow milk.

Use pads

Special shoe stretching pads are sold in stores, repeating the shape of the leg. Special screw construction affects shoes from the inside and expands it to the desired result. The kit includes nozzles that allow you to adjust only certain boot areas. Instead of pads in the shoe, you can fill the newspaper, but it is necessary to ensure that the shoes are not deformed elsewhere.

If the problems arose with an expensive thing, for example, shoes have become very rigid, do not experiment, refer to the specialists. Many dry-cleaners are taken for repairing the flawed shoes.

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