How to stretch leather shoes

How to stretch leather shoes

From the fact, it is convenient to go to the shoes, the workability, the mood of man and his health depends. Wearing close shoes can provoke certain problems - the formation of a holopal, corns, curvature of the fingers, it also adversely affects the spine. It is extremely important that the casual shoes be comfortable and comfortable. If the new shoes click on width or length, the best way is to trust the shoe master. It will stretch it with machine tools and shoe pads. If there is no possibility to attribute shoes in the workshop, you can resort to simple folk methods for stretching leather shoes at home.

Use of special funds

The first option and the most logical one is to cut close leather shoes. Special spray can be purchased at a shoe store. We apply a remedy for the inner surface of the shoes, trying not to get on the skin outside. If there is no possibility to purchase spray, you should not despair - you can make close shoes using conventional water. We take problem shoes, we pour inside with water and put on a pair of thick, preferably woolen sock. After that, as long as you go around the apartment in order to unwind the shoes. Consider if the skin is not natural, unpredictable and unpleasant consequences of such a method of vapor are possible.

Bulk with chemicals

The following option lies in swollen using alcohol, cologne or vinegar. Pour the solution into shoes, wear woolen socks and walk around the apartment. The disadvantage of this method is a rather unpleasant specific smell. Soap solution to get rid of it.

Swimming using boiling water

In this case, we take a pair of fascinating a close shoe, we blow the skin with boiling water from the inside and drain the water. After that, we dug problem shoes using warm socks. Do not remove shoes before it is complete drying.

Stretching with a hair dryer

We put on the feet of warm sock and shoes, after which in the opening or flexion of the shoes, we guide the hot air flow with a hair dryer. Hold the hairdryer 5 minutes and turn off - you need to give shoes to cool without removing it. The thermal processing option is dangerous, but has the right to exist. Shoes slightly stretching, but if the material is poor quality, there is a chance to ruin the appearance.

Stretching using wet paper

A rather popular way of stretching close shoes is the use of wet newspapers. Shoes are kept over the steam, then tightly stuff with wet paper. We do it carefully, avoiding its deformation. Leave shoes at room temperature before drying. Note that heating devices and the Sun contribute to the deformation of the shoes and can spoil the skin.

Stretching leather shoe cold

An option opposite to the thermal method - stretching close shoes with cold. We put in every pair of polyethylene bag with water. We put shoes in the freezer at night. Get it out of the freezer and waiting when the ice starts to melt, carefully take out the packages. This method is effective when stretching close shoes both in width and length. Spilling, the water fills the entire space of shoes, and freezing begins to expand and stretch shoes.

If you have purchased close leather shoes, which for some reason is not refundable or exchanged, you should not despair. There is a unique opportunity using folk recipes at home, effectively stretch it. To do this, it is necessary to apply one of the above-listed ways, choosing a more acceptable option.

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