How to choose tourist shoes

How to choose tourist shoes

When gathering in a short breakthrough around the neighborhoods of the native city or in a long trip to the other end of the country, take care of the shoes. It is from a comfortable state of foot and the endurance of the traveler, and his mood and even a normal physical condition.

Basic requirements for tourist shoes

Hike shoes should be:

  • comfortable;
  • durable;
  • waterproof;
  • easy.

What happens tourist shoes

Different shoes are used in different campaigns.


They are suitable in almost all cases. They can walk on and soft litter of the forest, and in a dirt road, and on mountain slopes, but with rounded stones. Sneakers are also suitable for fusion along rivers. When choosing sneakers, preference is worth paying models from genuine leather and with a very flexible sole. In the summer it is better to use sneakers with an upper mesh part that passes well.

Tracking boots

Without them, it is not necessary when climbing in the mountain or movement in complex rough terrain. High boots are well wrapped with ankle joint and prevent dislocation with an unsuccessful fall or slipping from a wet stone. Modern patterns of trekking boots are available with multi-layer soles and riding, imitating the membrane. The material of the vertex is permeated with the smallest holes, through which heat from the inside does not leave, and the moisture is evaporated. The multi-layered sole contributes to the fact that the stop does not feel any discomfort at all when moving even on very sharp stones. For winter campaigns there are special boots with insulation.


Sports Sandals

Such shoes are suitable for not too long movements in the sand or soft short grass in the steppe. Sandals need to have in a backpack so that they are rearranged on a prival - legs in them are more quickly resting than in the same sneakers or shoes. Sports sandals must necessarily have a closed heel and a rather thick sole.

Tourist Shoe Size

When buying shoes for hiking, you should use the rule "per particle size". But the rule applies only to sneakers and shoes. No matter how comfortable shoes, selected strictly in size, difficulties may arise in the hike. The fact is that with a crowded in a vertical position, the legs begin to swell and then the sneakers on the legs are closely. Squeezing the stop leads to the formation of corns and reinforced sweating.

Sandals for hiking are bought precisely that size, which person is used to wearing. This open light shoes must make a tight foot.

What's different tourist-from traveler

Whatever shoes choose the future traveler, it can not be absolutely new to dress. Before these sneakers, shoes or sandals need to "deal" around the house or on the street. It is desirable to wear sneakers and shoes with different socks: cotton or microfiber. For winter trips, this shoes need to try with warm socks. If you pay attention to the spreadsheet of shoes at least a couple of hours a day and during the week, then tourist shoes will acquire the shape of the foot and the leg in it will be comfortable. For any hiking, it is better to stock up at least a couple of couples to change the grinding sneakers on dry or shoes with a very thick sole on the same, but lightweight.

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