How to tie soles

How to tie soles

Despite the abundance of clothes and shoes of various styles, colors and brands in stores, knitting still remains the favorite female occupation. This is more than a hobby! For women, this is a rest, creativity, self-expression, manifestation of love and care for close and to yourself. One of the most popular products for knitting is shoes in different versions and hosiery products. Beginner needlewomen often arises a natural question, how to link the sole, since it is from it that the knitting of these products begins.

Since the sole is the part of the knitted shoe, which is not working first of all, you need to carefully approach the choice of threads and patterns for it. To knit adult slippers, they usually use a stronger thread, by type of hemp rope, and for children - acrylic. To connect the sole of strong, you can add a synthetic thread to knitting. Posted by an additional rigidity to you will help with a special thermal lining material. From it, the rectangle is cut on the size of the foot, it is carved to the sole and cut down the contour.

Before connecting the sole of the product you choose, you need to measure the foot. To do this, use a regular sheet of paper A4, which needs to circulate the foot contour. After you can proceed to knitting. Footwear and hosiery can be knitted with knitting and crochet. Variants of mating there are many. Let us dwell on those that will be available to beginners.

Consider to start how to link the sole of the crochet on the example of the booties. We will knit on a foot length equal to 12 cm, threads of thick acrylic and crochet №4.5 (the size of the hook is always indicated on the label, which corresponds to these threads). Please note if you have chosen threads and the hook number thinner specified or the size of the leg for which you knit will be more specified, you need to gain more air loops.

As usual when crocheted crochet, you first pick up air loop chain. In our example, they are 13. Now Introduce the hook in the fourth loop to check the column with the Cathoid. And in the same hole, I will see another column with Nakid. Eight more of the same columns knit until the end of the chain, and in the last loop, they encounter six columns with Nakud. Similarly, we encourage eight columns with Nakad on the other hand.

Now, in that loop, where we have two columns with Nakud (near the three free air loops), in addition to these same columns. We connect a series of connective loop. Next, we encourage three lifting air loops. In the next loop again knit two columns with Nakud. In a row, there are six columns with Nakud and begin to form a heel. In prior to the three columns without a Nakid, and in the next loop - two of the same columns. And behind them four times two columns without Nakida in each loop.

Next, it is symmetrically linking a part of the sole from the opposite side - we reinstate the three columns without an ingredient and six with Nakud. In order for the sole to be rounded, we have two columns with an attachment in one loop, repeat this process two more times. In the hole where the lifting loops are located, we have a column with Nakud. We finish this stage of knitting the connective loop. Knit lifting loop, after which we bind the soles with columns without Nakid. Complete the knitting of the connective loop, cutting the thread and fix from the inside.

In order to link the soles with the knitting needles, measure the length and width of the foot. By width, we determine the number of dialed loops, and in length - the number of rows. The key indicator for determining the number of loops is the density of knitting. If you have gained 10 loops and it turned out 5 cm, it means that knitting density 2 loops in 1 cm. Accordingly, if the width of the baby's foot 15 cm, then you need to connect 30 loops. Drawing a loop for width, knit the required number of rows in length. The product should get a rectangular shape - this is the sole.

There are different options, how to link the sole for different products. Repeat on the proposed simple scheme, and after you can safely move towards the encouragement of your own masterpieces.

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