How to tie a crochet wash

How to tie a crochet wash

Bright comfortable washcloth can be easily associated in a few hours alone. It can be a round urine with air loops, a small children's, a murderer-mitten and even long with handles for the back. This is the case of taste and workshop abilities. To do this, you will need a hook number 5, multi-colored catericon threads and a bit of fantasy. It only remains to buy the necessary materials and carefully read the simple instructions from this article.

For the masters of this type of needlework, tie up the washcloth will be very easy and will take about 40 minutes. The technique provides for a simple canvas, loops without an attachment and a conventional circular mating. In more complex models there may be an additional knob and a lot of air long loops. However, newcomers will also succeed.

Tie with crocheted wash with handles

This dumb rike is quite simple. Approximate volume of the washcloth is a chain of 40-45 air loops connected to the ring.

  • Slip 6 pins with loops without a nakid, and starting with the seventh, knit long loops. The loops are inside the washcloth.
  • Insert the appropriate length of the washcloth (approximately 25-30 cm).
  • Soak the washcloth with air loops outside and end it with six ordinary without Cidid by columns, as at the very beginning.
  • In the middle you can place the foam rubber so that the gel is perfectly foamed.
  • The handles can be associated with air loops and sew to the washcloth. Alternatively, you can sew satin ribbons or crocheted cord as a handle.

Loose with crocheted mobby

Such a washcloth of kapron thread knit undesirable. For skin, it will be tough and uncomfortable. It is better for these purposes to acquire threads of flax or sisal. The difficulty of knitting such a washcloth is the formation of a niche for thumb. If you with a crochet still "on you", it is better to connect a thing without a separate cell for thumb.

How to link the product:

  • You dial 25 air loops and associate them in a circle.
  • Slip the web with columns without an inlets in the height of the hand.
  • Go to the subsequent row with the help of an air loop.
  • When the base of the mittens is finished, crosslink the upper ends: insert the top with the lower column with a semi-roll.
  • The residue of the thread attach and cut off.

Tie a crochet with a flower washbox for children

Multicolored linen threads will rise to the basics of the washcloth, it will get soft and attractive to the child.

  • 55 airclakes are gaining and tied 7 rows b / n columns, leaving the thread.
  • Additionally, you can penetrate air loops. So that they can be careful to use a ruler.
  • You get a tape from which the ball is formed: you need to collect it at one edge in the form of a harmonica. As a result, it turns out a ball-bud.

Byading the skill, you can knit funny hedgehogs, ladybugs, mittens with your favorite heroes for your baby and for the whole family. And you can use your talent for creating original bath gifts from the Hand-Made series.

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